Dictionary of Anatomical Latin

Terminologia Anatomica

Each entry contains a sound file to help you with the pronunciation of the word (see the page on pronunciation above). The Anatomical Latin Dictionary on this website is formatted similar to a Latin dictionary. The following will help you to understand this format. 


The first word in each Latin dictionary entry is the nominative singular form of the noun. 

                  vena, -ae, f. vein

     corpus, corporis, n. body

The second piece of information in a Latin dictionary entry is the genitive singular form of the noun. This is important information because the genitive singular reveals which declension the noun belongs to. For third declension nouns, the genitive singular also reveals the root of the noun, which is not evident in the nominative singular for many of these nouns. 

                  vena, -ae, f. vein

​     corpus, corporis, n. body

The third piece of information in a Latin dictionary entry is the gender of the noun (neuter = n., feminine = f. and masculine = m.). 

                  vena, -aef. vein

     corpus, corporis, n. body

The fourth piece of information in a Latin dictionary entry is the meaning of the Latin word.

                  vena, -ae, f. vein

     corpus, corporis, n. body



The Latin dictionary entries for nouns and adjectives are distinguishable by their basic format. Latin dictionary entries for nouns provide the genitive singular form of the noun and the gender of the noun. Latin dictionary entries for adjectives simple provide the nominative singular forms of the adjective. 

 Noun: corpus, corporis, n. body Adjective:  corporalis, -e, corporal

First and Second Declension Type Adjectives: The dictionary entries for the first and second declension type adjectives show the nominative singular endings (masculine, feminine, and neuter) of the adjective in the following way:

  externus, -a, -um external  = 

externus (masc., nom., sing.)externa (fem., nom., sing.) externum (neut., nom., sing.)

      sinister, -tra, -trum left =

sinister (masc., nom., sing.)sinistra (fem., nom., sing.)sinistrum (neut., nom., singular)

Third Declension Type Adjectives: The dictionary entries for third declension adjectives are the nominative (masculine, feminine, and neuter) singular endings for these adjectives.

  medialis, -e,  medial (toward the middle) =

  medialis (masc., or fem., nom., sing.),mediale (neut., nom., sing.)

Comparative Adjectives: The dictionary entries for a comparative adjective is as follows:

inferior, -us,  inferior, more below =

inferior (masc. or fem., nom., sing.)inferius (neut., nom., sing.)

major, -us,  greater

major (masc. or fem., nom., sing.),majus (neut., nom., sing.)

Participles: Active participles are declined like third declension adjectives. However, unlike the previous third declension adjectives they have one inflectional ending for the masc., fem., and neut. in the singular nominative case.

afferens, afferent (carrying toward)

communicans,communicant(sharing, communicating)

reuniens, reunient (joining again, reuniting)

Please note that the etymological gloss can be found in the parentheses.

abdomen, abdominis,n. abdomen (L. Belly)


 abdomen, abdominis, n. abdomen (L. belly)

abdominalis, -e, abdominal  (fr. L. abdomen, belly)

abdominopelvicus, -a, -um, abdominopelvic (L. abdomen, belly + L. pelvis, basin)

abducens,  abducent (fr. L. abducere, to lead away)

abductio, abductionis, f. abduction (fr. L. abducere, to lead away)

abductoextensor, abductoextensoris, m. abductoextensor (fr. L. abducere, to lead away + extendere, to stretch out, extend)

abductor, abductoris, m. abductor (fr. L. abducere, to lead away)

aberrans, aberrant (fr. L. aberrare, to wander, to lose one’s way)

accessorius, -a, -um, accessory (fr. L. accedere, to come near or approach) 

accipiens, accipient (fr. L. accipere, to receive, take)

accumbens, accumbent (fr. L. accumbere, to lie next to or down) 

 acetabularis, -e, acetabular (fr. L. acetabulum a saucer for vinegar)  

 acetabulum, -i, n. acetabulum (L. a saucer for vinegar)  

 acromialis, -e, acromial (fr. Gr. akromion = akros, top + omos, shoulder)

 acromioclavicularis, -e, acromioclavicular (fr. Gr. akromion + fr. L. clavis, a key)

acromion, -i, n. acromion (fr. Gr. akromion = akros, top + omos, shoulder)

acusticus, -a, -um,  acoustic (fr. Gr. akoustikos, pertaining to hearing)  

adductio, adductionis, f. adduction (fr. L. adducere, to lead toward)

adductor, adductoris, m. adductor (fr. L. adducere, to lead toward)

adductorius, -a, -um, adductor (fr. L. adducere, to lead toward)

adenohypophysis, -is, f. adenohypophysis, anterior pituitary (fr. Gr. aden, gland + hypo, beneath + fr. Gr. physis, growth, nature)

adhesio, adhesionis, f. adhesion (L. adhaesio, clinging to)

adiposus, -a, -um, adipose, fat  (fr. L. adeps, soft fat of animals)

aditus, -us, m. aditus, inlet (L. a going to, access)

adminiculum, -i, n. adminiculum, attachment (L. a support, prop) 

adrenergicus, -a, -um, adrenergic (fr. L. ad-, toward + fr. ren, kidney + fr. Gr. ergon, work)

adventitius, -a, -um,  adventitia (fr. L. adventicius, coming from outside)

afferens,  afferent (fr. adferre, to bring to)

affixus, -a, -um, affixed (fr. L. adfigere, to fasten to)

agger, aggeris,  m.  agger (L. a heap or mound)

aggregatio, -ionis, f. aggregation (fr. L. aggregare, to from a mound)

aggregatus, -a, -um, aggregated (fr. L. aggregare, to from a mound)

ala, -ae, f.  ala (L. a wing)

alaris, -e, alar (fr. L. ala, a wing) 

albicans, albicant (fr. L. albicare, to be white)

albugineus, -a, -um,   albuginea (fr. L. albugo, whiteness)

albus, -a, -um, white (fr. L. white) 

allocortex, allocorticis, m. allocortex  (Gr. allos, other + L. cortex, bark, rind)

alveolaris, -e, alveolar (fr. L. alveolus, little cavity, bucket)

alveolus, -i, m. alveolus (L. little cavity, bucket)

alveus, -i, m. alveus (L. cavity, hollow)

ambiens, ambient (fr. L. ambire, to surround)

ambiguus, -a, -um, ambiguous (L. moving side to side, of doubtful nature)

amiculum, -i, n. amiculum (L. mantle, cloak)

aminergicus, -a, -um, aminergic (fr. Fr. amine + Gr. ergon, work)

Ammon, Ammonis, m. Ammon (fr. L. Ammon, a ram-headed Libyan deity) 

amphiarthrosis, -is, f. amphiarthosis (fr. Gr. amphi-, both, all around + Gr. arthrosis, articulation of a joint)

ampulla, -ae, f. ampulla (L. flask, bottle) 

ampullaris, -e, ampullar (fr. L. ampulla, flask, bottle) 

amygdala, -ae, f. amygdala (fr. Gr. amygdale, almond)

amygdaloclaustralis, -e, amygdaloclaustral (fr. Gr. amygdale, almond + L. claustrum, enclosure)

amygdaloideus, -a, -um, amygdaloid (fr. Gr. amygdale, almond + fr. Gr. eidos, form, shape)

amygdalopiriformis, -e, amygdalopiriform (fr. Gr. amygdale, almond + L. pirum, pear + forma, shape)

analis, -e, anal (fr. L. anus, ring, anatomical anus)

anastomosis, -is, f. anastomosis (fr. Gr. anastomosis, an opening, outlet)

anastomoticus, -a, -um, anastomotic (fr. Gr. anastomosis, an opening, outlet)

anatomicus, -a, -um, anatomic (fr. Gr. anatome, dissection)

anconeus, -a, -um, anconeus (fr. Gr. ankonion, elbow)

angularis, -e, angular (fr. L angulus, corner, angle)

angulus, -i, m. angle (L. corner)

anococcygeus, -a, -um, anococcygeal (fr. L. anus, anatomical anus + Gr. kokkyx, cuckoo, i.e. resembling a cuckoo’s beak)

anocutaneus, -a, -um, anocutaneous (fr. L. anus, anatomical anus + L. cutis, skin)

anomalis, -e, anomalous (fr. Gr. anomalos, irregular, uneven)

anoperinealis, -e, anoperineal (fr. L. anus, anatomical anus + Gr. perineos, space between anus and genital) 

anorectalis, -e, anorectal (fr. L. anus, anatomical anus + L. rectus, straight, i.e. straight part of the colon)

anorectoperinealis, -e, anorectoperineal (fr. L. anus, anatomical anus + L. rectus, straight, i.e. straight part of the colon + Gr. perineos, space between anus and genital)  

ansa,-ae, f. ansa (L. handle, haft) 

anserinus, -a, -um, anserine (fr. L anser, goose, i.e. resembling a goose’s neck)

ansiformis, -e, ansiform (fr. L. ansa, handle, haft + L. forma, shape, form)

ansoparamedianus, -a, -um, ansoparamedian (fr. L. ansa, handle + Gr. para-, alongside, near + fr. L. medius, middle)

antebrachialis, -e, antebrachial (fr. L. antebrachium, forearm)

antebrachium, i, n. forearm (L. forearm)  

anterior, anterius, anterior (L. more in front of)

anterodorsalis, -e, anterodorsal (L. anterior, more in front of + L. dorsalis, of the back)

anteroinferior, -ius, anteroinferior (L. anterior, more in front of + L. inferior, lower) 

anterolateralis, -e, anterolateral (L. anterior, more in front of + L. lateralis, of the side)

 anteromedialis, -e, anteromedial (L. anterior, more in front of + L. medialis, of the middle)

anteromedianus, -a,  –um, anteromedian (L. anterior, more in front of + L. medianus, of the middle)

anterosuperior, -ius, anterosuperior (L. anterior, more in front of + L. superior, higher)

anteroventralis, -e, anteroventral (L. anterior, more in front of + L. ventralis, of the belly)

antihelicus, -a, -um, antihelic (fr. Gr. antihelix, anti– against + helicus something spiral-shaped)

antihelix,  -icis, f. antihelix (fr. Gr. anti-, against + helix, something spiral-shaped)

antitragicus, -a, -um, antitragic (fr. Gr. anti– against + tragos, he-goat, prominence in front of the opening of the external ear)

antitragohelicinus, -a, -um, antitragohelicinous (fr. Gr. anti– against + tragos, he-goat, prominence in front of the opening of the external ear + helix, something spiral-shaped)

antitragus, -i, m. antitragus (fr. Gr. anti– against + tragos, he-goat, prominence in front of the opening of the external ear)

antrum, -i, n. antrum (L. cave, hollow, sinus)

anularis, -e, annular (L. ring-like, of a ring)

anuloolivaris, -e, anuloolivary (L. anulus, ring + fr. L. olivaris, of a olive, olive-like)

anulus, -i, m. anulus (L. ring, ringlet)

anus, -i, m. anus (L. ring, anatomical anus)

aorta, -ae, f. aorta (fr. Gr. something hung, aorta artery of the heart) 

aorticorenalis, -e, aorticorenal (fr. L. aorticus, pertaining to the aorta + fr. L. renalis, pertaining to the kidney)

aorticus, -a, -um, aortic (L. aorticus, pertaining to the aorta)

apertura, -ae, f. aperture (fr. L. apertus, open, uncovered)

apex, -icis, m. apex (L. the top)

apicalis, -e, apical (L. top, of the apex)

apicoposterior, -ius, (L. apex, the top + posterior, more behind)

 aponeurosis, -is, f. aponeurosis (fr. Gr. the end of the muscle where is becomes tendinous)

aponeuroticus, -a, -um, aponeurotic (fr. Gr. aponeurosis, the end of the muscle where is becomes tendinous)

apophysis, -is, f. apophysis  (fr. Gr. apophysis, a process of bone fr. Gr. apo– apart from + Gr. physis, growth, nature, growth plate)

apparatus, -us, m. apparatus (L. equipment, provision, apparatus) 

appendicularis, -e, appendicular (fr. L. appendix, an addition, appendage)

appendix, -icis, f. appendix (fr. L. appendix, an addition, appendage)

approximalis, -e, approximal (fr. L. approximare, to come near)

aqueductalis, -e, aqueductal (fr. L. aquaeductus, a structure to convey water, aqueduct)

aqueductus, -us, m. aqueduct (L. aquaeductus, a structure to convey water, aqueduct)

aquosus, -a, -um, aqueous (L. watery, full of water)

arachnoidalis, -e, arachnoidal (fr. Gr. arachnoeides, resembling a spider, web-like) 

arachnoideamater, arachnoideamatris, f. arachnoid mater   (fr. Gr. arachnoeides, resembling a spider, web-like + L. mater, mother)

arachnoideus, -a, -um, arachnoid (fr. Gr. arachnoeides, resembling a spider, web-like) 

arbor,  arboris, f.  a tree (L. tree)  

archicerebellum, -i, n. archicerebellum (fr. Gr. archi– first, primitive + L. cerebellum, little brain, cerebellum)

archicortex, -icis, f. archicortex (fr. Gr. archi– first, primitive + L. cortex, bark, rind, outer part of organ)

arcuatus, -a, -um, arcuate (L. arched, bow-shaped) 

arcus, -us, m. arch (L. arch, bow, vault) 

area, -ae, f. area (L. level or open space)

areola, -ae, f. areola (L. a little open space)

areolaris,  -e, areolar (fr. L. areola, a little open space) 

arrector, -oris, m. arrector (fr. adrigere, to erect, lift up)

arteria, -ae, f. artery (L. windpipe, artery)

arterialis, -e, arterial (fr. L. arteria, windpipe, artery)

arteriola, -ae, f. arteriole (L. small windpipe, small artery)

arteriolovenularis, -e, arteriolovenular (L. arteriola, small artery + venula, small vein)

arteriosus, -a, -um, arterious  (fr. L. arteria, artery)

 arteriovenosus, -a, -um, arteriovenous (fr. L. arteria, artery + vena, vein)

arthrosis, -is, f. arthosis (fr. Gr. articulation of a joint)

articularis, -e, articular (L. relating to joints)

articulatio, articulationis, f. articulation (L. a joint or joining)

aryepiglotticus, -a, -um, aryepiglottic (arytenoid fr. Gr. arytaivoeides, shaped like a cup or ladle + epiglottis, upon the layrnx/tongue, epiglottis)  

arytenoideus, -a, -um, arytenoid (fr. Gr. arytaivoeides, shaped like a cup or ladle) 

ascendens, ascendent, ascending  (fr. L. ascendere, to mount, go up, ascend) 

asper, aspera, asperum, rough (L. rough)

associatio, associationis, f. association (fr. L. associare, to join with)

asterion, -i, n. asterion (fr. Gr. asteriovos, starry) 

atlanticus, -a, -um, atlantic (Gr. atlantikos, of Atlas)

atlantoaxialis, -e, atlantoaxial (Gr. atlantikos, of Atlas + fr. L. axis, a pole, axle)

atlantooccipitalis, -e, atlantoocipital (Gr. atlantikos, of Atlas + fr. L. occiput, back of the head)  

atlas, atlantis, m. atlas (fr. Gr. Atlas, the Greek mythological Titan whose punishment was to hold the heavens on his shoulders) 

atrialis, -e, atrial (fr. L. atrium, a foreroom in a Roman house)

atrioventricularis, -e, (fr. L. atrium, a foreroom in a Roman house + ventricula, little belly)

atrium, -i, n. atrium (L. a foreroom in a Roman house)

auditivus, -a, -um, auditory, (fr. L. audire, to hear)

auditorius, -a, -um, auditory (fr. L. audire, to hear)

auditus, -us, m. hearing (L. the sense of hearing)

auricula, -ae, f. auricula, pinna (L. lobe of the ear) 

auricularis, -e, auricular (fr. L. auricula, lobe of the ear)

auriculotemporalis, -e, auriculotemporal (fr. L. auricula, lobe of the ear + fr. L. tempus, temple of the head) 

auris, -is, f. ear (L. ear)

auscultatio, auscultationis, f. auscultation (fr. L. auscultare, to overhear, to listen attentively)

autonomicus, -a, -um, autonomic (fr. Gr. autos, self + fr. Gr. nomos, law, ordering)

avis, -is, f.  cornu posterius (L. bird)

axialis, -e, axial  (fr. L. axis, a pole, axle)

axilla, -ae, f. axilla (L. armpit) 

axillaris, -e, axillary (fr. L. axilla, armpit)

axis, -is, m. axis (L. a pole, axle)

azygos, *not declined, f. azygos (fr. Gr. a– not + zygon, yoke)


barba, -ae, f. beard (L. beard)

basalis, -e, basal (fr. L. basis, pedestal, base)

basilaris, -e, basilar (fr. L. basis, pedestal, base)

basilicus, -a, -um, basilic (L. royal, kingly)

basion, -i, n. basion (fr. Gr. step, base + –ion, diminutive)

basis, -is, f. base (L. pedestal, base)

basivertebralis, -e, basivertebral (fr. L. basis, pedestal, base + fr. L. vertebra, back bone, vertebra)

biceps, bicipitis, biceps (L. two-headed, having two heads)

bicipitalis, -e, bicipital (fr. L. biceps, bis/caput, having two heads)

bicipitoradialis, -e, bicipitoradial (fr. L. biceps, having two heads + fr. L. radius, rod, staff)

bicondylaris, -e, bicondylar (fr. L. bis, two + fr. Gr. kondylos, knuckle)

bifurcatio, bifurcationis, f. bifurcation (fr. L. bifurcus, having two prongs)

bifurcatus, -a, -um, bifurcate (fr. L. bifurcus, having two prongs)

bigeminalis, -e, bigeminal (fr. L. bigeminum, twin)

biliaris, -e, biliary (fr. L. bilis, gall, bile)

biliaropancreaticus, -a, -um, biliaropancreatic (fr. L. bilis, gall, bile + fr. Gr. pankreas, pancreas, ‘all flesh’)

bilifer, bilifera, biliferum, bilifer (fr. L. bilis, gall, bile + L. ferre, to bear)

bipennatus, -a, -um, bipennate (fr. L. bipennis, bis/penna, having two wings)

biventer, biventris, m. biventer (fr. L. bis + L. venter, belly)

biventralis, -e, biventral (fr. L. bis + L. venter, belly) 

brachialis, -e, brachial (fr. L. brachium, upper arm)

brachiocephalicus, -a, -um, brachiocephalic (fr. L. brachium, upper arm + fr. Gr. kephale, head)

brachioradialis, -e, brachioradial (fr. L. brachium, upper arm + radius, rod, staff)

brachium, -i, n. brachium, arm (L. upper arm)

bregma, bregmatis (nom. pl. bregmata), n. bregma (fr. Gr. front part of the skull at junction of the coronal and sagittal sutures)

brevis, -e, short (L. short)

bronchialis, -e, bronchial (fr. Gr. bronchos, windpipe, trachea)

bronchiolus, -i, m. brochiole (fr. Gr. bronchos, windpipe, trachea + iolus diminutive) 

bronchoaorticus, -a, -um, brochoaortic (fr. Gr. bronchos, windpipe, trachea +  fr. Gr. aorta, something hung, aorta artery of the heart) 

bronchomediastinalis, -e, bronchomediastinal (fr. Gr. bronchos, windpipe, trachea + L. mediastinus, intermediate, standing in the middle)

bronchooesophageus, -a, -um, bronchooesophageal (fr. Gr. bronchos, windpipe, trachea + fr. Gr. oisophagos, gullet, esophagus)

bronchopericardiacus, -a, -um, bronchopericardiac (fr. Gr. bronchos, windpipe, trachea + Gr. peri– around + fr. Gr. kardia, heart)

bronchopulmonalis, -e, bronchopulmonal (fr. Gr. bronchos, windpipe, trachea + L. pulmo, lung)

bronchus, -i, m. bronchus (fr. Gr. bronchos, windpipe, trachea)

bucca, -ae, f. cheek (L. cheek)

buccalis, -e, buccal (fr. L. bucca, cheek)

buccinator, buccinatoris, m. buccinator (L. buccina, horn, trumpet, muscle of cheek)

buccinatorius, -a, -um, buccinator (L. buccina, horn, trumpet, muscle of cheek)

buccopharyngealis, -e, buccopharyngeal (fr. L. bucca, cheek + fr. Gr. pharynx, throat, pharynx)

buccopharyngeus, -a, -um, buccopharyngeal (fr. L. bucca, cheek + fr. Gr. pharynx, pharyngos, the throat, pharynx)

bulbaris, -e, bulbar (fr. L. bulbus, a onion, a bulb)

bulbopontinus, -a, -um, bulbopontine (fr. L. bulbus, a onion, a bulb + fr. L. pons, bridge)

bulboreticulospinalis, -e, bulboreticulospinal (fr. L. bulbus, a onion, a bulb + L. reticulum, little net + L. spina, thorn, spine)

bulbospongiosus, -a, -um, bulbospongial (fr. L. bulbus, a onion, a bulb + fr. L. spongia, a sponge)

bulbourethralis, -e, bulbourethral (fr. L. bulbus, a onion, a bulb + fr. Gr. ourethra, urethra)

bulbus, -i, m. bulb (L. a onion, a bulb)

bulla, -ae, f. bulla (L. round swelling, water bubble, amulet) 

bursa, -ae, f. bursa (L. bag, pouch, sac)


caecalis, -e, caecal or cecal (fr. L. caecus, blind)

caecocolicus, -a, -um, caecocolic (fr. L. caecus, blind + fr. Gr. kolon, large intestine)

caecum, -i, n. caecum or cecum (fr. L. caecus, blind)

caecus, -a, -um, blind, non-visual, caecum or cecum (fr. L. caecus, blind)

caeruleospinalis, -e, caeruleospinal (fr. L. caeruleus, blue + L. spina, thorn, spine)

caeruleus, -a, -um,  caerulean (fr. L. caeruleus, blue)

calcaneocuboideus, -a, -um, calcaneocuboid (fr. L. calcaneum, heel + fr. Gr. kybos, a dice, cube + fr. Gr. eidos, form, shape) 

calcaneofibularis, -e, calcaneofibular (fr. L. calcaneum, heel + L. fibula, brooch, clasp)

calcaneonavicularis, -e, calcaneonavicular (fr. L. calcaneum, heel + fr. L. navicula, little ship, boat)

calcaneus, i, m. calcaneus (fr. L. calcaneum, heel)

calcar, -aris, n. spur (L. a spur) 

calcarinus, -a, -um, calcarine (fr. L. calcar, spur)

caliculus, i, m. caliculus, bud (L. bud, cup of a flower)

calix, calicis, m. calix or calyx (L. cup, drinking goblet) 

callosomarginalis, -e, callosomargninal (fr. L. callosus, hard-skinned, hard, solid + L. margo, border, edge)

callosus, -a, -um, callosus (fr. L. hard-skinned, hard, solid)

calvaria, -ae, f. calvaria (L. skull, fr. L. calvus, bald, without hair)

calx, calcis, f. the heel (L. the heel)

calyx, calycis, m. calyx (fr. Gr. kalyx, a cup of flower, shell) 

camera, -ae, f. chamber (L. vaulted chamber, vault)

campus, -i, m. field  (L. a level space, plain, or field)

canaliculus, -i, m. canaliculus (fr. L. a small canal)  

canalis, -is, m. canal (L. a waterpipe, channel, canal)

caninus, -a, -um, canine (L. relating to a dog)

capillaris, -e, capillary (fr. L. capillus, hair of the head)

capillus, -i, m. hair of the head (L. hair of the head)

capitatus, -a, -um, capitatus (fr. L. caput, head) 

capitularis, -e, capitular (fr. L. caput, head)

capitulum, -i, n. capitulum (fr. L. little head)

capsula, -ae, f. capsule (L. a little chest) 

capsularis, -e, capsular (fr. L. capsula, a little chest)

caput, capitis, n. head (L. head)

cardia, -ae, f. heart (fr. Gr. kardia, heart)

cardiacophrenicus, -a, -um, cardiacophrenic (L. cardiacus, pertaining to the stomach, fr. Gr. kardiakos, belonging to the heart + fr. Gr. phrev, midriff, mind, diaphragm)

cardiacus, -a, -um, cardiac (L. pertaining to the stomach, fr. Gr. kardiakos, belonging to the heart)

cardialis, -e, cardial (fr. Gr. kardia)

cardinalis, -e, cardinal (L. of a hinge, principal, that which upon which something depends on)

cardiovascularis, -e, cardiovascular (fr. Gr. kardia, heart + fr. L. vasculum, a small vessel)

cardium, -i, n. cardium (fr. Gr. kardia, heart + –ium, tissue, structure)

carina, -ae, f. carina (L. the keel of a ship)

carneus, -a, -um, carneus (L. or flesh, flesh-colored)

caroticotympanicus, -a, -um, caroticotympanic (fr. Gr. karotides, carotid arteries, fr. karos, heavy sleep, torpor + Gr. tympanon, a drum)  

caroticus, -a, -um, carotid (fr. Gr. karotides, carotid arteries, fr. karos, heavy sleep, torpor)

carotis, -is, f. carotid (fr. Gr. karotides, carotid arteries, fr. karos, heavy sleep, torpor)

carpalis, -e, carpal (fr. Gr. karpos, wrist)

carpometacarpalis, -e, carpometacarpal  (fr. Gr. karpos, wrist + fr. Gr. meta-, beyond + Gr. karpos, wrist)

carpus, -i, m. wrist (fr. Gr. karpos, wrist)

cartilagineus, -a, -um, cartilaginous (fr. L. cartilago, gristle, cartilage) 

 cartilago, cartilaginis, f. cartilage (L.  gristle, cartilage) 

caruncula, -ae, f. caruncle (L. small swelling of flesh, fr. L. caro, flesh)

cauda, -ae, f. tail (L. tail of an animal)

caudalis, -e, caudal (fr. L. cauda, tail of an animal)

caudatolenticularis, -e, caudotalentcular (L. caudatus, tailed, with tail + L. lenticularis, of a lens)

caudatus, -a, -um, caudate (L. tailed, with tail)

cavalis, -e, caval (fr. cavus, hollow, concave; *pertaining to the vena cava)

cavea, -ae, f.  cage (L. a hollow place, cavity)

caverna, -ae, f.  cavern (L. a grotto, cavern)

cavernosus, -a, -um, cavernous (fr. L. caverna, a grotto, cavern)

cavitas, cavitatis, f. cavity (L. a cavity)

cavum, -i, n. cave (L. a cave)

cavus, -a, -um, cavus (L. hollow, concave; *typically used with vena cava)

cellula, -ae, f. cell (L. a little chamber or room)

cellularis, -e, cellular (fr. L. cellula, a little chamber or room)

cementum, -i, n. cement (fr. L. caementum, rough stone for making mortar)

centralis, -e, central (L. pertaining to center)

centromedianus, -a, -um, centromedian (L. centralis, pertaining to center + fr. L. medius, middle)

centrum, -i, n. center (L. center)

cephalicus, -a, -um, cephalic (fr. Gr. kephale, head)

ceratocricoideus,  –a, –um, ceratocricoid (fr. Gr. keras, keratos, horn, horn-like + fr. Gr. krikos, a ring)

ceratoglossus, -a, -um, ceratoglossus (fr. Gr. keras, keratos, horn, horn-like + fr. Gr. glossa, tongue)

ceratopharyngeus, -a, -um, ceratopharyngeal (fr. Gr. keras, keratos, horn, horn-like + pharynx, pharyngos, throat; pharynx)

cerebellaris, -e, cerebellar (fr. L. cerebellum, the little brain; cerebellum)

cerebellomedullaris, -e, cerebellomedullar (fr. L. cerebellum, the little brain; cerebellum + L. medulla, marrow; medulla oblongata)

cerebelloolivaris, -e, cerebello-olivary (fr. L. cerebellum, the little brain; cerebellum + fr. L. oliva, olive) 

cerebellum, -i, n. cerebellum (L. the little brain; cerebellum)

cerebralis, -e, cerebral (fr. L. cerebrum, the brain; cerebrum)

cerebrospinalis, -e, cerebrospinal (fr. L. cerebrum, the brain; cerebrum + fr. L. spina, thorn, spine) 

cerebrum, -i, n. cerebrum (L. the brain; cerebrum)

cervicalis, -e, cervical (fr. L. cervix, cervicis, neck)

cervicothoracicus, -a, -um, cervicothoracic (fr. L. cervix, cervicis, neck + fr. L. thorax, thoracis, breastplate; thorax)

cervix, cervicis, f. neck (L. neck)

chemergicus, -a, -um, chemical (fr.  ?Gr. chemeia, a pouring  + fr. Gr. ergon, work)

chiasma, chiasmatis, (nom. pl. chiasmata,) n. chiasm (Gr. a crossing, fr. Gr. letter chi, χ)

chiasmaticus, -a, -um, chiasmatic (Gr. chiasma, a crossing, fr. Gr. letter chi, χ)

chirurgicus, -a, -um, surgical (fr. Gr. cheirourgia, work done by hand, handicraft) 

choana, -ae, f. choana (Gr. choane, a funnel)

choanalis, -e, choanal (fr. Gr. choane, a funnel)

choledochus, -a, -um, bile (fr. Gr. choledochos, containing bile)

cholinergicus, -a, -um, cholinergic (choline fr. Gr. chole, bile + Gr. ergon, work)

chondralis, -e, chondral (fr. Gr. chondros, cartilage) 

chondrium, -i, n. chondrium (fr. Gr. chondros, cartilage) 

chondrocranium, -i, n. chrondrocranium (fr. Gr. chondros, cartilage + L. cranium, skull) 

chondroglossus, -a, -um, chondroglossus (fr. Gr. chondros, cartilage + Gr. glossa, tongue) 

chondropharyngeus, -a, -um, chondropharyngeal (fr. Gr. chondros, cartilage + fr. Gr. pharynx, pharyngos, the throat, pharynx)

chorda, -ae, f. cord (fr. Gr. chorde, string, gut)

choroidea, -ae, f. choroid (fr. Gr. chorioeides, resembling the fetal membrane; choroid of the eye)

choroideus, -a, -um, choroidal (fr. Gr. chorioeides, resembling the fetal membrane; choroid of the eye)

choroidocapillaris, -e, choroidocapillary (fr. Gr. chorioeides, resembling the fetal membrane; choroid of the eye + L. capillus, hair; capillary)

chylos, -i, pl. chyli, m. chyle (fr. Gr. chylos, a humor; juice produced by digestion of food)

ciliaris, -e, ciliary  (fr. L. cilium, eyelid; eyelash, hair-like process)

cilium, -i, n. eyelash (L. eyelid; hair-like process)

cinereus, -a, -um, gray (L. ash-hued; fr. L. cinis, ashes)

cingularis, -e, cingular (fr. L. cingulum, belt, girdle) 

cingulum, -i, n. girdle (L. belt, girdle) 

circularis, -e, circular (fr. L. circulus, a circle)

circulus, -i, m. circle (L. a circle)

circumductio, circumductionis, f. circumduction (fr. L. circum, around + L. ducere, to lead, drive)

circumferentia, -ae, f. circumference (fr. L. circum, around + L. ferre, to bear, carry)

circumferentialis, -e, circumferential  (fr. L. circum, around + L. ferre, to bear, carry)

circumflexus, -a, -um, circumflex (fr. L. circum, around + L. flectere, flexum, to bend)

cisterna, -ae, f. cistern (L. a subterranean reservoir)

claustralis, -e, claustral (fr. L. claustrum, a bolt, barrier, enclosure)

claustrum, -i, n. claustrum (L. a bolt, barrier, enclosure)

clavicula, -ae, f. clavicle (L. a twig, small key; collar bone fr. clavis, a key)

clavicularis, -e, clavicular (fr. L. clavicula, a twig, small key; collar bone fr. clavis, a key)

clavipectoralis, -e, clavipectoral (fr. L. clavis, a key; clavicle + L. pectus, pectoris, chest)

clavius, -a, -um, clavian (fr. L. clavis, a key; clavicle)

cleidomastoideus, -a, -um, cleidomastoid (fr. Gr. kleis, kleidos, a key; clavicle + Gr. mastoeides, mastoid process fr. Gr. mastos, breast  + eidos, form, shape)

clinicus, -a, -um, clinical (fr. Gr. klinikos, pertaining to a bed; clinic)

clinoideus, -a, -um, clinoid (fr. Gr. kline, bed, + eidos, form, shape)

clitoris, -is, f. clitoris (fr. Gr. kleitoris, the clitoris fr. ? kleiein, to sheathe, close)

clivalis, -e, clival (fr. L. clivus, a slope)

clivus, -i, m. clivus (L. a slope)

clunis, -is, (usually plural clunes) f. buttock (L. buttock)

coccygeus, -a, -um, coccygeal (fr. Gr. kokkyx,  a cuckoo, particularly its beak; coccyx bone)

coccyx, coccygis, m. coccyx (fr. Gr. kokkyx,  a cuckoo, particularly its beak; coccyx bone)

cochlea, -ae, f. cochlea (fr. Gr. kochlias, a snail with a spiral shell; cochlea)

cochleariformis, -e, cochleariform (fr. Gr. kochlias, a snail with a spiral shell; cochlea + L. forma, shape, form)

cochlearis, -e, cochlear (fr. Gr. kochlias, a snail with a spiral shell; cochlea)

coeliacoduodenalis,  -e, celiacoduodenal or coeliacoduodenal (fr. L. coeliacus, pertaining to the abdomen fr. Gr. koilia, belly, abdomen + fr. L. duodenum digitorum, twelve fingers in length; duodenum intestine)

coeliacus, -a, -um, celiac or coeliac (L. pertaining to the abdomen fr. Gr. koilia, belly, abdomen)

colicus, -a, -um, colic (fr. Gr. kolon, large intestine) 

collateralis, -e, collateral (fr. L. co-, with, together + fr. L. latus, lateris, side) 

colliculus, -i, m. colliculus (L. small hill) 

collum, -i, n. neck (L. the neck)

colon,  -i, (nom. pl. cola) n. colon (fr. Gr. kolon, large intestine) 

columna, -ae, f. column (L. a pillar, column)

comitans, comitant (fr. L. comitare, to accompany)

commissura, -ae, f. commisure (L. a joining together, connection, knot)

commissuralis, -e, commissural (fr. L. commissura, a joining together, connection, knot)

communicalis, -e, communical (fr. L. communicare, to share, give)

communicans, communicant (fr. L. communicare, to share, give)

communis, -e, common (L. common, general, shared)

compactus, -a, -um, compact (fr. L. compingere, compactum, to put together, construct, confine)

compartimentum, -i, n. compartment (fr. L. compartiri, to divide) 

complexus, -us, m. complex, system (L. an embrace, connexion)

compositus, -a, -um, composite, complex (fr. L.  componere, to bring together, arrange)

compressor, compressoris, m. compressor (fr. L. comprimere, compressum, to press together)

concha, -ae, f. concha (fr. Gr. konche, shell, mussel)

conchalis, -e, conchal (fr. Gr. konche, shell, mussel)

conducens, conducent (fr. L. conducere, to bring or lead together)

condylaris, -e, condylar (fr. kondylos, knuckle; condyle)

condylus, -i, m. condyle (fr. kondylos, knuckle; condyle)

confluens, confluent (fr. L. confluere, to flow together)

conjugata, -ae, f. conjugate (fr. conjungere, to join together)

conjunctiva, -ae, f. conjunctiva (L. membrane on the inner surface of the eyelid)

conjunctivalis, -e, conjunctival (fr. L. conjuctiva, membrane on the inner surface of the eyelid)

conjunctivus, -a, -um, conjunctive (fr. L. conjuctiva, membrane on the inner surface of the eyelid)

connectivus,  -a, -um, connective (fr. conectere, to bind together, connect) 

connexus, -us, m. connection (fr. conexus, connection, union)

conoideus, -a, -um, conoid (fr. Gr. konos, cone + Gr. eidos, form, shape)

constrictio, constrictionis, f. constriction (fr. L. constringere, constrictum, to draw, bind together)

constrictor, constrictoris, m. constrictor  (fr. L. constringere, constrictum, to draw, bind together)

contingens, contingent (fr. L. contingere, to touch, to border on)

contortus, -a, -um, contorted (fr. L. contorquere, contortum, to twist, contort)

conus, -i, m. conus, cone (fr. Gr. konos, cone)

copularis, -e, copular (fr. L. copula, a link, bond)

cor, cordis, n. heart (L. a heart)

coracoacromialis, -e, coracoacromial (fr. Gr. korakoeides, like a crow’s beak, coracoid process + Gr. akromion, top of shoulder, acromion process)

coracobrachialis, -e, coracobrachial (fr. Gr. korakoeides, like a crow’s beak, coracoid process + Gr. brachion, arm)

coracoclavicularis, -e, coracoclavicular (fr. Gr. korakoeides, like a crow’s beak, coracoid process + fr. L. clavicula, a twig, small key; collar bone fr. clavis, a key) 

coracohumeralis, -e, coracohumeral (fr. Gr. korakoeides, like a crow’s beak, coracoid process + L. humerus, upper arm, humeral bone)

coracoideus, -a, -um, coracoid (fr. Gr. korakoeides, like a crow’s beak, coracoid process)

corium, -i, n. corium, dermis (L. hide, skin)

cornea, -ae, f. cornea (fr. L. corneus, horn-like, made of horn, horny)

cornealis, -e, corneal (fr. L. cornea, cornea)

corneoscleralis, -e, corneoscleral (fr. L. cornea, cornea + Gr. skleros, hard; sclera of the eye)

corniculatus, -a, -um, corniculate (fr. L. corniculum, a little horn)

cornu, -us, n. horn (L. a horn of an animal)

corona, -ae, f. corona (L. garland, crown, circle)

coronalis, -e, coronal (fr. L. corona, garland, crown, circle) 

coronarius, -a, -um, coronary (L. pertaining to garland, crown, circle)

coronoideus, -a, -um, coronoid (fr. Gr. korone, anything hooked, curved + Gr. eidos, form, shape)

corpus, corporis, n. body (L. body)

corrugator, corrugatoris, m. corrugator (fr. L. con– together + rugare, to wrinkle)

cortex, corticis, m. cortex (L. bark, rind; outer layer of a structure)

corticalis, -e, cortical (fr. L. cortex, bark, rind; outer layer of a structure)

corticomesencephalicus, -a, -um, corticomesencephalic (fr. L. cortex, bark, rind; outer layer of a structure + fr. Gr. mesos– middle + fr. Gr. enkephalos, brain)

corticonuclearis, -e, corticonuclear (fr. L. cortex, bark, rind; outer layer of a structure + L. nucleus, little nut, kernel, fr. L. nux, nucis, nut)

corticopontinus, -a, -um, corticopontine (fr. L. cortex, bark, rind; outer layer of a structure + L. pons, pontis, bridge)

corticoreticularis,  -e, corticoreticular (fr. L. cortex, bark, rind; outer layer of a structure + fr. L. reticulum, little net, net-work)

corticorubralis, -e, corticorubral (fr. L. cortex, bark, rind; outer layer of a structure + fr. L ruber, red)

corticospinalis, -e, corticospinal (fr. L. cortex, bark, rind; outer layer of a structure + fr. L. spina, thorn spine)

corticotectalis, -e, corticotectal (fr. L. cortex, bark, rind; outer layer of a structure + fr. L. tectum, roof, ceiling)

corticothalamicus, -a, -um, corticothalamic (fr. L. cortex, bark, rind; outer layer of a structure + fr. Gr. thalamos, inner room, chamber; thalamus of the brain)

costa, -ae, f. rib (L. a rib)

costalis, -e, costal (fr. L. costa, rib)

costiformis, -e, costiform (fr. L. costa, rib + fr. L. forma, shape, form)

costobrachialis, -e, costobrachial (fr. L. costa, rib + fr. L. brachium, arm)

costocervicalis, -e, costocervicalis (fr. L. costa, rib + fr. L. cervix, cervicis, neck) 

costochondralis, -e, costochondral (fr. L. costa, rib + fr. Gr. chodros, gristle, cartilage)

costoclavicularis, -e, costoclavicular (fr. L. costa, rib + fr. L. clavicula, a twig, small key; collar bone)

costodiaphragmaticus, -a, -um, costodiaphragmatic (fr. L. costa, rib + fr. Gr. diaphragma, diaphragm)

costomediastinalis, -e, costomediastinal (fr. L. costa, rib + L. mediastinus, intermediate, standing in the middle)

costosternalis, -e, costosternal (fr. L. costa, rib + fr. L. sternum, sternum fr. L. sternere, to spread out)

costotransversarius, -a, -um, costotransverse  (fr. L. costa, rib + L. transversus, oblique, transverse)

costovertebralis, -e, costovertebral (fr. L. costa, rib + L. vertebra, a joint, back bone)

costoxiphoideus, -a, -um, costoxiphoid (fr. L. costa, rib + fr. Gr. xiphoeides, sword-shaped; xiphoid process)

cotylicus, -a, -um, cotyloid (fr. Gr. kotyle, cup or socket)

coxa, -ae, f. hip (L. hip)

coxofemoralis, -e, coxofemoral (fr. L. coxa, hip + fr. L. femur, the thigh; femoral bone)

cranialis, -e, cranial (fr. L. cranium, skull)

craniocervicalis, -e, craniocervical (fr. L. cranium, skull + fr. L. cervix, cervicis, neck)

craniospinalis, -e, craniospinal (fr. L. cranium, skull + fr. L. spina, thorn, spine)

cranium, -i, n. cranium (L. skull)

cranius, -a, -um, cranius (fr. L. cranium, skull)

crassus, -a, -um, large (L. thick)

cremaster, cremasteris, m. cremaster (fr. Gr. kremaster, suspender)

cremastericus, -a, -um, cremasteric (fr. Gr. kremaster, suspender)

crena, -ae, f. crena (L. a notch, serration)

cribrosus, -a, -um, cribriform (fr. L. cribrum, a sieve)

cricoarytenoideus, -a, -um, crico-arytenoid (fr. Gr. krikos, a ring; cricoid cartilage + fr. Gr. arytaina, a small ladle or cup)

cricoideus, -a, -um, cricoid (fr. Gr. krikos, a ring + fr. Gr. eidos, form, shape)

cricooesophageus, -a, -um, crico-esophageal (fr. Gr. krikos, a ring; cricoid cartilage + fr. Gr. oisophagos, gullet, esophagus) 

cricopharyngeus, -a, -um, crico-pharyngeal (fr. Gr. krikos, a ring; cricoid cartilage + fr. Gr. pharynx, pharyngos, the throat, pharynx)

cricothyroideus, -a, -um, cricothyroid (fr. Gr. krikos, a ring; cricoid cartilage + fr. Gr. thyreoeides, oblong shield-shaped; thyroid)

cricotrachealis, -e, cricotracheal (fr. Gr. krikos, a ring; cricoid cartilage + fr. Gr.  (arteria) tracheia, rough (windpipe))

crista, -ae, f. crest (L. a crest on the head of a beast or bird)

cristalis, -e, cristal (fr. L. crista, a crest on the head of a beast or bird)

cruciatus, -a, -um, cruciate (fr. L. crux, crucis, a cross, death by a wooden cross)

cruciformis, -e, cruciform  (fr. L. crux, crucis, a cross, death by a wooden cross + L. forma, shape, form)

cruralis, -e, crural (fr. L. crus, cruris, a leg of a man or beast)

crus, cruris, n. leg (L. a leg of a man or beast)

crux, crucis, f. cross (L. a cross, death by a wooden cross)

crypta, -ae, f. crypt  (fr. Gr. krypte, a vault, crypt)

cubitalis, -e, cubital (fr. Gr. kubiton, elbow)

cubitus, -i, m. elbow (fr. Gr. kubiton, elbow)

cuboideonavicularis, -e, cuboideonavicular (fr. Gr. kybos, a dice, cube + eidos, form, shape + L. navicula, a small boat; navicular bone) 

cuboideus, -a, -um, cuboid (fr. Gr. kybos, a dice, cube + eidos, form, shape)

culmen, culminis, n.  culmen  (L. top, summit)

culminalis, -e, culminal (fr. L. culmen, top, summit)

cunealis, -e, cuneal (fr. L. cuneus, a wedge, wedge-shaped object)

cuneatus, -a, -um, cuneate (fr. L. cuneus, a wedge, wedge-shaped object) 

cuneiformis, -e, cuneiform (fr. L. cuneus, a wedge, wedge-shaped object + L. forma, shape, form) 

cuneocerebellaris, -e, cuneocerebellar (fr. L. cuneus, a wedge, wedge-shaped object + fr. L. the little brain; cerebellum)

cuneocuboideus, -a, -um, cuneocuboid (fr. L. cuneus, a wedge, wedge-shaped object + fr. Gr. kybos, a dice, cube + eidos, form, shape)

cuneometatarsalis, -e, cuneometatarsal (fr. L. cuneus, a wedge, wedge-shaped object + fr. Gr. meta– among, in the middle + fr. Gr. tarsos, flat of the foot)

cuneonavicularis, -e, cuneonavicular (fr. L. cuneus, a wedge, wedge-shaped object + fr. L. navicula, a small boat; navicular bone) 

cuneospinalis, -e, cuneospinal (fr. L. cuneus, a wedge, wedge-shaped object + fr. L. spina, a thorn, spine)

cuneus, -i, m. cuneus (L. a wedge)

cupula, -ae, f. cupula (L. little tub fr. cupa, cask, barrel)

cupularis, -e, cupular (fr. L. cupula, little tub fr. cupa, cask, barrel)

curvatura, -ae, f. curvature (L. a curving, arching)

cuspis, cuspidis, f. cusp, cuspid (L. a point)

cutaneus, -a, -um, skin, cutaneous (fr. L. cutis, skin, hide)

cutis, -is, f. skin (L. skin, hide)

cylindricus, -a, -um, cylindrical (fr. Gr. kylindros, a roller, cylinder)

cymba, ae, f. cymba (fr. Gr. kymbe, a bowl, drinking cup)

cysticus, -a, -um, cystic (fr. Gr. kystis, a bladder)

cystohepaticus, -a, -um, cystohepatic (fr. Gr. kystis, a bladder + fr. Gr. hepar, hepatos, liver)



dartos (not declined), dartos (Gr. dartos, skinned, flayed)

deciduus, -a, -um, deciduous (fr. L decidere, to fall, to fall dead)

declivis, -e, declive (fr. L. declivis, bent downward, sloping)

decussatio, decussationis, f. decussation (fr. L. decussare, to intersect in the shape of an X)

deferens, deferent (fr. L. deferre, to bring or carry away)

deferentialis, -e, deferential (fr. L. deferre, to bring or carry away)

deltoideus, -a, -um, deltoid (fr. Gr. the letter delta + fr. Gr. eidos, form, shape)

deltopectoralis, -e, deltopectoral (fr. Gr. the letter delta + fr. L. pectus, pectoris, chest)

dendriticus, -a, -um, branching, dendritic (fr. Gr. dendron, a tree)

 dens, dentis, m. a tooth (L. tooth)

dentalis, -e, dental (fr. L. dens, dentis, tooth)

dentatus, -a, -um,  dentate (L. toothed, having teeth)

denticulatus,  -a, -um, denticulate (L. having small teeth)

dentinum, -i, n. dentine (fr. L. dens, dentis, tooth)

dentoalveolaris, -e, dentoalveolar (fr. L. dens, dentis, tooth + fr. L. alveolus, a little hollow, bucket)

depressor, depressoris, m. depressor (fr. L. deprimere, depressum, to press down)

dermis, -is, f. dermis, corium (fr. Gr. derma, dermatos, skin, hide)

descendens, descendent (fr. L. descendere, to come down, descend)

desmocranium, -i, n. desmocranium (fr. Gr. desmos, ligature; ligament + fr. L. cranium, skull)

desmodontium, -i, n. desmodontium (fr. Gr. desmos, ligature; ligament + fr. Gr. odous, odontos, tooth)

detrusor, detrusoris, m. detrusor (fr. detrudere, detrusum, to push down, dislodge)

dexter, dextra, dextrum, right (L. right)

diagonalis, -e, diagonal (fr. Gr. dia– across, through + fr. Gr. gonia, corner, angle)

diameter, diametri, m. diameter (fr. Gr. dia– across, through + fr. Gr. metron, a measure)

diaphragma, diaphragmatis, n. diaphragm  (fr. Gr. diaphragma, a blocking across, the diaphragm fr. Gr. dia– across, through + fr. Gr. phrassein, to block or partition)

diaphragmaticus, -a, -um, diaphragmatic (fr. Gr. diaphragma, a blocking across, the diaphragm fr. Gr. dia– across, through + fr. Gr. phrassein, to block or partition)

diaphysis, -is, f. diaphysis (fr. Gr. dia-, across, through + fr. Gr. physis, growth, nature)

diarthrosis, -is, f. diarthosis (fr. Gr. dia-, across, through + fr. Gr. articulation of a joint) 

diastema, diastematis, n. diastema (fr. Gr. diastema, an interval, space)

diencephalon, -i, n. (fr. Gr. dia-, across, through + fr. Gr. enkephalos, brain)

digastricus, -a, -um, digastric (fr. Gr. dis-, twice + fr. Gr. gaster, gastros, belly, stomach)

digestorius, -a, -um, digestive (fr. L. digestio, digestionis, arrangement, distribution fr. L. digerere, to separat, spread)

digitalis, -e, digital (fr. L. digitus, finger or toe)

digitatio, digitationis, f. digitation (fr. L. digitus, finger or toe)

digitatus, -a, -um, digitate (L. having fingers or toes)

digitus, -i, m. finger or toe (L. finger or toe)

dilatator, dilatatoris, m. dilator (fr. L. dilatare, to spread out)

diploe, diploae, (nom. pl. diploes) f. diploë (fr. Gr. diploe, porous substance between double plates of bone; fr. diploos, two-fold)

diploicus, -a, -um, diploic (fr. Gr. diploe, porous substance between double plates of bone; fr. diploos, two-fold)

directus, -a, -um, direct (fr. L. dirigere, directum, to arrange, direct)

discus, -i, m. disc (fr. Gr. diskos, a quoit, a circular object for throwing)

dissipatus, -a, -um, dissipated (fr. L. dissipare, to disperse, spread abroad)

distalis, -e, distal (fr. L. distare, to be apart, separate, distant)

distantia, -ae, f. distance (L. distance, difference)

distobuccalis, -e, distobuccal (fr. L. distare, to be apart, separate, distant + fr. L. bucca, a cheek)

distolingualis, -e, distolingual (fr. L. distare, to be apart, separate, distant + fr. L. lingua, a tongue)

distopalatinalis, -e, distopalatal (fr. L. distare, to be apart, separate, distant + fr. L. palatum, roof of the mouth)

distractionis, -e, cleavage, tension (fr. L. distractio, separation, disunion) 

diverticulum, -i, n. diverticulum (fr. L. devertere, to turn aside)

divisio, divisionis, f. division (L. division)

dopaminergicus, -a, -um, dopaminergic (from first letter of elements of dioxyphenylalanine), +  amine + fr. Gr. ergon, work)

dorsalis, -e, dorsal (fr. L. dorsum, back)

dorsolateralis, -e, dorsolateral (fr. L. dorsum, back + fr. L. latus, lateris, side) 

dorsomedialis, -e, dorsomedial (fr. L. dorsum, back + L. medialis, of the middle)

dorsum, -i, n. back, dorsum (L. back)

ductulus, -i, m. ductule (L. little duct fr. L. ductus, a drawing off, a leading)

ductus, -us, m. duct (L. ductus, a drawing off, a leading; duct)

duodenalis, -e, duodenal (fr. L. duodenum digitorum, twelve fingers in length; duodenum intestine)

duodenojejunalis, -e, duodenojejunal (fr. L. duodenum digitorum, twelve fingers in length; duodenum intestine + fr. L. jejunus, fasting, hungry)

duodenomesocolicus, -a, -um, duodenomesocolic (fr. L. duodenum digitorum, twelve fingers in length; duodenum intestine + fr. Gr. mesos, middle + fr. Gr. kolon, large intestine 

duodenum, -i, n. duodenum (fr. L. duodenum digitorum, twelve fingers in length; duodenum intestine)

duralis, -e, dural (fr. L. dura mater, fr. L. durus, hard + mater, matris, mother)

duramater, duramatris, f. duramater (fr. L. durus, hard + mater, matris, mother)

durus, -a, -um, hard (L. hard)



efferens, efferent (fr. L. efferre, to carry or bring out)

ejaculatorius, -a, -um, ejaculatory (fr. L. eiaculari, to throw out)

elasticus, -a, -um, elastic   (L. expanding)

ellipsoideus, -a, -um, ellipsoid (fr. Gr. elleipein, to fall short)

ellipticus, -a, -um, elliptical (fr. Gr. elleipein, to fall short)

emboliformis, -e, emboliform (fr. Gr. embolos, anything pointed so as to be easily thrust in; embolus + fr. L. forma, shape or form)

eminentia, -ae, f. eminence (L. standing out)

emissarius, -a, -um, emissary (fr. L. emittere, emissum, to send out)

enamelum, -i, n. enamel (fr. Fr. émail, esmail, enamel)

enarthrosis, -is, f. enarthrosis (fr. Gr. en-, inside + Gr. arthrosis, articulation of a joint) 

encephalon, -i, n. encephalon, brain (fr. Gr. enkephalon, in the head, brain)

endoabdominalis, -e, endoabdominal (fr. Gr. endo-, within + fr. L. abdomen, abdominis, the belly)

endocardialis, -e, endocardial (fr. Gr. endo-, within + fr. Gr. kardia, heart)

endocardium, -i, n. endocardium (fr. Gr. endo-, within + fr. Gr. kardia, heart)

endocrinus, -a, -um, endocrine (fr. Gr. endo-, within + fr. Gr. krinein, to separate)

endolemniscalis, -e, endolemniscal (fr. Gr. endo-, within + fr. Gr. lemniskos, a fillet or ribbon)

endolympha, -ae, f. endolymph (fr. Gr. endo-, within + fr. L. lympha, water, esp. clear spring water)

endolymphaticus, -a, -um, endolymphatic (fr. Gr. endo-, within + fr. L. lympha, water, esp. clear spring water)

endometrium, -i, n. endometrium (fr. Gr. endo-, within + fr. Gr. metra, womb, uterus + –ium, tissue or structure)

endomysium, -i, n. endomysium (fr. Gr. endo-, within + fr. Gr. mys, myos, muscle, mouse +-ium, tissue or structure)

endoneurium, -i, n. endoneurium (fr. Gr. endo-, within + fr. Gr. neuron, nerve + –ium, tissue or structure)

endopeduncularis, -e, endopeduncular (fr. Gr. endo-, within + fr. L. pedunculus, a little foot)

endopelvinus, -a, -um, endopelvic (fr. Gr. endo-, within + fr. L. pelvis, a basin)

endorotatio, endorotationis, f. internal rotation (fr. Gr. endo-, within + fr. L. rotatio, a turning)

endosteum, -i, n. endosteum (fr. Gr. endo-, within + fr. Gr. osteon, bone)

endothoracicus, -a, -um, endothoracic (fr. Gr. endo-, within + fr. Gr. thorax, breastplate; thorax)

entericus, -a, -um, enteric (fr. Gr. enteron, intestine) 

ependyma, ependymatis, n. ependyma (Gr. an upper garment, wrap) 

epicardium, -i, n. epicardium (fr. Gr. epi- upon + fr. Gr. kardia, heart + –ium, tissue or structure)

epicondylaris, -e, epicondylar (fr. Gr. epi- upon + fr. Gr. kondylos, knuckle)

epicondylus, -i, m. epicondyle (fr. Gr. epi- upon + fr. Gr. kondylos, knuckle)

epicranialis, -e, epicranial (fr. Gr. epi- upon + fr. L. cranium, skull) 

epicranius, -a, -um, epicranius (fr. Gr. epi- upon + fr. L. cranium, skull) 

epidermis, -is, f. epidermis, cutis (fr. Gr. epi- upon + fr. Gr. derma, dermatos, skin, hide)

epididymalis, -e, epididymal (Gr. epididymis  fr. Gr. epi- upon + fr. Gr. didymos, twin, testicle)

epididymis, epididymidis, f. epididymis  (Gr. epididymis, fr. Gr. epi- upon + fr. Gr. didymos, twin, testicle)

epiduralis, -e, epidural  (fr. Gr. epi- upon + fr. L. durus, hard; dura mater)

epigastricus, -a, -um, epigastric (fr. Gr. epi- upon +  fr. Gr. gaster, gastros, belly, stomach)

epigastrium, -i, n. epigastrium (fr. Gr. epi- upon +  fr. Gr. gaster, gastros, belly, stomach)

epiglotticus, -a, -um, epiglottic (fr. Gr. epiglottis, fr. Gr. epi- upon + fr. Gr. glotta, tongue)

epiglottis, epiglottidis, f. epiglottis (fr. Gr. epiglottis, fr. Gr. epi- upon + fr. Gr. glotta, tongue)

epimysium, -i, n. epimysium (fr. Gr. epi- upon + fr. Gr. mys, myos, muscle, mouse +-ium, tissue or structure)

epineurium, -i, n. epineurium (fr. Gr. epi- upon + fr. Gr. neuron, nerve + –ium, tissue or structure)

epiphysialis, -e, epiphysial (fr. Gr. epiphysis, outgrowth; epiphysis of a long bone; fr. Gr. epi- upon + physis, nature, growth)

epiphysis, -is, f. epiphysis (fr. Gr. outgrowth; epiphysis of a long bone, fr. Gr. epi- upon + physis, nature, growth)

epiploicus, -a, -um, epiploic (fr. Gr. epiploon, omentum, fr. Gr. epi– upon + fr. Gr. –ploos, folded) 

episcleralis, -e, episcleral (fr. Gr. epi- upon + fr. Gr. skeros, hard; sclera of the eye)

epithalamicus, -a, -um, epithalamic (fr. Gr. epi- upon + fr. Gr. thalamos, inner room, anterior portion of brain stem)

 epithalamus, -i, m. epithalamus (fr. Gr. epi- upon + fr. Gr. thalamos, inner room, anterior portion of brain stem)

epithelium, -i, n. epithelium (fr. Gr. epi- upon + fr. Gr. thele, nipple + –ium, tissue or structure)

epitympanicus, -a, -um, epitympanic (fr. Gr. epi- upon + fr. Gr. tympanon, a drum; ear-drum)

eponychium, -i, n. eponychium (fr. Gr. epi- upon + fr. Gr. onyx, onychos, nail of finger or toe + –ium, tissue or structure)

epoophoron, -i, n. epoophoron (fr. Gr. epi- upon + fr. Gr. oophoron, ovary)

equator,  equatoris, m. equator (fr. L. aequare, to make equal)

equinus, -a, -um, equine (L. relating to horses)

erector, erectoris, m. erector (fr. L. erigere, erectum, to place upright)

ergicus, -a, -um, ergic (fr. Gr. ergon, work)

ethmoidalis, -e, ethmoidal (fr. Gr. ethmos, sieve, strainer + fr. Gr. eidos, shape, form)

ethmoidolacrimalis, -e, ethmoidolacrimal (fr. Gr. ethmos, sieve, strainer + fr. Gr. eidos, shape, form + fr. L. lacrima, a tear)

ethmoidomaxillaris, -e, ethmoidomaxillar (fr. Gr. ethmos, sieve, strainer + fr. Gr. eidos, shape, form + fr. L. maxilla, the jaw-bone)

evacuans, evacuant,voiding (fr. L. evacuare, to make empty)

excavatio, excavationis, f. depression, pouch (fr. L. excavare, to hollow out)

excretorius, -a, -um, excretory (fr. L. excernere, to separate, sift)

exorotatio, exorotationis, f. external rotation (fr. L. ex– outside + fr. rotatio, rotation)

extensio, extensionis, f. extension (fr. L. extendere, to stretch out, extend)

extensor, extensoris, m. extensor (fr. L. extendere, to stretch out, extend)

externus, -a, -um, external (L. outside, external)

extracapsularis, -e, extracapsular (fr. L. extra-, outside + L. capsula, a little chest, case)

extraduralis, -e, extradural (fr. L. extra-, outside + L. durus, hard; dura mater)

extraocularis, -e, extraocular (fr. L. extra-, outside + fr. L. oculus, the eye)

extraperitonealis, -e, extraperitoneal (fr. L. extra-, outside + fr. Gr. peritonaion, stretched around; the peritoneum)

extraserosalis, -e, extraserosal (fr. L. extra-, outside + L. serosa, fr. L. serum, whey)

extremitas, extremitatis, f. extremity (L. end, farthest point, extremity)



 facialis, -e, facial (fr. L. facies, face)

facies, -ei, f. face, surface (L. face, form)

falciformis, -e, falciform (fr. L. falx, falcis, sickle + L. forma, shape)

falsus, -a, -um, false (fr. L. fallere, to deceive)

falx, falcis, f. falx (fr. L. sickle) 

fascia, -ae, f. fascia (fr. L. a band, bandage)

fascialis, -e, facial (fr. L. fascia, a band, bandage)

fascicularis, -e, fascicular (fr. L. fasciculus, a small bundle of sticks)

fasciculus, -i, m. fascicle (L. a small bundle of sticks)

fasciolaris, -e, fasciolar (fr. L. fasciola, a little bandage, band)

fastigiospinalis, -e, fastigiospinal (fr. L. fastigium, a slope, gable + L. spina, thorn, spine)

fastigium, -i, fastigium (L. a slope, gable)

fauces, -ium, f. fauces (L. throat)

felleus, -a, -um, gall, bile (L. of gall, bile)

femininus, -a, -um, female (fr. L. femina, a female)

femoralis, -e, femoral (fr. L. femur, a thigh)

femur, femoris, n. femur (L. a thigh)

fenestra, -ae, f. window (L. a window) 

fibra, -ae, f. fiber (L. a fiber, filament)

fibrocartilagineus, -a, -um, fibrocartilaginous (fr. L. fibra, fiber, filament + L. cartilago, gristle, cartilage)

fibrocartilago, fibrocartilaginis,  f. fibrocartilage (fr. L. fibra, fiber, filament + L. cartilago, gristle, cartilage) 

 fibroelasticus, -a, -um, fibroelastic (fr. L. fibra, fiber, filament + L. elasticus, expanding, fr. Gr. elastikos, driven, drawn out) 

fibromusculocartilagineus, -a, -um, fibromusculocartilaginous (fr. L. fibra, fiber, filament + L. musculus, muscle, mouse + L. cartilago, gristle, cartilage)

fibrosus, -a, -um, fibrous (fr. L. fibra, a fiber, filament)

fibula, -ae, f. fibula (L. a brooch, clasp)

fibularis, -e, fibular (fr. L. fibula, a brooch, clasp)

filiformis, -e, filiform (fr. L. filum, a thread + L. forma, a form, shape)

filum, -i, n. filum (L. a thread)

fimbria, -ae, f. fimbria (L. a border, edge, fringe)

fimbrialis, -e, fimbrial (fr. L. fimbria, a border, edge, fringe)

fimbriatus, -a, -um, fimbriated (fr. L. fimbria, a border, edge, fringe)

fimbriodentatus, -a, -um, fibriodentate (fr. L. fimbria, a border, edge, fringe + fr. L. dens, dentis, a tooth)

fissura, -ae, f. fissure (fr. L. fissum, a cleft, split)

fixus, -a, -um, fixed (fr. L. figere, to fasten, fix)

flaccidus, -a, -um, flaccid (L. flabby, weak)

flavus, -a, -um,   yellow, flavus (L. golden-yellow)

flexio, flexionis, f. flexion (L. a bending)

flexor, flexoris, m. flexor (L. a bender) 

flexura, -ae, f. bend (L. a bend)

floccularis, -e, floccular (fr. L. floccus, a flock or tuft of wool)

flocculonodularis, -e, flocculonodular (fr. L. floccus, a flock or tuft of wool + L. nodus, a knot)

flocculus, -i, m. flocculus (L. a flock or tuft of wool)

fluctuans, floating  (fr. L. fluctuare, to move up and down, to move wave-like)

flumen, fluminis, n. stream (L. a flowing, stream)

foliatus, -a, -um, foliate (L. leafy)

folium, -i, n.  folium (L. a leaf)

folliculus, -i, m. follicle (L. a little sack)

fonticulus, -i, m. fonticulus (L. a little fountain)

foramen, foraminis, n. foramen (L. a hole, opening)

foraminalis, -e, foraminal (fr. L. foramen, a hole, opening)

foraminosus, -a, -um, foraminosus, foraminal (fr. L. foramen, a hole, opening)

forceps, forcipis, m. forceps (L. a pair of tongs, pincers)

formatio, formationis, f. formation (fr. L. forma, figure, shape)

formis, -e, form, shaped (fr. L. forma, figure, shape)

fornicalis, -e, fornical (fr. L. fornix, arch, vault)

fornix, -icis, m. fornix (L. arch, vault)

fossa, -ae, f. fossa (L. a ditch, trench, channel)

fossula, -ae, f. fossula (L. a little ditch, trench, channel)

fovea, -ae, f. fovea (L. a pit) 

foveola, -ae, f. foveola (L. a little pit)

foveolaris, -e, foveolar (fr. L. fovea, a pit)https://app.tophat.com/e/140426

frenulum, -i, n. frenulum (fr. L. frenum, a bridle, reins, restraint)

frons, frontis, f. forehead (L. a brow, forehead)

frontalis, -e, frontal (fr. L. frons, a forehead)

frontobasalis, -e, frontobasal (fr. L. frons, a forehead + fr. L. basis, a base, pedestal)  

frontoethmoidalis, -e, frontoethmoidal (fr. L. frons, a forehead + fr. Gr. ethmoeides, resembling a strainer)

frontolacrimalis, -e, frontolacrimal (fr. L. frons, a forehead + fr. L. lacrima, a tear) 

frontomaxillaris, -e, frontomaxillar (fr. L. frons, a forehead + fr. L. maxilla, upper jaw-bone)

frontonasalis, -e, frontonasal (fr. L. frons, a forehead + fr. L. nasus, nose)

frontopontinus, -a, -um, frontopontine (fr. L. frons, a forehead + fr. L. pons, bridge)

frontozygomaticus, -a, -um, frontozygomatic (fr. L. frons, a forehead + fr. Gr. zygoma, zygomatic bone, fr. zygon, yoke)

fundiformis, -e, fundiform (fr. L. fundus, a base, the bottom of something)

fundus, -i, m. fundus (L. a base, the bottom of something)

fungiformis, -e, fungiform (fr. L. fungus, a mushroom + L. forma, a shame, form)

funicularis, -e, funicular (fr. L. funiculus, a thin cord, string)

funiculus, -i, m. funiculus (L. a thin cord, string)

fuscus, -a, -um, fuscus (L. dark, black)

fusiformis, -e, fusiform (fr. L. fusus, a spindle + L. forma, a shape, form)



galea, -ae, f. galea (L. a helmet)

gallus, -i, m. gallus (L. a cock)

ganglion, -i, n. ganglion (fr. Gr. ganglion, a little knot, tumor)

 ganglionaris, -e, ganglion (fr. Gr. ganglion, a little knot, tumor)

ganglionicus, -a, -um, ganglionic (fr. Gr. ganglion, a little knot, tumor)

gaster, gastris, f. stomach (fr. Gr. gaster, belly)

gastricus, -a, -um, gastric (fr. Gr. gaster, belly)

gastrium, -i, n. gastrium (fr. Gr. gaster, belly)

gastrocnemialis, -e, gastrocnemial (fr. Gr. gastroknemia, calf of the leg)

gastrocnemius, -i, m. gastrocnemius (fr. Gr. gastroknemia, calf of the leg)

gastrocolicus, -a, -um, gastrocolic (fr. Gr. gaster, belly + Gr. kolon, colon)

gastroduodenalis, -e, gastroduodenal (fr. Gr. gaster, belly + fr. L. duodenum digitorum, twelve fingers in length; duodenum intestine)

gastroepiploicus, –a, -um, gastroepiploic (fr. Gr. gaster, belly + Gr. epiploon, omentum)

gastrolienalis, -e, gastrosplenic (fr. Gr. gaster, belly + L. lien, spleen)

gastroomentalis, -e, gastro-omental (fr. Gr. gaster, belly + fr. L. omentum, fat, fat-skin, fat entrails)

gastropancreaticus, -a, -um, gastropancreatic (fr. Gr. gaster, belly + fr. Gr. pankreas, pancreas)

gastrophrenicus, -a, -um, gastrophrenic (fr. Gr. gaster, belly + fr. Gr. phren, the midriff, the seat of thought)

gelatinosus, -a, -um, gelatinous (fr. L. gelare, to freeze or congeal)

gemellus, -a, -um, gemellus (L. twin, double)

geminalis, -e, geminal (fr. L. geminus, twin, double)

geminus, -a, -um, geminus (L. twin, double)

gemma, -ae, f. bud (L. bud of a plant)

genicularis, -e, genicular (fr. L. genu, knee)

geniculatus, -a, -um, geniculate (L. knotty)

geniculocalcarinus, -a, -um, geniculocalcarine (fr. L. geniculatus, knotty + fr. L. calcar, spur)

geniculotemporalis, -e, geniculotemporal (fr. L. geniculatus, knotty + fr. L. tempus, temple of the head) 

geniculum, -i, n. geniculum (L. little knee, a knot in a plant)

genioglossus, -a, -um, genioglossus (fr. Gr.  geneion, chin + fr. Gr. glossa, tongue)

geniohyoideus, -a, -um, geniohyoid (fr. Gr.  geneion, chin + fr. Gr. hyoeides, U-shaped)

genitalis, -e, genital (L. belonging to birth)

 genitofemoralis, -e, genitofemoral (L. genitalis, belonging to birth + fr. L. femur, a thigh)

genu, -us, n. knee (L. knee)

gigantocellularis, -e, gigantocellular (fr. Gr. gigas, gigantos, a giant +fr. L. cella, a room, a cell)

gingiva, -ae, f. gum (L. the gum)

gingivalis, -e, gingival (fr. L. gingiva, the gum)

ginglymus, -i, m. hinge joint (Gr. ginglumos, a hing joint)

glabella, -ae, f. glabella (fr. L. glaber, withour hair)

glandula, -ae, f. gland or glandule (fr. L. glans, glandis, an acorn)

glandularis, -e, glandular (fr. L. glans, glandis, an acorn)

 glans, glandis, f. glans (L. an acorn)

glenohumeralis, -e, glenohumeral (fr. Gr. glene, cavity, socket of an eye +fr. humerus, shoulder) 

glenoidalis, -e, glenoid (fr. Gr. glene, cavity, socket of an eye)

glia, -ae, f. glia (fr. Gr. glia, glue)

globosus, -a, -um, globose (fr. L. globus, a small ball)

globus, -i, m. globus( L. a small ball)

glomerularis, -e, glomerular (fr. L. glomerulus, little ball) 

glomus, -eris, n. body (fr. L. a ball of thread)

glossalis, -e, glossal (fr. Gr. glossa, tongue)

glossoepiglotticus, -a, -um, glossoepiglottic (fr. Gr. glossa, tongue + fr. Gr. epiglottis, epiglottis)

glossopharyngeus, -a, -um, glossopharyngeal (fr. Gr. glossa, tongue + Gr. pharynx, pharyngos, throat, pharynx)

glossus, -a, -um, glossal (fr. Gr. glossa, tongue)

glotticus, -a, -um, glottic  (fr. Gr. glossa, tongue)

glottis, glottidis, f.  glottis (fr. Gr. glossa, tongue)

glutealis, -e, gluteal (fr. Gr. gloutos, the rump, buttocks)

gluteus, -a, -um, gluteus (fr. Gr. gloutos, the rump, buttocks)

gomphosis, -is, f. socket (fr. Gr. gomphos, a bolt)

gonion, -i, n. gonion (fr. Gr. gonia, a corner, angle)

gracilis, -e, gracile (L. slender, thin)

gracilispinalis, -e, gracilespinal (fr. L. gracilis, slender, thin + fr. L. spina, thorn, spine)

gradus, -us, m. gradus (L. a step)

granularis, -e, granular (fr. L. granum, a grain or seed)

granulatio, granulationis, f. granulation (fr. L. granum, a grain or seed)

granulosus, -a, -um, granular (fr. L. granum, a grain or seed)

griseus, -a, -um, grey (L. grey)

gustatorius, -a, -um, taste (fr. gustare, to taste)

gustus, -us, m. taste (L. tasting)

gyrus, -i, m. gyrus (L. a ring, circle)


habenula, -ae, f. habenula (L. a little rein, strap)

habenularis, -e, habenular (fr. L. habenula, a little rein, strap)

habenulointerpeduncularis, -e, habenulointerpeduncular (fr. L. habenula, a little rein, strap + L. inter, between + fr. L. pedunculus, a little foot)

haema, haematis, n. blood (fr. Gr. haima, blood)

hallux, hallucis, n. hallux (L. the great/big toe)

hamatus, -a, -um, hamate (L. hooked)

hamulus, -i, m. hook (L. a small hook)

haustrum, -i, n. haustrum (L. a machine for drawing water)

helicinus, -a, -um, helicine (fr. Gr. helix, coil)

 helicotrema, helicotrematis, f. helicotrema (fr. Gr. helix, coil + fr. Gr. trema, a hole)

helicus, -a, -um, helical (fr. Gr. helix, coil)

 helix, helicis, f. helix (fr. Gr. helix, coil)

hemiazygos, hemiazygos (fr. Gr. hemi– half + fr. Gr. zygon, a yoke, crossbar)

hemispherium, -i, n. hemisphere (fr. Gr. hemi– half + fr. Gr. sphaira, sphere, ball)

hepar, hepatis, n. liver (fr. Gr. hepar, liver)

hepaticus, -a, um, hepatic (fr. Gr. hepar, liver)

hepatocolicus, -a, -um, hepatocolic (fr. Gr. hepar, liver + fr. Gr. kolon, the colon )

hepatoduodenalis, -e, hepatoduodenal (fr. Gr. hepar, liver + fr. L. duodenum digitorum, twelve fingers in length; duodenum intestine)

hepatogastricus, -a, -um, hepatogastric (fr. Gr. hepar, liver + fr. Gr. gaster, a belly, stomach)

hepatooesophagealis, -e, hepatoesohpageal  (fr. Gr. hepar, liver + fr. Gr. oisophagus, esophagus, the gullet)

hepatopancreaticus,  -a, -um, hepatopancreatic (fr. Gr. hepar, liver + fr. Gr. pankreas, pancreas)

hepatophrenicus, -a, -um, hepatophrenic (fr. Gr. hepar, liver + fr. Gr. phren, diaphragm, mind, midriff) 

hepatorenalis, -e, hepatorenal (fr. Gr. hepar, liver + fr. L. ren, kidney)

hiatus, -us, m. hiatus (L. an opening, gap)

hilum, -i, n. hilum (L. a trifle)

hippocampalis, -e, hippocampal (fr. Gr. hippokampos, sea horse fr. Gr. hippos, horse + Gr. kampos, sea monster)

hippocampus, -i, m. hippocampus (fr. Gr. hippokampos, sea horse fr. Gr. hippos, horse + Gr. kampos, sea monster)

hircus, -i, m. hair (L. a hair)

histologicus, -a, -um, histological ( fr. Gr. histos, a web; tissue + Gr. logos, a word, reason)

horizontalis, -e, horizontal (L. horizontal)

humanus, -a, -um, human (L. a human)

humeralis, -e, humeral (fr. L. humerus, an upper arm)

humeroradialis, -e, humeroradial (fr. L. humerus, an upper arm + fr. L. radius, a staff, spoke, ray)

humeroulnaris, -e, humeroulnar (fr. L. humerus, an upper arm + fr. L. ulna, a forearm)

humerus, i, m. humerus (L. an upper arm)

humor, humoris, m. humor (L. a fluid, liquid)

hyaloideus, -a, -um, hyaloid (fr. Gr. hyalos, glass + fr. Gr. eidos, a shape, form)

hymen, hyminis, m. hymen (fr. Gr. Greek wedding chant, personified as a god)

hymenalis, -e, hymenal (fr. Gr. Greek wedding chant, personified as a god)

hyoepiglotticus, -a, -um, hyoepiglottic (fr. Gr. hyoeides, like a upsilon, U-shaped + fr. Gr. epiglottis, fr. Gr. epi- upon + fr. Gr. glotta, tongue) 

hyoglossus, -i, m. hyoglossus (fr. Gr. hyoeides, like a upsilon, U-shaped + fr. Gr. glotta, tongue) 

hyoideus, -a, -um, hyoid (fr. Gr. hyoeides, like a upsilon, U-shaped) 

hypochondriacus, -a, -um, hypochondriac (fr. Gr. hypo-, under, beneath + fr. Gr. chondros, granule; cartilage)

hypochondrium, -i, n. hypochondrium (fr. Gr. hypo-, under, beneath + fr. Gr. chondros, granule; cartilage)

hypodermis, -is, f. hypodermis (fr. Gr. hypo-, under, beneath + fr. Gr. derma, dermatos, skin, hide)

hypogastricus, -a, -um, hypogastric (fr. Gr. hypo-, under, beneath + fr. Gr. gaster, belly)

hypogastrium, -i, n. hypogastrium (fr. Gr. hypo-, under, beneath + fr. Gr. gaster, belly)

hypoglossalis, -e, hypoglossal (fr. Gr. hypo-, under, beneath + fr. Gr. glotta, tongue) 

hypoglossus, -i, m. hypoglossus (fr. Gr. hypo-, under, beneath + fr. Gr. glotta, tongue) 

hyponychium, -i, n. hyponychium (fr. Gr. hypo-, under, beneath + fr. Gr. onyx, onychos, a nail, toe, claw)

hypophysialis, -e, hypophysial (fr. Gr. hypo-, under, beneath + Gr. physis, nature, growth) 

hypophysis, -is, f. hypophysis (fr. Gr. hypo-, under, beneath + Gr. physis, nature, growth) 

hypothalamicus, -a, -um, hypothalamic (fr. Gr. hypo-, under, beneath + fr. Gr. thalamos, an inner room, chamber)

hypothalamohypophysialis, -e, hypothalamohypophysial (fr. Gr. hypo-, under, beneath + Gr. physis, nature, growth + fr. Gr. hypo-, under, beneath + fr. Gr. thalamos, an inner room, chamber)

hypothalamospinalis, -e, hypothalamospinal (fr. Gr. hypo-, under, beneath + fr. Gr. thalamos, an inner room, chamber + fr. L. spina, a thorn, spine)

hypothalamus, -i, m. hypothalamus (fr. Gr. hypo-, under, beneath + fr. Gr. thalamos, an inner room, chamber)

hypothenar, hypathenaris, n. hypothenar (fr. Gr. hypo-, under, beneath + fr. Gr. thenar, the palm of the hand)


ilealis, -e, ileal (fr. L. ileum, lower portion of the small intestines)

ileocaecalis, -e, ileocaecal (fr. L. ileum, lower portion of the small intestines + L. caecum, lower portion of the large intestine, fr. L. caecus, blind)

ileocolicus, -a, -um, ileocolic (fr. L. ileum, lower portion of the small intestines + fr. Gr. kolon, large intestine) 

ileum, -i, n. ileum  (L. ileum, lower portion of the intestines at the level of the flank, fr. L. ilium, flank)

iliacus, -a, -um, iliac (fr. L. ilium, flank; a bone of the pelvis)

iliococcygeus, -a, -um, iliococcygeal (fr. L. ilium, flank; a bone of the pelvis + Gr. kokkyx, the cuckoo (bird), coccyx from its resemblance to the cuckoo’s beak)

iliocostalis, -e, iliocostal (fr. L. ilium, flank; a bone of the pelvis + fr. L. costa, a rib)

iliofemoralis, -e, iliofemoral (fr. L. ilium, flank; a bone of the pelvis + fr. L. femur, thigh; thigh bone)

iliohypogastricus, -a, -um, iliohypogastric (fr. L. ilium, flank; a bone of the pelvis + fr. Gr. hypo-, below + fr. Gr. gaster, stomach)

ilioinguinalis, -e, ilioinguinal (fr. L. ilium, flank; a bone of the pelvis + fr. L. inguen, groin)

iliolumbalis, -e, iliolumbar (fr. L. ilium, flank; a bone of the pelvis + fr. L. lumbus, the loin)

iliopectineus, -a, -um, iliopectineal (fr. L. ilium, flank; a bone of the pelvis + fr. L. pecten, a comb pectineus due the comb-shape of the muscle)

iliopsoas, -ae, f. iliopsoas (fr. L. ilium, flank; a bone of the pelvis + fr. Gr. psoa, the loin; a loin muscle)

iliopubicus, -a, -um, iliopubic (fr. L. ilium, flank; a bone of the pelvis + fr. L. pubes, adult; pubic bone)

iliotibialis, -e, iliotibial (fr. L. ilium, flank; a bone of the pelvis + fr. L. tibia, pipe, flute; the medial shin bone)

ilium, -i, n. ilium (L. flank; a bone of the pelvis)

impar, -paris, impar (L. unequal)

impressio, impressionis, f. impression (L. a pressing into)

imus, -a, -um, imus (L. lowest, superlative of inferus)

incertus, -a, -um, incertus (L. uncertain, doubtful)

incisalis, -e, incisal (fr. L. incidere, to cut into)

incisivus, -a, -um, incisive (fr. L. incidere, to cut into)

incisura, -ae, f. notch (fr. L. incidere, to cut into)

inclinatio, inclinationis, f. inclination (L. a leaning)

incudialis, -e, incudial (fr. L. incus, an anvil; the anvil bone of the middle ear)

incudomallearis, -e, incudomallear (fr. L. incus, an anvil; the anvil bone of the middle ear + fr. L. malleus, hammer; the hammer bone of the middle ear)

incudostapedialis, -e, incudostapedial,  (fr. L. incus, an anvil; the anvil bone of the middle ear + fr. L. stapes, a stirrup; stirrup bone of the middle ear) 

incus, incudis, f. incus (fr. incus, an anvil; the anvil bone of the middle ear)

index, indicis, m. index (L. one that points out, informs) 

indusium, -i, n. indusium (L. a tunic)

inferior, –ius inferior (L. more below, lower)

inferodexter, -tra, -trum, inferodexter (L. inferior, more below, lower + L. dexter, right)

inferolateralis, -e, inferolateral (L. inferior, more below, lower + lateralis, lateral, side)

inferomedialis, -e, inferomedial (L. inferior, more below, lower + medialis, medial, middle)

inferoposterior, -ius, inferoposterior (L. inferior, more below, lower + posterior, more behind)

infraauricularis, -e, infraauricular (L. infra, beneath + fr. L. auricula, little ear)

infraclavicularis, -e, infraclavicular (L. infra, beneath + fr. L. clavicula, little key, clavicle)

infraglenoidalis, -e, infragenoidal (L. infra, beneath + fr. Gr. glene, pupil of the eye, eyeball + fr. Gr. eidos, a shape, form)

infraglotticus, -a, -um, infraglottic (L. infra, beneath + Gr. glotta, tongue, glottis)

infrahyoideus, -a, -um, infrahyoid (L. infra, beneath + fr. Gr. hyoeides, like a upsilon, U-shaped) 

infralobaris, -e, infralobar (L. infra, beneath + fr. Gr. lobos, a pode, lobe)

inframammarius, -a, -um, inframammary (L. infra, beneath + fr. L. mamma, breast)

infraorbitalis, -e, infraorbital (L. infra, beneath + fr. L. orbis, circle, wheel)

infrapalpebralis, -e, infrapalpebral (L. infra, beneath + fr. L. palpebra, eyelid) 

infrapatellaris, -e, infrapatellar (L. infra, beneath + fr. L. patella, a small pan, kneecap) 

infrascapularis, -e, infrascapular (L. infra, beneath + fr. L. scapula, shoulder, shoulder-blade)

infraspinatus, -a, -um, infraspinous, infraspinatus (L. infra, beneath + fr. L. spina, a thorn, spine)

infrasternalis, -e, infrasternal (L. infra, beneath + fr. L. sternum, sternum bone, fr. L sternere, to spread out)

infratemporalis, -e, infratermoral (L. infra, beneath + fr. L. tempus, a division, section)

infratrochlearis, -e, infratrochlear (L. infra, beneath + fr. Gr. trochilia, pulley, roller of a windlass)

infundibularis, -e, infundibular (fr. L. infundibulum, a funnel)

 infundibulum, -i, n. infundibulum (L., a funnel)

inguen, inguinis, n. groin (fr. L., a groin, private parts)

inguinalis, -e, inguinal (L. inguen, a groin, private parts)

inion, -i, n. inion (fr. Gr. the nape of the neck)

innominatus, -a, -um, innominate (L. unnamed, nameless)

insertio, insertionis, f. attachment  *the Latin word insertio means attachment. The terms insertion and origo/origin have not been used as they change with function. (fr. L. insertare, to insert, put into)

insula, -ae, f. insula (L. an island)

insularis, -e, insular (fr. L. insula, an island)

integumentum, -i, n. integument (L. a covering, cloak, disguise)

interalveolaris, -e, interalveolar (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. alveolus, a bucket, a little hollow)

interarytenoideus, -a, -um, interarytenoid (L. inter-, between, among + fr. Gr. arytaina, a pitcher, cup, ladle)

interatrialis, -e, interatrial (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. atrium, a Roman foreroom, entrance-hall)

intercalatus, -a, -um, intercalated (fr. L. intercalare, to insert, to insert a day or month in a calendar)

intercapitularis, -e, intercapitular (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. capitulum, a little head)

intercarpalis, -e, intercarpal (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. carpus, wrist; fr. Gr. karpos, wrist)

intercartilagineus, -a, -um, intercartilaginous (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. cartilago, gristle, cartilage)

intercavernosus, -a, -um, intercaverous (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. caverna, a hollow, cave, grotto)

interchondralis, -e, interchondral (L. inter-, between, among + fr. Gr. chondros, granule; cartilage)

interclavicularis, -e, interclavicular (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. clavicula, a little key; collar bone)

intercollicularis, -e, intercollicular (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. collis, a hill)

intercondylaris, -e, intercondylar (L. inter-, between, among + fr. Gr. kondylos, a knuckle; a condyle)

intercostalis, -e, intercostal (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. costa, rib)

intercostobrachialis, -e, intercostobrachial (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. costa, rib + fr. L. brachium, arm, Gr. brachion, upper arm)

intercristalis, -e, intercristal (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. crista, the crest of an animal)

intercruralis, -e, intercrural (L. inter-, between, among + fr. crus, the leg)

intercuneiformis, -e, intercuneiform (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. cuneus, a wedge)

interdentalis, -e, interdental (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. dens, a tooth)

interfascicularis, -e, interfascicular (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. fasciculus, a little bundle of sticks)

interfoveolaris, -e, interfoveolar (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. fovea, a pit)

interganglionaris, -e, interganglionic (L. inter-, between, among + fr. Gr. ganglion, a little knot, tumor)

intergeniculatus, -a, -um, intergeniculate (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. geniculum, little knee, a knot in a plant)

interglutealis, -e, intergluteal (L. inter-, between, among + fr. Gr. gloutos, a rump, buttock)

interiliacus, -a, -um, interiliac (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. ilium, flank; a bone of the pelvis)

interlobaris, -e, interlobar (L. inter-, between, among + fr. Gr. lobos, a pod, lobe)

interlobularis, -e, interlobular (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. lobulus, a little lobe, lobule; fr. Gr. lobos, a pod, lobe)

intermammarius, -a, -um, intermammary (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. mamma, a breast)

intermaxillaris, -e, intermaxillary (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. maxilla, jaw; upper jaw)

intermediolateralis, -e, intermediolateral (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. medius, middle + fr. latus, lateris, side)

intermediomedialis, -e, intermediomedial (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. medius, middle + fr. L. medialis, toward midline)

intermediosinister, intermediosinistra, intermediosinistrum, intermediosinistral (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. medius, middle + L. sinister, left)

intermedius, -a, -um, intermediate (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. medius, middle)

intermembranaceus, -a, -um, intermembranous (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. membrana, parchment, membrane)

intermesentericus, -a, -um, intermesenteric (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. mesenterium, mesentery;  Gr. mesos, middle + fr. Gr. enteron, intestine) 

intermetacarpalis, -e, intermetacarpal (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. metacarpus, metacarpus; Gr. meta– after, beyond + Gr. karpos, wrist)

intermetatarsalis, -e, intermetatarsal (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. metatarsus, metatarsus; Gr. meta– after, beyond + Gr. tarsos, a mat of reeds, flat of the foot, flat blade of an oar)

intermuscularis, -e, intermuscular (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. musculus, a muscle, mouse)

internasalis, -e, internasal (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. nasus, a nose)

internus, -a, -um, internal (L. internal, inward)

interosseus, -a, -um, interosseous (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. os, ossis, bone)

interparietalis, -e, interparietal (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. paries, wall)

interpectoralis, -e, interpectoral (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. pectus, pectoris, the chest)

interpeduncularis, -e, interpeduncular (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. pedunculus, a little foot)

interphalangeus,  -a, -um, interphalangeal (L. inter-, between, among + fr. Gr. phalanx, phalangos, a line of soldiers; a round piece of wood; bone between joints of the fingers)

interpolaris, -e, interpolar (L. inter-, between, among + fr. Gr. polos, pivot, hinge, axis)

interpositospinalis, -e, interpositospinal (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. ponere, positum, to place + fr. L. spina, a thorn, spine)

interpositus, -a, -um, interpositus, interposed (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. ponere, positum, to place) 

interpubicus, -a, -um, interpubic (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. pubes, puberis, age of puberty, adult; pubic bone)

interradicularis, -e, interradicular (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. radix, radicis, a root; a nerve root)

intersectio, intersectionis, f.  intersection (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. sectio, sectionis, a cutting)

intersegmentalis, -e, intersegmental (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. segmentum, a shred, cutting, part)

intersigmoideus, -a, -um, intersigmoid (L. inter-, between, among + fr. Gr. sigma, a Greek letter “s” + Gr. eidos, form, shape, appearance –oid

intersphinctericus, -a, -um, intersphincteric (L. inter-, between, among + fr. Gr. sphinkter, that which binds; a ring-like musle that closes a natural orifice)

interspinalis, -e, interspinal  (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. spina, a thorn, spine)

interspinosus, -a, -um, interspinous (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. spina, a thorn, spine)

interstitialis, -e, intersitial (fr. L. interstitium, *new Latin for a fluid filled space of gap between barriers such as tissue; fr. L. inter-, between, among + L. stare, to stand)

interstitiospinalis, -e, interstitiospinal (fr. L. interstitium, *new Latin for a fluid filled space of gap between barriers such as tissue; fr. L. inter-, between, among + L. stare, to stand + fr. L. spina, a thorn, spine)

intertendineus, -a, -um, intertendinous (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. tendo, tendinis, tendon fr. tendere, to stretch)

interthalamicus, -a, -um, interthalamic (L. inter-, between, among + fr. Gr. thalamos, an inner room; thalamus of the brain)

intertragicus, -a, -um, intertragic (L. inter-, between, among + Gr. tragos, goat; a prominence in front of the opening of the external ear)

intertransversarius, -a, -um, intertransverse (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. transversus, oblique, transverse)

intertrochantericus, -a, -u, intertrochanteric (L. inter-, between, among + fr. Gr. trochos, a wheel, pulley, a course; a bondy projection)

intertubercularis, -e, intertubercular (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. tuber, tuberis, a hump, sweeling; a bony projection)

interuretericus, -a, -um, interureteric (L. inter-, between, among + fr. Gr. oureter, one of the ducts carrying unine from the kidneys) 

intervaginalis, -e, intervaginal (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. vagina, a sheeth, a sheeth-like structure)

intervenosus, -a, -um, intervenous (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. vena, a vein)

interventricularis, -e, interventricular (L. inter-, between, among + fr. new Latin ventriculus, ventricle fr. L. venter, ventris, a belly, cavity)

intervertebralis, -e, intervertebral (L. inter-, between, among + fr. L. vertebra, a joint, a joint of the back)

intestinalis, -e, intestinal (fr. L. intestinum, intestine, internal)

intestinum, -i, n. intestine  (L. intestine, internal)

intimus, -a, -um, intimus (L. innermost, inmost)

intraarticularis, -e, intraarticular (L. intra-, within, inside + fr. L. articulus, a small joint)

intrabiventralis, -e, intrabiventral (L. intra-, within, inside + L. bis– twice, twofold + fr. L. venter, ventris, the belly)

intracapsularis, -e, intracapsular (L. intra-, within, inside + fr. L. capsula, a little chest)

intracranialis, -e, intracranial  (L. intra-, within, inside + fr. L. cranium, a skull) 

intraculminalis, -e, intraculminate (L. intra-, within, inside + fr. L. culmen, culminis, a top, summit)

intraglandularis, -e, intraglandular (L. intra-, within, inside + fr. new L. glandula, gland, glandule; fr. glans, glandis, a acorn, gland)

intrajugularis, -e, intrajugular (L. intra-, within, inside + fr. L. jugulum, a throat)

intralaminaris, –e, intralaminar (L. intra-, within, inside +fr. L. lamina, a plate)

intralobaris, -e, intralobar (L. intra-, within, inside + fr. Gr. lobos, a pod, lobe) 

intramuralis, -e, intramural (L. intra-, within, inside + L. muralis, of a wall)

intraoccipitalis, -e, intraoccipital (L. intra-, within, inside + fr. L. occiput, occipitis, the back of the head)

intraocularis, -e, intraocular (L. intra-, within, inside + fr. L. oculus, a eye)

intraparietalis, -e, intraparietal (L. intra-, within, inside + fr. L. paries, parietis, wall)

intraparotideus, -a, -um, intraparotid (L. intra-, within, inside + fr. Gr. para-, on the side of, alongside + fr. Gr. ous, otos, ear)

intrapulmonalis, -e, intrapulmonary (L. intra-, within, inside + fr. L. pulmo, pulmonis, lung)

intrarenalis, -e, intrarenal (L. intra-, within, inside + fr. L. ren, renis, kidney)

intrasegmentalis, -e, intrasegmental (L. intra-, within, inside + fr. L. segmentum, a shred, cutting, part)

intratendineus, -a, -um, intratendinous (L. intra-, within, inside + fr. tendo, tendinis, tendon fr. tendere, to stretch)

intrathalamicus, -a, -um, intrathalamic (L. intra-, within, inside + fr. Gr. thalamos, an inner room; thalamus of the brain) 

intratonsillaris, -e, intratonsillar (L. intra-, within, inside + fr. L. tonsilla, tonsil)

intumescentia, -ae, f. enlargement (fr. L. intumescere, to swell)

investiens, investient (fr. L. investire, to dress, clothe)

iridicus, -a, -um, iridial (fr. Gr. iris, iridos, the iris, rainbow, Iris the Greek goddess of the rainbow)

iridocornealis, -e, iridocorneal (fr. Gr. iris, iridos, the iris, rainbow, Iris the Greek goddess of the rainbow + fr. L. cornea, corne; fr. L. corneus, horny, hard)

iris, iridis, f. iris (fr. Gr. iris, iridos, the iris, rainbow, Iris the Greek goddess of the rainbow)

irregularis, -e, irregular (L. inregularis, not straight, no pattern)

ischiadicus, -a, -um, ischiadic (fr. Gr. ischion, the hip, hip-joint; pelvic bone)

ischioanalis, -e, ischioanal (fr. Gr. ischion, the hip, hip-joint; pelvic bone + fr. L. anus, the anus)

ischiocavernosus, -a, -um, ischiocavernous (fr. Gr. ischion, the hip, hip-joint; pelvic bone + fr. L. caverna, a hollow, cave, grotto)

ischiococcygeus, -a, -um, ischiococcygeal (fr. Gr. ischion, the hip, hip-joint; pelvic bone + fr. Gr. kokkyx, kokkygos,  a cuckoo; the coccyx bone from its resemblance to the cuckoo’s beak)

ischiofemoralis, -e, ischiofemoral (fr. Gr. ischion, the hip, hip-joint; pelvic bone + fr. L. femur, femoris, the thigh; thigh bone)

ischiopubicus, -a, -um, ischiopubic (fr. Gr. ischion, the hip, hip-joint; pelvic bone + fr. L. pubes, puberis, age of puberty, adult; pubic bone)

ischium, -i, n. ischium (fr. Gr. ischion, the hip, hip-joint; pelvic bone)

isocortex, isocorticis, m. isocortex (fr. Gr. isos, equal + L. cortex, corticis, bark, rind; outer part of an organ)

isthmus, -i, m. isthmus ( fr. Gr. isthmos, a neck of land, an isthmus)


jejunalis, -e, jejunal (fr. L. jejunus, empty, fasting; part of small intestine)

jejunum, -i, n. jejunum (fr. L. jejunus, empty, fasting; part of small intestine)

jugularis, -e, jugular (fr. L. jugulum, a throat)

jugulodigastricus, -a, -um, jugulogastric (fr. L. jugulum, a throat + Gr. gaster, gastros, belly, stomach)

juguloomohyoideus, -a, -um, juguloomohyoid (fr. L. jugulum, a throat + fr. Gr. omos, shoulder + Gr. hyoeides, U-shaped)

jugum, -i, n. jugum (L. a yoke, collar)

junctio, junctionis, f. junction (L. a joining, connection) 

junctura, -ae, f. joint, juncture (L. a joining)

juxtacolicus, -a, -um, juxtacolic (L. juxta, close by, near + fr. Gr. kolon, the lower part of the bowels, colon)

juxtaintestinalis, -e, juxtaintestinal (L. juxta, close by, near + fr. L.  intestinum, an intestine, internal)

juxtaoesophagealis, -e, juxtaesophageal (L. juxta, close by, near + fr. Gr. oisophagos, the gullet, esophagus)

juxtaoralis, -e, juxtaoral (L. juxta, close by, near + fr. L. os, oris, a mouth)

juxtarestiformis, -e, juxtarestiform (L. juxta, close by, near + fr. L. restis, a rope + fr. L. forma, shape)


karyon, -i, n. karyon (fr. Gr. karyon, nut, kernel, nucleus)

koniocellularis, -e, koniocellular (fr. Gr. konis, konios, dust + fr. L. cellula, a little chamber, a cell)

kyphosis, kyphosis, f. kyphosis (fr. Gr. kyphos, bent forward, stooping, hump-backed)


labialis, -e, labial (fr. L. labium, lip)

labium, -i, n. lip (L. a lip)

labrum, -i, n. labrum (L. a lip)

labyrinthicus, -a, -um, labyrinthine (fr. Gr. labyrinthos, a maze)

labyrinthus, -i, m. labyrinth (fr. Gr. labyrinthos, a maze)

lacertus, -i, m. lacertus (L. the upper arm esp. in respect to muscles)

lacerus, -a, -um,  lacerus (L. lacerare, to tear to pieces, lacerate)

lacrimalis, -e, lacrimal (fr. L. lacrima, a tear)

lacrimoconchalis, -e, lacrimoconchal (fr. L. lacrima, a tear +  Gr. konche, a shell)

lacrimomaxillaris, -e, lacrimomaxillary (fr. L. lacrima, a tear +  L. maxilla, a jaw)

lactifer, lactifera, lactiferum, lactiferous (fr. L. lacrima, a tear + fr. L. ferre, to bear)

lacuna, -ae, f. lacuna (L. a cavity, hollow)

lacunaris, -e, lacunar (fr. L. lacuna, a cavity, hollow)

lacunosus, -a, -um, lacunar (fr. L. lacuna, a cavity, hollow)

lacus, -us, m. lake (L. lake)

lambda, lambdatis, n. lambda (fr. Gr. letter lambda)

lambdoideus, -a, -um, lambdoid ( fr. Gr. letter lambda + Gr. eidos, form, shape)

lamella, –ae,  f. lamella (L. a little plate)

lamina, -ae, f. lamina (L. a plate)

laminaris, -e, laminar (fr. L. lamina, plate)

lanugo, lanuginis, f. primary hair (L. the down on plants)

laryngealis, -e, laryngeal (fr. Gr. larynx, the upper part of the trachea)

laryngeus, -a, -um, laryngeal (fr. Gr. larynx, the upper part of the trachea)

laryngopharyngeus, -a, -um, laryngopharygeal (fr. Gr. larynx, the upper part of the trachea + fr. Gr. pharynx, a throat)

larynx, laryngis, m. larynx (fr. Gr. larynx, the upper part of the trachea)

lateralis, -e, lateral (fr. L. latus, the side, flank)

lateropharyngeus, -a, -um,  lateropharyngeal (fr. L. latus, the side, flank + fr. Gr. pharynx, pharyngos, the throat, pharynx)

latissimus, -a, -um, latissumus (L. widest, superlative adj. form L. latus, wide)

latus, -a, -um, latus (L. wide, broad)

laxus, -a, -um, loose (L. loose, wide)

lemniscalis, -e, lemniscal (fr. L. lemniscus, a ribbon attached to a victor’s wreath)

lemniscus, -i, m. lemniscus (L. a ribbon attached to a victor’s wreath)

lens, lentis, f. lens (L. a lentil)

lenticularis, -e, lenticular (fr. L. lens, a lentil)

lentiformis, -e, lentiform (fr. L. lens, a lentil + fr. L. forma, form, figure)

leptomeningeus, -a, -um, leptomenigeal (fr. Gr. leptos, thin, delicate + fr. Gr. meninx, membrane)

leptomeninx, leptomenigis, f. leptomeninx (fr. Gr. leptos, thin, delicate + fr. Gr. meninx, membrane)

levator, levatoris, m. levator (fr. L. levare, to raise, lift up)

levatorius, -a, -um, levatorius (fr. L. levare, to raise, lift up)

liber, libera, liberum, free (L. free)

lien, lienis, m. spleen (L. a spleen)

lienalis, -e, splenic (fr. L. lien, a spleen)

lienorenalis, -e, lienorenal (fr. L. lien, a spleen + fr. L. ren, a kidney)

ligamentum, –i, n. ligament (fr. L. a bandage, tie)

limbicus, -a, -um, limbic (fr. L. limbus, a border, hem, fringe)

limbosus, -a, -um, limbous (fr. L. limbus, a border, hem, fringe). 

limbus, -i, m. border, limbus (L. a border, hem, fringe)

limen, liminis, n. limen (L. threshold)

limitans, limitans (fr. L. limitare, to bound, limit)

linea, -ae, f. line (L. a line drawn)

linearis, -e, linear (fr. L. linea, a line drawn)

lingua, -ae, f. tongue (L. a tongue)

lingualis, -e, lingual (fr. L. lingua, a tongue)

lingula,ae, f. lingula (L. a chatterbox, little tongue)

lingularis, -e, lingular (fr. L. lingula, a chatterbox, little tongue)

linguofacialis, -e, linguofacial (fr. L. lingua, a tongue + fr. L. facies, face)

liquor,  -oris, m. fluid (L. fuidity, liquidity)

lobaris, -e, lobar (fr. Gr. lobos, a pod, lobe)

lobularis, -e, lobular (fr. Gr. lobos, a pod, lobe). 

lobulus, -i, m. lobule (fr. Gr. lobos, a pod, lobe)

lobus, -i, m. lobe (fr. Gr. lobos, a pod, lobe)

locus, -i, m. place (L. a place, location)

longissimus, -a, -um, longissimus (L. longest superlative fr. adjective L. longus, long)

longitudinalis, -e, longitudinal (fr. L. longitudo, length)

longus, -a, -um, long (L. long)

lordosis, lordosis, f. lordosis (fr. Gr. lordos, bent backward *convex in front)

lumbalis, -e, lumbar (fr. L. lumbus, loin)

lumbocostalis, -e, lumbocostal (fr. L. lumbus, loin + fr. L. costa, a rib)

lumbosacralis, -e, lumbosacral (fr. L. lumbus, loin + fr. L. sacrum, sacred *sacrum bone)

lumbricalis, -e, lumbrical (fr. L. lumbricus, earthworm)

lumbus, i, m. lumbar (L. loin)

luminalis, -e, luminal (fr. L. lumen, light *space between walls of tubular organ)

lunaris, -e, lunar (fr. L. luna, moon)

lunatus, -a, -um, lunate (fr. L. luna, moon)

lunogracilis, -e, lunogracile (fr. L. luna, moon + fr. L. gracilis, thin, slender)

lunula, -ae, f. lunule (L. little moon)

luteus, -a, -um, luteus (L. saffron-yellow)

lympha, -ae, f. lymph (L. water esp. from a clear spring)

lymphaticus, -a, -um, lymphatic (fr. L. lympha, water esp. from a clear spring)

lymphocapillaris, -e, lymphocapillary (fr. L. lympha, water esp. from a clear spring + fr. L. capillus, a hair * capillary)

lymphoideus, -a, -um, lymphoid (fr. L. lympha, water esp. from a clear spring + Gr. eidos, form, shape)

lymphonodus, -i, m. lymph node (fr. L. lympha, water esp. from a clear spring + L. nodus, a knot)


macula, -ae, f. macula (L. a spot, blemish)

 macularis, -e, macular (fr. L. macula, a spot, blemish)

magnocellularis, -e, magnocellular (fr. L. magnus, great, large +  fr. L. cellula, a little chamber, *a cell)

magnus, -a, -um, great, magnus  (L. great, large) 

major, majus, greater, major (L. greater, larger; comparative fr. magnus, great, larger)

malaris, -e, malar (fr. L. mala, the jaw-bone, cheek-bone)

mallearis, -e, mallear (fr. L. malleus, a hammer, mallet)

malleolaris, -e, malleolar (fr. L. malleolus, a little hammer)

malleolus, -i, m. malleolus (L. a little hammer)

malleus, -i, m. malleus (L. a hammer, mallet)

mamma, -ae, f. breast (L. a breast)

mammarius, -a, -um, mammary (fr. L. mamma, a breast)

mammilla, -ae, f. nipple, mammelon (L. a breast, nipple)  

mammillaris, -e, mammillary (fr. L. mam(m)illa, a breast, nipple)

mammillotegmentalis,  e, mamillotegmental (fr. L. mam(m)illa, a breast, nipple + fr. L. tegmentum, a covering)

mammillothalamicus, -a, -um, mamillothalamic (fr. L. mam(m)illa, a breast, nipple + fr. Gr. thalamos, inner room, chamber)

mandibula, -ae, f.  mandible (L. jaw, bone of the lower jaw)

mandibularis, -e, mandibular (fr. L. mandibula, jaw, bone of the lower jaw)

manubriosternalis, -e, manubriosternal (fr. L. manubrium, handle + fr. L. sternum, sternum fr. sternere, to spread out)

manubrium, -i, n. manubrium (L. handle)

manus, -us, f. hand (L. hand)

marginalis, -e, marginal (fr. L. margo, a border, edge)

margo, marginis, m. margin, border (L. a border, edge) 

masculinus, -a, -um, masculine (L. of the male sex and gender)

massa, -ae, f. mass (L. a lump, mass) 

masseter, masseteris, m. masseter (fr. Gr. maseter, chewer)

massetericus, -a, -um, masseteric (fr. Gr. maseter, chewer)

masticatorius, -a, -um, masticatory (fr. L. masticare, to chew)

mastoideus, -a, -um, mastoid (fr. Gr. mastos, a breast + fr. Gr. eidos, form, appearance)

 mater, matris, f. mater (L. a mother)

matrix, matricis, f. matrix (L. pregnant animal, womb, origin fr. L. mater, a mother)

maxilla, -ae, f.  maxilla (L. jawbone, jaw)

maxillaris, -e, maxillary (fr. L. maxilla, jawbone, jaw)

maximus, -a, -um, maximus (L. greatest, largest; superlative from magnus, great, large)

meatalis, -e, meatal (fr. L. meatus, a path, a going) 

meaticus, -a, -um, meatal (fr. L. meatus, a path, a going) 

meatus, -us, m. meatus (fr. L. a path, a going) 

medialis, -e, medial (L.  of the middle). 

medianus, -a, -um, median (fr. L. medius, middle)

mediastinalis, -e, mediastinal (fr. L. mediastinus,  a lowly servant, a drudge; literally that which stands in the middle)

 mediastinum, -i, n. mediastinum (fr. L. mediastinus,  a lowly servant, a drudge; literally that which stands in the middle)

mediocarpalis, -e, mediocarpal (fr. L. medius, middle + fr. Gr. karpos, wrist)

medioclavicularis, -e, medioclavicular (fr. L. medius, middle + fr. L. clavicula, a twig, small key; collar bone fr. clavis, a key)

mediodorsalis, -e, mediodorsal (fr. L. medius, middle + fr. L. dorsum, back)

mediomeningeus, -a, -um, middle meningeal (fr. L. medius, middle + fr. Gr. meninx, a membrane)

medioventralis, -e, medioventral (fr. L. medius, middle + venter, the belly)

medius, -a, -um, middle (L. middle) 

medulla, -ae, f. medulla, marrow (L. the marrow of the bones, middle)

medullaris, -e, medullar (fr. L. medulla, the marrow of the bones, middle)

medulloreticulospinalis, -e, medulloreticulospinal (fr. L. medulla, the marrow of the bones, middle + fr. L. reticulum, a little net, network + fr. L. spina, thorn, spine) 

membrana, ae, f. membrane (L. a thin skin, film)

membranaceus, -a, -um, membranous (fr. L. membrana, a thin skin, film)

membranosus, -a, -um, membranous (fr. L. membrana, a thin skin, film)

membrum, -i, n. limb (L. a limb)

meningeus, -a, -um, meningeal (fr. Gr. meninx, membrane)

meninx, meningis, f. meninx (fr. Gr. meninx, membrane)

meniscofemoralis, -e, meniscofemoral (fr. Gr. meniskos, crescent + fr. L. femur, thigh)

meniscus, -i, m. meniscus (Gr. mēniskos, crescent)

mentalis, -e, mental (fr. L. mentum, the chin)

mentolabialis, -e, mentolabial (fr. L. mentum, the chin + fr. L. labium, a lip)

mentum, -i, n. chin (L. the chin)

meridianus, -i, m.  meridian (fr. L. meridianus, -a, -um, midday)

meridionalis, -e, meridional (fr. L. meridianus, -a, -um, midday)

mesencephalicus, -a, -um, mesencephalic (fr. Gr. mesos– middle + fr. Gr. enkephalos, the brain)

mesencephalon, -i, n. mesencephalon (fr. Gr. mesos– middle + fr. Gr. enkephalos, the brain)

mesentericus, -a, -um, mesenteric (fr. Gr. mesos– middle + fr. Gr. enteron, the intestine)

mesenterium, -i, n. mesentery (fr. Gr. mesos– middle + fr. Gr. enteron, the intestine)

mesialis, -e, mesial (fr. Gr. mesos– middle)

mesiobuccalis, -e, mesiobuccal (fr. Gr. mesos– middle + fr. L. bucca, the cheek)

mesiolingualis,  -e, mesiolingual (fr. Gr. mesos– middle + fr. L. lingua, the tongue)

mesiopalatalis, -e, mesiopalatal (fr. Gr. mesos– middle + fr. L. palatum, the roof of the mouth, palate)

 mesoappendix, -icis, f. mesoappendix (fr. Gr. mesos– middle + fr. L. appendix, an addition, appendage)

mesocolicus, -a, -um, mesocolic  (fr. Gr. mesos– middle + fr. Gr. kolon, large intestine) 

mesocolon, -i, n. mesocolon (fr. Gr. mesos– middle + fr. Gr. kolon, large intestine) 

mesocortex, -icis, m. mesocortex (fr. Gr. mesos– middle + fr. L. cortex, bark, rind; outer layer of a structure)

mesometrium, -i, n. mesometrium (fr. Gr. mesos– middle + fr. Gr. metra, womb, uterus)

mesosalpinx, mesosalpingis, f. mesosalpinx (fr. Gr. mesos– middle + fr. Gr. salpinx, trumpet, tube, *Fallopian or Eustachian tube)

mesotendineum, -i, n. mesotendon (fr. Gr. mesos– middle + fr. L. tendo, tendinis, tendon fr. tendere, to stretch)

mesovaricus, -a, -um, mesovarian (fr. Gr. mesos– middle + fr. L. ovarium, a place for ova, ovary)

mesovarium, -i, n. mesovarium (fr. Gr. mesos– middle + fr. L. ovarium, a place for ova, ovary)

metacarpalis, -e, metacarpal (fr. Gr. meta-, beyond + fr. Gr. karpos, wrist)

metacarpophalangeus, -a, -um, metacarpophalangeal (meta-, beyond + fr. Gr. karpos, wrist + fr. Gr. phalanx, phalangos, a line of soldiers; a round piece of wood; bone between joints of the fingers)

metacarpus, -i, m. metacarpus (fr. Gr. meta-, beyond + fr. Gr. karpos, wrist)

metaphysis, -is, f, metaphysis (fr. Gr. meta-, beyond + fr. Gr. physis, growth, nature, * growth plate)

metatarsalis, -e, metatarsal (fr. Gr. meta-, beyond + fr. Gr. tarsos, flat of the foot)

metatarsophalangeus, -a, -um, metatarsophalangeal (fr. Gr. meta-, beyond + fr. Gr. tarsos, flat of the foot + fr. Gr. phalanx, phalangos, a line of soldiers; a round piece of wood; bone between joints of the fingers)

metatarsus, -i, m. metatarsus (fr. Gr. meta-, beyond + fr. Gr. tarsos, flat of the foot) 

metathalamus, -i, m. metathalamus (fr. Gr. meta-, beyond + fr. Gr. thalamos, inner room, chamber; thalamus of the brain)

metencephalon, -i, n. metencephalon (fr. Gr. meta-, beyond + fr. Gr. enkephalos, the brain)

metopicus, -a, -um, metopic (fr. Gr. metopon, forehead) 

minimus, -a, -um, minumus (L. least, smallest, superlative adj. fr. L.  parvus, little, small)

minor, minus, minor (L.  smaller comparative adj. fr. L. parvus, little, small)

mirabilis, -e, mirabilis (L. marvelous, wonderful)

mitralis,-e, mitral (miter, the two-pointed headdress of a bishop of the Western Christian Church fr. Gr. mitra, belt, girdle, headband)

mixtus, -a, -um, mixed (fr. L. miscere, mixtum, to mix)

mobilis, -e, mobile (L. movable, loose)

modiolus, -i, m. modiolus (L. a small measure, cylinder, hub)

molaris, -e, molar (L. adapted for grinding)

molecularis, -e, molecular (fr. L. moles, a shapeless mass)

mollis, -e, soft (L. soft)

mons, montis, m. mons (L. a mountain)

motorius, -a, -um, motor (fr. L. movere, motum, to move)

mucosa,  -ae, f. mucosa (fr. L. mucus, mucous matter from the nose)

mucosus, -a, -um, mucous (fr. L. mucus, mucous matter from the nose)

multifidus, -a, -um, mutifidus (fr. L. multus, many + fr. L. findere, fissum (fid-), to split, cleave)

multiformis, -e, multiform  (fr. L. multus, many + fr. L. forma, shape, form)

multipennatus, -a, -um, multipennate (fr. L. multus, many + fr. L. pinna, wing, feather)

muralis, -e, mural (fr. L.  murus, a wall)

muscularis, -e, muscular (fr. L. musculus, a little mouse, muscle)

musculocartilagineus, -a, -um, musculocartilaginous (fr. L. musculus, a little mouse, muscle + fr. L. cartilago, gristle, cartilage)

musculocutaneus, -a, -um, musculocutaneous (fr. L. musculus, a little mouse, muscle + fr. L. cutis, skin, hide)

musculophrenicus, -a, -um, musculophrenic (fr. L. musculus, a little mouse, muscle +  fr. Gr. phrev, midriff, mind, diaphragm)

musculotubarius, -a, -um, musculotubal (fr. L. musculus, a little mouse, muscle + fr. L. tuba, a straight war trumpet, tube)

musculus, -i, m. muscle (L. a little mouse, muscle)

myelencephalon, -i, n. myelenchephalon (fr. Gr. myelos, marrow, *spinal cord + fr. Gr. enkephalos, the brain)

myentericus, -a, -um, myenteric (fr. Gr. mys, myos, mouse, muscle + fr. Gr. enteron, the intestine) 

mylohyoideus, -a, -um, mylohyoid (fr. Gr. myle, mill, ginders, molars + fr. Gr. hyoeides, U-shaped)

mylopharyngeus, -a, -um, mylopharyngeal (fr. Gr. myle, mill, ginders, molars + fr. Gr. pharynx, pharyngos, the throat, pharynx)

myocardium, -i, n. myocardium (fr. Gr. mys, myos, mouse, muscle + fr. Gr. kardia, heart)

myometrium, -i, n. myometrium (fr. Gr. mys, myos, mouse, muscle + fr. Gr. metra, womb, uterus)


naris, -is, f. nostril (L. a nostril)

nasalis, -e, nasal (fr. L. nasus, a nose)

nasion, -i, n. nasion (fr. L. nasus, a nose + fr. Gr. -ion, a diminutive suffix)

nasociliaris, -e, nasociliary (fr. L. nasus, a nose + fr. L. cilium, eyelid; hair-like process)

nasofrontalis, -e, nasofrontal (fr. L. nasus, a nose + fr. L. frons, a forehead)

nasolabialis, -e, nasolabial (fr. L. nasus, a nose + fr. L. labium, a lip)

nasolacrimalis, -e, nasolacrimal (fr. L. nasus, a nose + fr. L. lacrima, a tear)

nasomaxillaris, -e, nasomaxillary (fr. L. nasus, a nose + fr. L. maxilla, the jaw-bone)

nasopalatinus, -a, -um, nasopalatine (fr. L. nasus, a nose + fr. L. palatum, roof of the mouth)

nasopharyngeus, -a, -um, nasopharyngeal (fr. L. nasus, a nose + fr. Gr. pharynx, pharyngos, the throat, pharynx)

nasus, -i, m. nose (L. a nose)

nates, natium, f. buttocks (L. the buttocks)

navicularis, -e, navicular (fr. L. navicula, a little ship)

neocerebellum, -i, n. neocerebellum (fr. Gr. neos, new, young + L. cerebellum, little brain, cerebellum)

neocortex, -icis, m. neocortex (fr. Gr. neos, new, young + fr. L. cortex, bark, rind, outer part of organ)

nephros, indeclinable, kidney (fr. Gr. nephros, kidney)  

nervosus, -a, -um, nervous, neural (fr. L. nervus, nerve, sinew)

nervus, -i, m. nerve (L. nerve, sinew)

neurium, -i, n. neurium (fr. Gr. neuron, nerve, sinew, tendon)

neurocranium, -i, n. neurocranium (fr. Gr. neuron, nerve, sinew, tendon + L. cranium, skull)

neurofibra, -ae, f. nerve fiber (fr. Gr. neuron, nerve, sinew, tendon + L. fibra, a fiber, filament)

 neuroglia, -ae, f. neuroglia (fr. Gr. neuron, nerve, sinew, tendon + fr. Gr. glia, glue)

neurohypophysis, -is, f. neurohypophysis (fr. Gr. neuron, nerve, sinew, tendon + fr. Gr. hypo-, under, beneath + Gr. physis, nature, growth) 

neuron, -i, n. neuron (fr. Gr. neuron, nerve, sinew, tendon) 

niger, nigra, nigrum, black, niger (L. black)

nigralis, -e, nigral (fr. L. niger, black *referring to the substantia nigra)

nodularis, -e, nodular (fr. L. nodus, a knot)

nodulus, -i, m. nodule (fr. L. nodus, a knot)

nodus, -i, m. node (fr. L. nodus, a knot)

non, indeclinable, non (L. not)

nonstratificatus, -a, -um, unstratified (fr. L. non, not + fr. L. stratificare, to arrange in layers)

noradrenergicus, -a, -um, noradrenergic (fr. L. normalis, normal, pertaining to a carpenter’s square + fr. L. ad-, toward + fr. ren, kidney + fr. Gr. ergon, work)

norma, -ae, f. aspect (fr. L. norma, a carpenter’s square)

nucha, -ae, f. nucha (L. nape, fr. Arabic nukha, spinal marrow)

nuchalis, -e, nuchal (L. nucha, nape, fr. Arabic nukha, spinal marrow)

nuclearis, -e, nuclear (fr. L. nucleus, the kernal of a nut)

nucleus, -i, m. nucleus (L. the kernal of a nut)

nudus, -a, -um, bare (L. bare, naked)

nutricius,  -a, -um, nutrient (fr. L. nutrire, to nourish)

nutriens, nutrient (fr. L. nutrire, to nourish)



obex, obicis, m. obex (L. a bolt, bar, barrier)

obliquus, -a, -um, oblique (L. slanting, sideways)

oblongatus, -a, -um, oblongatus (fr. L. oblongus, oblong)

oblongus, -a, -um, oblong (L. oblong)

obscurus, -a, -um, obscurus (fr. L. obscurare, to cover, darken)

obturatorius, -a, -um, obturator (fr. L. obturare, to stop up)

 obturatus, -a, -um, obturator (fr. L. obturare, to stop up)

occipitalis, -e, occipital (fr. L. occiput, the back of the head)

occipitofrontalis, -e, occipitofrontal (fr. L. occiput, the back of the head + fr. L. frons, the forehead)

occipitomastoideus, -a, -um, occipitomastoid (fr. L. occiput, the back of the head + Gr. mastoeides, mastoid process fr. Gr. mastos, breast  + eidos, form, shape)

occipitopontinus, -a, -um, occipitopontine (fr. L. occiput, the back of the head + fr. L. pons, bridge)

occipitotectalis, -e, occipitotectal (fr. L. occiput, the back of the head + fr. L. tegere, tectum, to cover)

occipitotemporalis, -e, occipitotemporal (fr. L. occiput, the back of the head + fr. L. tempus, temple of the head) 

occiput, occipitis, n. occiput (L. occiput, the back of the head)

occlusalis, -e, occlusal (fr. L. occludere, occlusum, to shut up, close up)

occlusus, -a, -um, occluded (fr. L. occludere, occlusum, to shut up, close up)

occultus, -a, -um, hidden (fr. L. occulere, occultum, to cover)

ocularis, -e, ocular (fr. L. oculus, a eye)

oculomotorius, -a, -um, oculomotor (fr. L. oculus, a eye + fr. L. movere, motum, to move)

oculus, -i, m. eye (L. a eye)

odontium, -i, n. odontium (fr. Gr. Gr. odous, tooth)

oesophagealis, -e, esophageal (fr. Gr. oisaphagos, esophagus, gullet)

oesophageus, -a, -um, esophageal (fr. Gr. oisaphagos, esophagus, gullet)

oesophagus, -i, m. esophagus (fr. Gr. oisaphagos, esophagus, gullet)

olecranon, -i, n. olecranon (fr. Gr. ōlekranon, point of the elbow)

olfactorius, -a, -um, olfactory (fr. L. olfactare, to smell)

olfactus, -us, m. olfaction (fr. L. olfactare, to smell)

oliva, -ae, f. olive (L. an olive)

olivaris, -e, olivary (fr. L. oliva, an olive)

olivocerebellaris, -e, olivocereballar (fr. L. oliva, an olive + fr. L. cerebellum, the little brain; cerebellum)

olivocochlearis, -e, olivocochlear (fr. L. oliva, an olive + fr. Gr. kochlias, a snail with a spiral shell; cochlea)

olivospinalis, -e, olivospinal (fr. L. oliva, an olive + fr. L. spina, thorn, spine)

omentalis, -e, omental (fr. L. omentum, fat-skin, fat)

omentum, -i, n. omentum (L. fat-skin, fat)

 omoclavicularis, -e, omoclavicular (fr. Gr. omos, shoulder + fr. clavicula,  little key, clavicle, fr. L. clavis, a key)

omohyoideus, -a, -um, omohyoid (fr. Gr. omos, shoulder +  fr. Gr. hyoeides, U-shaped)

omotrachealis, -e, omotracheal (fr. Gr. omos, shoulder + fr. Gr.  (arteria) tracheia, rough (windpipe))

onychium, -i, n. onychium (fr. Gr. onyx, onychos, talon, fingernail)

onyx, onychis, m. onyx (fr. Gr. onyx, onychos, talon, fingernail)

oophoron, -i, n. oophoron (fr. Gr. oophoron, ovary fr. Gr. oon, an egg)

opercularis, -e, opercular (fr. L. operculum, a cover, lid)

operculum, -i, n. operculum (L. a cover, lid) 

ophthalmicus, -a, -um, ophthalmic (fr. Gr. ophthalmos, a eye)

opisthion, -i, n. opisthion (fr. Gr. opisthen, back, in the rear)

opponens, opponens (fr. L. opponere, to place opposite) 

oppositio, oppositionis, f. opposition (fr. L. opponere, to place opposite) 

opticohypophysialis, -e, opticohypophysial (fr. Gr. optikos, pertaining to vision or the eye + Gr. hypo, beneath + fr. Gr. physis, growth, nature)

opticus, -a, -um, optic (fr. Gr. optikos, pertaining to vision or the eye)

oralis, -e, oral (fr. L. os, oris, a mouth)

orbicularis, -e, orbicular (fr. L orbiculus, a little circle, fr. L orbis, a circle, ring, disk)

orbiculus, -i, m. orbiculus (L. a little circle, fr. L. orbis, a circle, ring, disk)

orbita, -ae, f. orbita (L. a wheel rut, mark of a wheel)

orbitalis, -e, orbital (fr. L. orbita, a wheel rut, mark of a wheel)

orbitofrontalis, -e, orbitofrontal (fr. L. orbita, a wheel rut, mark of a wheel + fr. L. frons, the forehead)  

orchis, -is, m. testis, testicle (fr. Gr. orchis, a testicle)

organum, -i, n. organ (fr. Gr. organon, tool, instrument * organ of the body)

oriens, oriens (fr. L. oriri, to arise, spring from)

origo, originis, f. origin (L. an origin, source, beginning)

os, oris, n. mouth (L. a mouth)

os, ossis, n. bone (L. a bone)

osseus, -a, -um, bony (fr. L. os, ossis, a bone)

ossiculum, -i, n. ossicle (L. a little bone, fr. L. os, ossis, a bone)

ossificatio, ossificationis, f. ossification (fr. L. os, ossis, a bone + fr. L. facere, to make)

ostium, -i, n. orifice (L. a door)

oticus, -a, -um, otic (fr. Gr. ous, otos, a ear)

ovalis, -e, oval (fr. L. ovalis, egg-shaped)

ovaricus, -a, -um, ovarian (fr. L. ovarium, egg holder *ovary)

ovarium, -i, n. ovary   (L. egg holder *ovary)



pachymeninx, pachymeningis, f. pachymeninx (fr. Gr. pachys, thick + fr. Gr. meninx, membrane)

palatalis, -e, palatal (fr. L. palatum, the roof of the mouth)

palatinalis, -e, palatal (fr. L. palatum, the roof of the mouth)

palatinus, -a, -um, palatine (fr. L. palatum, the roof of the mouth)

palatoethmoidalis, -e, palatoethmoidal (fr. L. palatum, the roof of the mouth + fr. Gr. ethmos, sieve, strainer)

palatoglossus, -a, -um, palatoglossal (fr. L. palatum, the roof of the mouth + fr. Gr. glossa, the tongue)

palatomaxillaris, -e, palatomaxillary (fr. L. palatum, the roof of the mouth + fr. L. maxilla, the jaw-bone)

palatopharyngeus, -a, -um, palatopharyngeal (fr. L. palatum, the roof of the mouth +fr. Gr. pharynx, pharyngos, the throat, pharynx)

palatovaginalis, -e, palatovaginal (fr. L. palatum, the roof of the mouth + fr. L. vagina, a sheeth, a sheeth-like structure)

palatum, -i, n. palate (L.  the roof of the mouth)

paleocerebellum, -i, n. paleocerebellum (fr. Gr. palaios, old, ancient + L. cerebellum, little brain, cerebellum)

paleocortex, paleocorticis, m. paleocortex (fr. Gr. palaios, old, ancient + fr. L. cortex, bark, rind; outer layer of a structure)

pallidum, -i, n. pallidum (fr. L. pallidus, pale)

pallidus, -a, -um, pallidus (L. pale)

pallium, -i, n. pallium, cerebral cortex (L. a covering, a Greek cloak)

palma, -ae, f. palm (L. the palm of the hand, palm-branch) 

palmaris, -e, palmar (fr. L. palma, the palm of the hand, palm-branch)

palmatus, -a, -um, palmate (L. worked with palm-branches)

palpebra, -ae, f. eyelid (L. the eyelid)

palpebralis, -e, palpebral (fr. L. palpebra, the eyelid)

palpebronasalis, -e, palpebronasal (fr. L. palpebra, the eyelid + fr. L. nasus, nose)

pampiniformis, -e, pampiniform (fr. L. pampinus, vine-tendrils + fr. L. forma, shape, form)

pancreas, pancreatis, n. pancreas (fr. Gr. pankreas, fr. Gr. pan ‘all’ + kreas ‘flesh’)

pancreaticocolicus, -a, -um, pantreaticocolic (fr. Gr. pankreas, fr. Gr. pan ‘all’ + kreas ‘flesh’ +  fr. Gr. kolon, large intestine )

pancreaticoduodenalis, -e, pacreaticoduodenal (fr. Gr. pankreas, fr. Gr. pan ‘all’ + kreas ‘flesh’ + fr. L. duodenum digitorum, twelve fingers in length; duodenum intestine)

pancreaticosplenicus, -a, -um, pancreaticosplenic (fr. Gr. pankreas, fr. Gr. pan ‘all’ + kreas ‘flesh’ + fr. Gr. splen, the spleen)

pancreaticus, -a, -um, pancreatic (fr. Gr. pankreas, fr. Gr. pan ‘all’ + kreas ‘flesh’)

panniculus, -i, m. panniculus (L. a little garment)

papilla, -ae, f. nipple, papilla (L. a nipple)

papillaris, -e, papillar (L. papilla, a nipple)

paraaorticus, -a, -um, para-aortic (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + fr. Gr. aorta, something hung, aorta artery of the heart) 

parabigeminalis, -e, parabigeminal (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + fr. L. bigeminum, twin)

parabrachialis, -e, parabrachial (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + L. brachium, upper arm)

paracentralis, -e, paracentral (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + L. centralis, pertaining to center)

paracervix,  -icis, f. paracervix (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + fr. L. cervix, cervicis, neck)

paracolicus, -a, -um, paracolic (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + fr. Gr. kolon, large intestine )

paracommissuralis, -e, paracommissural (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + fr. L. commissura, a joining together, connection, knot)

paradidymis, paradidymidis, f. paradidymis (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + fr. Gr. didymos, twin, testicle)

paraduodenalis, -e, paraduodenal (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + fr. L. duodenum digitorum, twelve fingers in length; duodenum intestine)

parafascicularis, -e, parafascicular (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + fr. L. fasciculus, a small bundle of sticks)

parafloccularis, -e, parafloccular  (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + fr. L. floccus, a flock or tuft of wool)

paraflocculus, -i, m. paraflocculus (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + fr. L. floccus, a flock or tuft of wool)

paraganglion, -i, n. paraganglion (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + fr. Gr. ganglion, a little knot, tumor)

paragigantocellularis, -e, paragigantocellular (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + fr. Gr. gigas, gigantos, a giant +fr. L. cella, a room, a cell)

parahippocampalis, -e, parahippocampal (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + fr. Gr. hippokampos, sea horse fr. Gr. hippos, horse + Gr. kampos, sea monster)

paralaminaris, -e, paralaminar (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + fr. L. lamina, a plate)

paralemniscalis, -e, paralemniscal (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + fr. Gr. lemniskos, a fillet or ribbon)

paramammarius, -a, -um, paramammary (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + fr. L. mamma, breast)

paramastoideus, -a, -um, paramastoid (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + Gr. mastoeides, mastoid process fr. Gr. mastos, breast  + eidos, form, shape)

paramedianus, -a, -um, paramedian (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + fr. L. medius, middle)

parametrium, -i, n. parametrium (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + fr. Gr. metra, womb, uterus + –ium, tissue or structure)

paramolaris, -e, paramolar (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + L. molaris, adapted for grinding)

paranasalis, -e, paranasal (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + fr. L. nasus, nose)

paranigralis, -e, paranigral (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + fr. L. niger, black *referring to the substantia nigra)

paraolfactorius, -a, -um, paraolfactory (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + fr. L. olfactare, to smell)

parapeduncularis, -e, parapeduncular (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + fr. L. pedunculus, a little foot)

parapharyngeus, -a, -um, parapharyngeal (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + fr. Gr. pharynx, pharyngos, the throat, pharynx)

pararectalis, -e, pararectal  (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + L. rectus, straight, i.e. straight part of the colon) 

pararenalis, -e, pararenal (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + fr. L. renalis, pertaining to the kidney)

parasolitarius, -a, -um, parasolitary (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + fr. L. solitarius, alone)

parasternalis, -e, parasternal (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + fr. L. sternum, sternum fr. sternere, to spread out)

parasubiculum, -i, n. parasubiculum (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + fr. L. subiculum, support)

parasympathicus, -a, -um, parasympathetic (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + fr. Gr. syn-, with, together + fr. Gr. pathos, a suffering, affection)

parataenialis, -e, parataenial (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + fr. L. taenia, a fillet, head-band)

paraterminalis, -e, paraterminal (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + fr. L. terminus, a bounder, limit)

parathyroideus, -a, -um, parathyroid (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + fr. Gr. thyreoeides, oblong shield-shaped; thyroid)

paratrachealis, -e, paratracheal (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + fr. Gr.  (arteria) tracheia, rough (windpipe))

paraumbilicalis, -e, paraumbilical (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + fr. L. umbilicus, navel, umbilical cord, middle, center)

paraurethralis, -e, paraurethral (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + fr. Gr. ourethra, urethra)

parauterinius, -a, -um, parauterine (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + fr. L. uterus, the womb)

paravaginalis, -e, paravaginal (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + fr. L. vagina, a sheeth, a sheeth-like structure)

paraventricularis, -e, paraventricular (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + fr. new Latin ventriculus, ventricle fr. L. venter, ventris, a belly, cavity)

paraventriculohypophysialis, -e, paraventriculohyphysial (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near +f r. new Latin ventriculus, ventricle fr. L. venter, ventris, a belly, cavity + Gr. hypo, beneath + fr. Gr. physis, growth, nature)

paravertebralis, -e, parabertebral (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + fr. L. vertebra, back bone; vertebra)  

paravesicalis, -e, paravesical (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + fr. L. vesica, the bladder)

parenchyma, parenchymatis, n. parenchyma (Gr. parenkhyma, something poured in beside, name given by Ersistratus to substance of the lungs, liver, kidneys, and spleen, as if formed separately by the veins that run into them)

paries, parietis, m. wall (L. a wall)

parietalis, -e, parietal (fr. L. paries, a wall)

parietomastoideus, -a, -um, parietomastoid (fr. L. paries, a wall + Gr. mastoeides, mastoid process fr. Gr. mastos, breast  + eidos, form, shape)

parietooccipitalis, -e, parietooccipital (fr. L. paries, a wall + fr. L. occiput, back of the head)  

parietopontinus, -a, -um, parietopontine (fr. L. paries, a wall + fr. L. pons, bridge)

paroophoron, -i, n. paroophoron (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + fr. Gr. oophoron, ovary)

parotideomassetericus, -a, -um, parotideomasseteric (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + fr. Gr. ous, otos, ear +fr. Gr. maseter, chewer)

parotideus, -a, -um, parotid (fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + fr. Gr. ous, otos, ear) 

pars, partis, f. part (L. a part, portion, piece)

parvocellularis, -e, parvocellular (fr. L. parvus, little + fr. L. cellula, a little chamber or room)

parvus, -a, -um, small (L. little)

patella, -ae, f. patella (L. a dish, platter *kneecap bone)

patellaris,-e, patellar (fr. L. patella, a dish, platter *kneecap bone)

patens, patent (fr. L. patere, to be open, lie open)

 pecten, pectinis, m. pecten (L. a comb for combing hair)

pectinatus, -a, -um, pectinate (fr. L.  pecten, a comb for combing hair)

pectoralis, -e, pectoral (fr. L. pectus, the chest)

pectus, pectoris, n. chest (L. the chest)

pediculus, -i, m. pedicle (L., a little foot, a louse, from L. pedis, foot)

pedoncularis, -e, peduncular (fr. L. pedunculus, a little foot)

pedunculopontinus, -a, -um, pedunculopontine (fr. L. pedunculus, a little foot + fr. L. pons, bridge)

pedunculus, -i, m. peduncle (L. a little foot)

pellucidus, -a, -um, pellucidus (L. pellucidus, transparent) 

pelvicus, -a, -um, pelvic (fr. L. pelvis, a basin)

pelvinus, -a, -um, pelvic (fr. L. pelvis, a basin)

pelvis, -is, f. pelvis (L. a basin)

penicillus, -i, m. penicillus (L. a painter’s brush or pencil)

penis, -is, m. penis (L. a tail)

pennatus, -a, -um, pennate (L. feathered, winged)

perforans, perforant (fr. L. perforare, to pierce through)

perforatus, -a, -um, perforated (fr. L. perforare, to pierce through)

periamygdaloideus, -a, -um, periamygdaloid (fr. Gr. peri-, around + fr. Gr. amygdale, almond + eidos, form, shape)

periaqueductalis, -e, periaqueductal  (fr. Gr. peri-, around + fr. L. aquaeductus, a structure to convey water, aqueduct)

periarterialis, -e, periarterial (fr. Gr. peri-, around + fr. L. arteria, windpipe, artery)

pericallosus, -a, -um, pericallosus (fr. Gr. peri-, around + fr. L. callosus, hard-skinned, hard, solid)

pericardiacophrenicus, -a, -um, pericardiacophrenic (fr. Gr. peri-, around + L. pertaining to the stomach, fr. Gr. kardiakos, belonging to the heart + fr. Gr. phrev, midriff, mind, diaphragm)

pericardiacus, -a, -um, pericardiac (fr. Gr. peri-, around + L. pertaining to the stomach, fr. Gr. kardiakos, belonging to the heart)

pericardium, -i, n. pericardium (fr. Gr. peri-, around + fr. Gr. kardia, heart + –ium, tissue, structure)

pericentralis, -e, pericentral (fr. Gr. peri-, around + L. centralis, pertaining to center)

perichondrium, -i, n. perichondrium (fr. Gr. peri-, around + fr. Gr. chondros, cartilage) 

perichoroideus, -a, -um, perichoroid (fr. Gr. peri-, around + fr. Gr. chorioeides, resembling the fetal membrane; choroid of the eye)

pericranium, -i, n. pericranium (fr. Gr. peri-, around + L. cranium, skull)

pericuneatus, -a, -um, percuneate (fr. Gr. peri-, around + fr. L. cuneus, a wedge, wedge-shaped object) 

peridentalis, -e, peridental (fr. Gr. peri-, around + fr. L. dens, dentis, tooth)

periduralis, -e, peridural (fr. Gr. peri-, around + fr. L. dura mater, fr. L. durus, hard + mater, matris, mother)

perifornicalis, -e, perifornical (fr. Gr. peri-, around + fr. L. fornix, arch, vault)

perihypoglossalis, -e, perihypoglossal (fr. Gr. peri-, around + fr. Gr. hypo-, under, beneath + fr. Gr. glotta, tongue) 

perikaryon, -i, n. perikaryon (fr. Gr. peri-, around + fr. Gr. karyon, nut, kernel, nucleus)

perilymphaticus, -a, -um, perilymph (fr. Gr. peri-, around + fr. L. lympha, water, esp. clear spring water)

perilymphaticus, -a, -um, perilymphatic (fr. Gr. peri-, around + fr. L. lympha, water, esp. clear spring water)

 perimetrium, -i, n. perimetrium (fr. Gr. peri-, around + fr. Gr. metra, womb, uterus + –ium, tissue or structure)

perimysium, -i, n. perimysium (fr. Gr. peri-, around + fr. Gr. mys, myos, muscle, mouse +-ium, tissue or structure)

perinealis, -e, perineal (fr. Gr. perineos, space between anus and the genitals, fr. Gr. peri-, around + fr. Gr. inein, to carry away by evacuation) 

perineum, -i, n. perineum (fr. Gr. perineos, space between anus and the genitals, fr. Gr. peri-, around + fr. Gr. inein, to carry away by evacuation) 

perineurium, -i, n. perineurium (fr. Gr. peri-, around + fr. Gr. neuron, nerve, sinew, tendon + –ium, tissue or structure)

periodontium, -i, n. periodontium (fr. Gr. peri-, around + fr. Gr. odous, odontos, a tooth + –ium, tissue or structure)

periolivaris, -e, peri-olivary (fr. Gr. peri-, around + fr. L. oliva, an olive)

perionyx, perionychis, m. perionyx (fr. Gr. peri-, around + fr. Gr. onyx, onychos, nail of finger, claw, hoof)

periorbita, -ae, f. periorbita (fr. Gr. peri-, around + fr. L. orbita, a wheel rut, mark of a wheel)

periosteum, -i, n. periosteum (fr. Gr. peri-, around + fr. Gr. osteon, bone)

peripedoncularis, -e, peripedoncular (fr. Gr. peri-, around + fr. L. pedunculus, a little foot)

peripharyngeus, -a, -um, peripharyngeal (fr. Gr. peri-, around + fr. Gr. pharynx, pharyngos, the throat, pharynx)

peripheralis, -e, peripheral (fr. Gr. peri-, around + fr. Gr. pherein, to bear)

periphericus, -a, -um, peripheral (fr. Gr. peri-, around + fr. Gr. pherein, to bear)

peritonealis, -e, peritoneal (fr. Gr. peritonaion, membrane containing the lower viscera fr. Gr. peri-, around + fr. Gr. tonos, stretching, tension)

peritoneum, -i, n. peritoneum (fr. Gr. peritonaion, membrane containing the lower viscera fr. Gr. peri-, around + fr. Gr. tonos, stretching, tension)

peritrigeminalis, -e, peritrigeminal (fr. Gr. peri-, around + L. tres, tria, three, + L. geminus, a twin)

periurethralis, -e, periurethral (fr. Gr. peri-, around + fr. Gr. ourethra, urethra)

perivascularis, -e, perivascular (fr. Gr. peri-, around + fr. L. vasculum, a small vessel)

periventricularis, -e, periventricular (fr. Gr. peri-, around + fr. L. ventriculus, the belly, ventricle)

perizonalis, -e, perizonal (fr. Gr. peri-, around + fr. Gr. zone, a girdle, belt; zone)

 permanens, permanent (fr. L. permanere, to remain)

peronealis, -e, peroneal (fr. Gr. perone, pin of a brooch, fibula)

peroneus, -a, -um, fibular (fr. Gr. perone, pin of a brooch, fibula)

perpendicularis, -e, perpendiclar (fr. L. perpendiculum, a plumbline)

persistens, peristent (fr. L. persistere, to remain constant)

pes, pedis, m. foot (L. foot)

petiolus, -i, m. stalk (L. a little foot, a stalk)

petrooccipitalis, -e, petrooccipital (fr. Gr. petros, a stone + fr. L. occiput, back of the head)

petrosquamosus, -a, -um, petrosquamous (fr. Gr. petros, a stone + fr. L. squama, a scale, thin plate)

petrosus, -a, -um, petrosal (fr. Gr. petros, a stone)

petrotympanicus, -a, -um, petrotympanic (fr. Gr. petros, a stone + fr. Gr. tympanon, a drum; eardrum)

phalangeus, -a, -um, phalangeal (fr. Gr. phalanx, a finger, a finger-like battle formation)

phalanx, phalangis, f. phalanx (fr. Gr. phalanx, a finger, a finger-like battle formation)

pharyngealis, -e, pharyngeal (fr. Gr. pharynx, throat, pharynx)

pharyngeus, -a, -um, pharyngeal (fr. Gr. pharynx, throat, pharynx)

pharyngobasilaris, -e, pharyngobasilar (fr. Gr. pharynx, throat, pharynx + fr. L. basis, pedestal, base)

pharyngooesophagealis, -e, pharyngooesophageal (fr. Gr. pharynx, throat, pharynx + fr. Gr. oisaphagos, esophagus, gullet)

pharynx, pharyngis, f. pharynx (fr. Gr. pharynx, throat)

philtrum, -i, n. philtrum (fr. Gr. philtron, a love-charm)

phrenicoabdominalis, -e, phrenicoabdominal  (fr. Gr. phrev, midriff, mind, diaphragm + fr. L. abdomen, belly)

phrenicocoeliacus, -a, -um, phrenicocoeliac (fr. Gr. phrev, midriff, mind, diaphragm + fr. L. coeliacus, pertaining to the abdomen fr. Gr. koilia, belly, abdomen)

phrenicocolicus, -a, -um, phrenicocolic (fr. Gr. phrev, midriff, mind, diaphragm + fr. Gr. kolon, large intestine)

phrenicomediastinalis, -e, phrenicomediastinal (fr. Gr. phrev, midriff, mind, diaphragm + L. mediastinus, intermediate, standing in the middle)

phrenicooesophagealis, -e, phrenicooesophageal (fr. Gr. phrev, midriff, mind, diaphragm + fr. Gr. oisaphagos, esophagus, gullet)

phrenicopleuralis, -e, phrenicopleural (fr. Gr. phrev, midriff, mind, diaphragm + fr. Gr. pleura, a rib, side)

phrenicosplenicus, -a, -um, phrenicosplenic (fr. Gr. phrev, midriff, mind, diaphragm +  fr. Gr. splen, the spleen)

phrenicus, -a, -um, phrenic (fr. Gr. phrev, midriff, mind, diaphragm)

pialis, -e, pial ( fr. L. pia mater, fr. L. pius, dutiful, devoted + mater, matris, mother)

pigmentosus, -a, -um, pigmented (fr. L. pigmentum, a paint, color)

pilus, -i, m.  hair (L. a single hair)

pinealis, -e, pineal (L. pert. to a pine cone)

piriformis, -e, piriform (fr. L. pirum, pear + fr. L. forma, shape)

pisiformis,-e, pisiform (fr. L. pisum, pea + fr. L. forma, shape)

pisohamatus, -a, -um, pisohamate (fr. L. pisum, pea; pisiform bone + L. hamatus, hooked; hamate bone)

pisometacarpalis, -e, pisometacarpal (fr. L. pisum, pea; pisiform bone + fr. Gr. meta-, beyond + fr. Gr. karpos, wrist)

pituitarius, -a, -um, pituitary (fr. L. pituita, phlegm *ancient medical thought considered this gland the source/conduit of the humor known as phlegm)

planta, -ae, f. sole (L. the sole of the foot, green twig, plant)

plantaris, -e, plantar (L. the sole of the foot, green twig, plant)

planum, -i, n. plane (fr. L. planus, flat, even)

planus,-a,-um, plane (fr. L. flat, even)

platysma, platysmatis, n. platysma (fr. Gr. platysma, flat plate)

pleura, -ae, f. pleura  (fr. Gr. pleura, a rib, side)

pleuralis, -e, pleural (fr. Gr. pleura, a rib, side) 

pleurooesophageus, -a, -um, pleurooesophageal (fr. Gr. pleura, a rib, side + fr. Gr. oisophagos, gullet, esophagus)

plexiformis, -e, plexiform (fr. L. plexus, braided, plaited + fr. L. forma, shape)

plexus, -us, m. plexus (L. braided, plaited)

plica, -ae, f. plica, fold (fr. L. plicare, to fold)

pneumaticus, -a, -um, pneumatized (fr. Gr. pneumatikos, of pneuma, which in Greek medicine was spirit, breath, air)

polaris, -e, polar (fr. Gr. polos, a pivot, axis)

pollex, pollicis, m. thumb (L. the thumb)

polus, -i, m. pole (fr. Gr. polos, a pivot, axis)

pons, pontis, m. pons (L. a bridge)

pontinus, a, um, pontine (fr. L. pons, a bridge)

pontobulbaris, -e, pontobulbar (fr. L. pons, a bridge + fr. L. bulbus, a onion, a bulb)

pontocerebellaris, -e, pontocerebellar (fr. L. pons, a bridge + fr. L. cerebellum, the little brain; cerebellum)

pontocerebellum, -i, n. pontocerebellum (fr. L. pons, a bridge + fr. L. cerebellum, the little brain; cerebellum)

pontomesencephalicus, -a, -um, ponotmesencephalic (fr. L. pons, a bridge + fr. Gr. mesos– middle + fr. Gr. enkephalos, the brain)

pontoreticulospinalis, -e, pontonreticulospinal  (fr. L. pons, a bridge + fr. L. reticulum, a little net, network + fr. L. spina, thorn, spine)

poples, poplitis, m.  poples (L. the knee; posterior part of the knee)

popliteus, -a, -um, popliteal (fr. poples, the knee; posterior part of the knee)

porta, -ae, f. porta (L. a gate)

portalis, -e, portal (fr. L. porta, a gate)

portio, portionis, f. part (L. a part, section, division)

porus, -i, m. pore (fr. Gr. poros, passage) 

postaorticus, -a, -um, postaortic (fr. L. post, after, behind + fr. Gr. aorta, something hung, aorta artery of the heart)

postcavalis, -e, postcaval (fr. L. post, after, behind + fr. cavus, hollow, concave; *pertaining to the vena cava

postcentralis, -e, postcentral (fr. L. post, after, behind + L. centralis, pertaining to center)

postclivalis, -e, postclival (fr. L. post, after, behind + fr. L. clivus, a slope)

postcommissuralis, -e, postcommissural (fr. L. post, after, behind + fr. L. commissura, a joining together, connection, knot)

posterior, posterius, posterior (L.  later, following after)

posterolateralis, -e, posterolateral (fr. L. posterior, later, following after + fr. L. latus, the side, flank)

posteromedialis, -e, posteromedial (fr. L. posterior, later, following after + fr. L. medialis, of the middle)

posteromedianus, -a, -um, posteromedian (fr. L. posterior, later, following after + fr. L. medius, middle)

postganglionicus, -a, -um, postganglionic (fr. L. post, after, behind + fr. Gr. ganglion, a little knot, tumor)

postlaminaris, -e, postlaminar (fr. L. post, after, behind + fr. L. lamina, a plate)

postlingualis, -e, postlingual (fr. L. post, after, behind + fr. L. lingua, a tongue)

postpyramidalis, -e, postpyramidal (fr. L. post, after, behind + fr. Gr. pyramis, a pyramid)

postremus, -a, -um, postremal (L. hindmost, last *superlative of posterus)

postsulcalis, -e, postsulcal (fr. L. post, after, behind + fr. L. sulcus, a furrow, groove)

postvesicalis, -e, postvesical (fr. L. post, after, behind + fr. L. vesica, a bladder)

preaorticus, -a, -um, preaortic (fr. L. prae-, before, in front of + fr. Gr. aorta, something hung, aorta artery of the heart)

preauricularis, -e, preauricular (fr. L. prae-, before, in front of + fr. L. auricula, lobe of the ear)

prebiventralis, -e, prebiventral (fr. L. prae-, before, in front of + fr. L. bis + fr. L. venter, belly)

precaecalis, -e, precaecal (fr. L. prae-, before, in front of + fr. L. caecus, blind; the cecum)

precaecocolicus, -a, -um, precaecocolic  (fr. L. prae-, before, in front of + fr. L. caecus, blind + fr. Gr. kolon, large intestine)

precavalis, -e, precaval (fr. L. prae-, before, in front of + fr. cavus, hollow, concave; *pertaining to the vena cava)

precentralis, -e, precentral (fr. L. prae-, before, in front of + L. centralis, pertaining to center)

prechiasmaticus, -a, -um, prechiasmatic (fr. L. prae-, before, in front of + Gr. chiasma, a crossing, fr. Gr. letter chi, χ)

preclivalis, -e, preclival (fr. L. prae-, before, in front of + fr. L. clivus, a slope)

precommissuralis, -e, precommissural (fr. L. prae-, before, in front of + fr. L. commissura, a joining together, connection, knot)

preculminalis, -e, preculminal (fr. L. prae-, before, in front of + fr. L. culmen, top, summit)

precunealis, -e, precuneal (fr. L. prae-, before, in front of + fr. L. cuneus, a wedge, wedge-shaped object)

precuneatus, -a, -um, precuneate (fr. L. prae-, before, in front of + fr. L. cuneus, a wedge, wedge-shaped object)

precuneus, -i, m. precuneus (fr. L. prae-, before, in front of + fr. L. cuneus, a wedge, wedge-shaped object)

preepiglotticus, -a, -um, pre-epiglottic (fr. L. prae-, before, in front of + fr. Gr. epiglottis, fr. Gr. epi- upon + fr. Gr. glotta, tongue)

prefrontalis, -e, prefrontal (fr. L. prae-, before, in front of + fr. L. frons, the forehead)

preganglionicus, -a, -um, preganglionic (fr. L. prae-, before, in front of + fr. Gr. ganglion, a little knot, tumor)

pregeniculatus, -a, -um, pregeniculate (fr. L. prae-, before, in front of + fr. L. geniculum, little knee, a knot in a plant)

prelaminaris, -e, prelaminar (fr. L. prae-, before, in front of + fr. L. lamina, a plate)

prelaryngeus, -a, -um, prelaryngeal (fr. L. prae-, before, in front of + fr. Gr. larynx, the upper part of the trachea)

premammillaris, -e, premammillary (fr. L. prae-, before, in front of + fr. L. mam(m)illa, a breast, nipple)

premaxilla, -ae, f. premaxilla (fr. L. prae-, before, in front of + fr. L. maxilla, the jaw-bone)

premolaris, -e, premolar (fr. L. prae-, before, in front of + L. molaris, adapted for grinding)

preoccipitalis, -e, preoccipital (fr. L. prae-, before, in front of + fr. L. occiput, back of the head)

preolivaris, -e, pre-olivary (fr. L. prae-, before, in front of + fr. L. oliva, an olive)

preopticus, -a, -um, preoptic (fr. L. prae-, before, in front of + fr. Gr. optikos, pertaining to vision or the eye)

prepancreaticus, -a, -um, prepancreatic (fr. L. prae-, before, in front of + fr. Gr. pankreas, pancreas, ‘all flesh’)

prepatellaris, -e, prepatellar (fr. L. prae-, before, in front of + fr. L. patella, a dish, platter *kneecap bone)

prepericardiacus, -a, -um, prepericardiac (fr. L. prae-, before, in front of + pericardium, fr. Gr. peri-, around + fr. Gr. kardia, heart + –ium, tissue, structure)

prepositus, -a, -um, prepositus (fr. L. praeponere, to put before)

preprostaticus, -a, -um, preprostatic (fr. L. prae-, before, in front of + fr. L. prostata fr. L. prostare, to stand before)

preputialis, -e, preputial (fr. L. preputium, the foreskin)

preputium, -i, n. prepuce, foreskin (L. the foreskin)

prepyloricus, -a, -um, prepyloric (fr. L. prae-, before, in front of + fr. Gr. pyloros, gatekeeper; distal aperature of the stomach)

prepyramidalis, -e, prepyramidal (fr. L. prae-, before, in front of + fr. Gr. pyramis, a pyramid)

presacralis, -e, presacral (fr. L. prae-, before, in front of + fr. L. sacrum, sacred; sacrum bone)

presplenicus, -a, -um, presplenic (fr. L. prae-, before, in front of + fr. Gr. splen, the spleen)

presternalis, -e, presternal (fr. L. prae-, before, in front of + fr. L. sternum, sternum fr. sternere, to spread out)

presubiculum, -i, n. presubiculum (L. support; inferior part of the hippocampal formation)

presulcalis, -e, presulcal (fr. L. prae-, before, in front of + fr. L. sulcus, a furrow, groove)

pretectalis, -e, pretectal (fr. L. prae-, before, in front of + fr. L. tectum, a roof, ceiling)

pretectoolivaris, -e, pretectoolivary (fr. L. prae-, before, in front of + fr. L. tectum, a roof, ceiling + fr. L. oliva, an olive)

pretrachealis, -e, pretracheal (fr. L. prae-, before, in front of + fr. Gr.  (arteria) tracheia, rough (windpipe); trachea)

prevertebralis, -e, prevertebral (fr. L. prae-, before, in front of + fr. L. vertebra, back bone; vertebra) 

prevesicalis, -e, prevesical (fr. L. prae-, before, in front of + fr. L. vesica, a bladder)

primarius, -a, -um, primary (L. first in rank)

primus, -a, -um, first (L. first, foremost)

princeps, principis, comparative adj., princeps (L. first, foremost)

principalis, -e, principal, main (fr. L. princeps, first, foremost)

procerus, -a, -um, procerus (L. tall, long)

processus, -us, m. process (L. a going forth, progress)

profundus, -a, -um, deep (L. deep)

projectio, projectionis, f. projection (L. a throwing forward, stretching out)

prominens, prominens, prominent (fr. L. prominere, to stand out, jut out)

prominentia, -ae, f. prominence (fr. L. prominere, to stand out, jut out)

promontorium, -i, n. promontory (L. a mountain ridge, promontory)

pronatio, pronationis, f. pronation (fr. L. pronus, stooping or bending forward) 

pronator, pronatoris, m. pronator (fr. L. pronus, stooping or bending forward) 

pronatio, pronationis, pronator (fr. L. pronus, stooping or bending forward) 

proprius, -a, -um, proprius, proper (L. special, particular)

prosencephalon, -i, n. prosenchephalon, forebrain (fr. Gr. proso– forward, in front of + fr. Gr. enkephalos, the brain)

prostata, -ae, f. prostate (fr. L. pro-, before, in front of + fr. L. stare, statum, to stand) 

prostaticus, -a, -um, prostatic (fr. L. pro-, before, in front of + fr. L. stare, statum, to stand) 

protectio, protectionis, f. protection (fr. L. protegere, to cover over)

protuberantia, -ae, f. protuberance (fr. L. pro-, before, in front of + fr. L. tuber, a swelling)

proximalis, -e, proximal (fr. L. proximitas, nearness)

psoas,  psoae, f. psoas (fr. Gr. psoa, loin; loin muscle)

psoaticus, -a, -um, psoatic (fr. Gr. psoa, loin; loin muscle)

pterion, -i, n. pterion (fr. Gr. pteron, a wing, feather)

pterygoideus, -a, -um, pterygoid (fr. Gr. pteryx, pterygos, wing + fr. Gr. eidos, form, shape)

pterygomandibularis, -e, pterygomandibular (fr. Gr. pteryx, pterygos, wing + fr. L. mandibula, jaw, bone of the lower jaw)

pterygomaxillaris, -e, pterygomaxillary (fr. Gr. pteryx, pterygos, wing +  fr. L. maxilla, the jaw-bone)

pterygomeningeus, -a, -um, pterygomeningeal (fr. Gr. pteryx, pterygos, wing + fr. Gr. meninx, membrane)

pterygopalatinus, -a, -um, pterygopalatine (fr. Gr. pteryx, pterygos, wing + fr. L. palatum, the roof of the mouth)

pterygopharyngeus, -a, -um, pterygopharyngeal (fr. Gr. pteryx, pterygos, wing + fr. Gr. pharynx, throat, pharynx)

pterygospinalis, -e, pterygospinal (fr. Gr. pteryx, pterygos, wing + fr. L. spina, thorn, spine)

pterygospinosus, -a, -um, pterygospinous (fr. Gr. pteryx, pterygos, wing + fr. L. spina, thorn, spine)

pubicus, -a, -um, pubic (fr. L. pubes, arrived at the age of puberty, adult)

pubis, pubis, f. pubis (fr. L. pubes, arrived at the age of puberty, adult, *(os) pubis, bone of the groin)

puboanalis, -e, puboanal (fr. L. pubes, arrived at the age of puberty, adult + fr. L. anus, ring, anatomical anus)

pubocervicalis, -e, pubocervical (fr. L. pubes, arrived at the age of puberty, adult + fr. L. cervix, a neck)

pubococcygeus,  -a, -um, pobococcygeal (fr. L. pubes, arrived at the age of puberty, adult + fr. Gr. kokkyx, kokkygos,  a cuckoo; the coccyx bone from its resemblance to the cuckoo’s beak)

pubofemoralis, -e, pubofemoral (fr. L. pubes, arrived at the age of puberty, adult +  fr. L. femur, the thigh; femoral bone)

puboperinealis, -e, puboperineal (fr. L. pubes, arrived at the age of puberty, adult + fr. Gr. perineos, space between anus and the genitals, fr. Gr. peri-, around + fr. Gr. inein, to carry away by evacuation)

puboprostaticus, -a, -um, puboprostatic (fr. L. pubes, arrived at the age of puberty, adult + fr. L. pro-, before, in front of + fr. L. stare, statum, to stand)

puborectalis, -e, puborectal (fr. L. pubes, arrived at the age of puberty, adult + L. rectus, straight, i.e. straight part of the colon)

pubovaginalis, -e, pubovaginal (fr. L. pubes, arrived at the age of puberty, adult + fr. L. vagina, a sheeth, a sheeth-like structure)

 pubovesicalis -e, pubovesical (fr. L. pubes, arrived at the age of puberty, adult + fr. L. vesica, a bladder)

pudendalis, -e, pudendal (fr. L. pudendus, shameful, disgraceful *external genital organs)

pudendum, i, n. pudendum (fr. L. pudendus, shameful, disgraceful *external genital organs)

pudendus, -a, -um, pudendal (L. shameful, disgraceful *external genital organs)

pulmo, pulmonis, m. lung (L. a lung)

pulmonalis, -e, pulmonary (fr. L. pulmo, a lung)

pulpa, -ae, f. pulp (L. flesh)

pulparis, -e, pulpal (fr. L. pulpa, flesh)

pulposus, -a, -um, pulposus (fr. L. pulpa, flesh)

pulvinar, pulvinaris, n. pulvinar (L. a couch)

pulvinaris, -e, pulvinar (fr. L. pulvinar, a couch)

punctum, -i, n. end (L. a little hole, point, puncture)

pupilla, -ae, f. pupil (L. orphan girl, pupil of the eye)

pupillaris, -e, pupillary (fr. L. pupilla, orphan girl, pupil of the eye)

putamen, putaminis, n. putamen (L. peel, clipping, or a shell)

pyloricus, -a, -um, pyloric (fr. Gr. pyloros, gatekeeper; distal aperature of the stomach)

pylorus, -i, m. pylorus (fr. Gr. pyloros, gatekeeper; distal aperature of the stomach)

pyramidalis, -e, pyramidal (fr. Gr. pyramis, a pyramid)

pyramis, pyramidis, f. pyramid (fr. Gr. pyramis, a pyramid)


quadrangularis, -e, quadrangular (fr. L. quadra, square + fr. L. angulus, angle)

quadratus, -a, -um,  quadrate, quadratus (L. square)

quadriceps, quadricipitis, quadriceps (L. four heads)

quadrigeminalis, -e, quadrigeminal (fr. L. quadra, four + fr. L. geminus, twin)

quadrigeminus, -i, m. quadrigeminus (fr. L. quadra, four + fr. L. geminus, twin)

quartus, -a, -um, fourth (L. the fourth)

quintus, -a, -um, fifth (L. the fifth)


radialis, -e, radial (fr. L. radius, a rod, staff)

radiatio, radiationis, f. radiation (fr. L. radiare, to emit rays, gleam)

radiatus, -a, -um, radiate (fr. L. radiare, to emit rays, gleam)

radicularis, -e, radicular (fr. L. radix, a root)

radiocarpalis, -e, radiocarpal (fr. L. radius, a rod, staff + Gr. karpos, wrist)

radioulnaris, -e, radioulnar (fr. L. radius, a rod, staff + fr. L. ulna, a forearm)

radius, -i, m. radius (L. a rod, staff)

radix, radicis, f. root (L. a root)

ramus, -i, m. branch, ramus (L. a branch, bough, twig)

raphe (pl. raphes), -ae, f. raphe (fr. Gr. raphe, a seam, suture)

raphespinalis, -e, raphespinal (fr. Gr. raphe, a seam, suture + fr. L. spina, thorn, spine)

recessus, -us, m. recess (L. a withdrawal)

rectalis, -e, rectal (fr. L. rectus, straight, i.e. straight part of the colon)

rectococcygeus, -a, -um, rectococcygeal (fr. L. rectus, straight, i.e. straight part of the colon + fr. Gr. kokkyx, kokkygos,  a cuckoo; the coccyx bone from its resemblance to the cuckoo’s beak)

rectoperinealis,  -e, rectoperineal  (fr. L. rectus, straight, i.e. straight part of the colon + Gr. perineos, space between anus and genital)

rectoprostaticus, -a, -um, rectoprostatic (fr. L. rectus, straight, i.e. straight part of the colon + fr. L. pro-, before, in front of + fr. L. stare, statum, to stand)

rectosacralis, -e, rectosacral (fr. L. rectus, straight, i.e. straight part of the colon +  fr. L. sacrum, sacred; sacrum bone)

rectourethralis, -e, rectourethral (fr. L. rectus, straight, i.e. straight part of the colon + fr. Gr. ourethra, urethra)

rectouterinus, -a, -um, rectouterine (fr. L. rectus, straight, i.e. straight part of the colon + fr. L. uterus, the womb)

rectovaginalis, -e, rectovaginal (fr. L. rectus, straight, i.e. straight part of the colon + fr. L. vagina, a sheeth, a sheeth-like structure)

rectovesicalis, -e, rectovesical  (fr. L. rectus, straight, i.e. straight part of the colon + fr. L. vesica, a bladder)

rectum, -i, n. rectum (fr. L. rectus, straight, i.e. straight part of the colon)

rectus, -a, -um, rectus, straight (L. straight)

recurrens, recurrent (fr. L. recurrere, to run back)

referens, referent (fr. L. referre, to carry back)

reflexus, -a, -um, reflected (fr. L. refectere, to bend back)

regio, regionis, f. region (L. a direction, a space enclosed by lines)

regionalis, -e, regional (fr. L. regio, a direction, a space enclosed by lines)

ren, renis, m. kidney (fr. L. renes, the kidneys)

renalis, -e, renal (fr. L. renes, the kidneys)

repositio, repositionis, f. reposition (fr. L. reponere, repositum, to put back)

res, rei, f. res (L. thing, object, matter)

respiratorius, -a, -um, respiratory (fr. L. respirare, to breath again)

restiformis, -e, restiform (fr. L. restis, rope, + fr. L.  forma, shape)

rete, retis, n. network, rete (L. a net)

reticularis, -e, reticular (fr. L. reticulum, a little net, network)

reticulospinalis, -e, reticulospinal (fr. L. reticulum, a little net, network + fr. L. spina, thorn, spine)

reticulum, -i, n. reticulum ( L.  a little net, network)

retina, -ae, f. retina (L. the innermost coat of the posterior eyeball)

retinaculum, -i, n. retinaculum (L. a rope, cable)

retinohypothalamicus, -a, -um, retinohypothalamic (L. retina, the innermost coat of the posterior eyeball + fr. Gr. hypo-, under, beneath + fr. Gr. thalamos, an inner room, chamber)

retroambiguus, -a, -um, retroambiguus (fr. L. retro-, backward, behind + L. ambiguus, moving side to side, of doubtful nature

retroaorticus, -a, -um, retroaortic (fr. L. retro-, backward, behind +  fr. Gr. aorta, something hung, aorta artery of the heart)

retrobulbaris, -e, retrobulbar (fr. L. retro-, backward, behind + fr. L. bulbus, a onion, a bulb)

retrocaecalis, -e,  retrocecal (fr. L. retro-, backward, behind + fr. L. caecus, blind; the cecum)

retrocavalis, -e, retrocaval (fr. L. retro-, backward, behind + fr. cavus, hollow, concave)

retrochiasmaticus, -a, -um, retrochiasmatic (fr. L. retro-, backward, behind + Gr. chiasma, a crossing, fr. Gr. letter chi, χ)

retroduodenalis, -e, retoduodenal (fr. L. retro-, backward, behind + fr. L. duodenum digitorum, twelve fingers in length; duodenum intestine)

retrofacialis, -e, retrofacial (fr. L. retro-, backward, behind + fr. L. facies, face)

retroflexus, -a, -um, retrofex (fr. L. retro-, backward, behind + L. flectere, flexum, to bend)

retrohyoideus, -a, -um, retrohyoid (fr. L. retro-, backward, behind + fr. Gr. hyoeides, like a upsilon, U-shaped)

retroinguinalis, -e, retroinguinal (fr. L. retro-, backward, behind + fr. L. inguen, groin)

retrolentiformis, -e, retrolentiform  (fr. L. retro-, backward, behind + fr. L. lens, a lentil + fr. L. forma, form, figure)

retromalleolaris, -e, retromalleolar  (fr. L. retro-, backward, behind + fr. L. malleolus, a little hammer)

retromandibularis, -e, retromandibular (fr. L. retro-, backward, behind + fr. L. mandibula, jaw, bone of the lower jaw)

retromolaris, -e, retromolar (fr. L. retro-, backward, behind + fr. L. molaris, adapted for grinding)

retroolivaris, -e, retro-olivary (fr. L. retro-, backward, behind + fr. L. oliva, an olive)

retroperitonealis, -e, retroperitoneal (fr. L. retro-, backward, behind + fr. Gr. peritonaion, membrane containing the lower viscera fr. Gr. peri-, around + fr. Gr. tonos, stretching, tension)

retropharyngealis, -e, retropharyngeal (fr. L. retro-, backward, behind + fr. Gr. pharynx, throat, pharynx)

retropharyngeus, -a, -um, retropharyngeal (fr. L. retro-, backward, behind + fr. Gr. pharynx, throat, pharynx)

retroposterolateralis, -e, retroposterolateral (fr. L. retro-, backward, behind + fr. L. posterior, later, following after + fr. L. latus, the side, flank)

retropubicus, -a, -um, retropubic (fr. L. retro-, backward, behind + fr. L. pubes, arrived at the age of puberty, adult)

retropyloricus, -a, -um, retropyloric (fr. L. retro-, backward, behind + fr. Gr. pyloros, gatekeeper; distal aperature of the stomach)

retrorubralis, -e, retrorubral (fr. L. retro-, backward, behind + fr. L ruber, red)

retrotrigeminalis, -e, retrotrigeminal (fr. L. retro-, backward, behind + L. tres, tria, three, + geminus, a twin)

retrovesicalis, -e, retrovesical (fr. L. retro-, backward, behind + fr. L. vesica, a bladder)

retrozonularis, -e, retrozonular  (fr. L. retro-, backward, behind + fr. Gr. zone, girdle, belt; zone)

reuniens,  reunient  (fr. L. re, again, + unire, to unite)

rhinalis, -e, rhinal (fr. Gr. rhis, rhinos, nose)

rhombencephalon, -i, n. rhombencephalon (fr. Gr. rhombos, spinnin top, wheel, rhomb +  fr. Gr. enkephalos, brain)

rhomboidalis, -e, rhomboid (fr. Gr. rhombos, spinnin top, wheel, rhomb + fr. Gr. eidos, form, shape)

rhomboideus, -a, -um, rhomboid (fr. Gr. rhombos, spinnin top, wheel, rhomb + fr. Gr. eidos, form, shape)

rima, -ae, f. rima (L. crack, fissure, chink)

risorius, -a, -um, risorius (fr. L. ridere, to laugh)

rivus, -i, m. pathway (L. a stream)

rostralis, -e, rostral (fr. L. rostrum, the beak, snout)

rostrodorsalis, -e, rostrodorsal (fr. L. rostrum, the beak, snout + fr. L. dorsum, back)

rostrum, -i, n. (L., the beak, snout)

rotatio, rotationis, f. rotation (L. a turning)

rotator, rotatoris, m. rotator  (fr. L. rotare, to turn)

rotundus, -a, -um, rotund (L. round, circular)

ruber, rubra, rubrum, red (L. red)

rubralis, -e, rubral (fr. L. ruber, red)

rubrobulbaris, -e, rubrobulbar (fr. L. ruber, red + fr. L. bulbus, a onion, a bulb)

 rubronuclearis, -e, rubronuclear (fr. L. ruber, red + fr. L. nucleus, the kernal of a nut)

rubroolivaris, -e, rubroolivary (fr. L. ruber, red + fr. L. oliva, an olive)

rubropontinus, -a, -um, rubropontine (fr. L. ruber, red + fr. L. pons, bridge)

rubrospinalis, -e, rubrospinal (fr. L. ruber, red + L. spina, thorn, spine)

ruga, -ae, f. fold, ruga (L. wrinkle, crease fold)



sacciformis, -e, sacciform (fr. L. saccus, bag, sac, pouch + fr. L. forma, form, figure)

saccularis, -e, saccular (fr. L. saccus, bag, sac, pouch + fr. L. forma, form, figure)

sacculus, -i, m. saccule (L. little bag, sac, fr. L. saccus, bag, sac, pouch)

saccus, -i, m. sac  (L. bag, sac, pouch)

sacer, sacra, sacrum, *with os = sacrum (L. sacred, holy; bone forming the back of the pelvis)

sacralis, -e, sacral (fr. L. sacer, sacred, holy; bone forming the back of the pelvis)

sacrococcygeus, -a, -um, sacrococcygeal (fr. L. sacer, sacred, holy; bone forming the back of the pelvis + Gr. kokkyx, cuckoo, i.e. resembling a cuckoo’s beak)

sacroiliacus, -a, -um, sacroiliac (fr. L. sacer, sacred, holy; bone forming the back of the pelvis + fr. L. ilium, flank; a bone of the pelvis)

sacropelvicus, -a, -um, sacropelvic (fr. L. sacer, sacred, holy; bone forming the back of the pelvis + L. pelvis, basin)

sacrospinalis, -e, sacrospinal (fr. L. sacer, sacred, holy; bone forming the back of the pelvis + fr. L. spina, thorn, spine)

sacrotuberalis, -e, sacrotuberal (fr. L. sacer, sacred, holy; bone forming the back of the pelvis + fr. L. tuber, a swelling)

sagittalis, -e, sagittal (fr. L. sagitta, arrow, a suture between the two bones of the skull)

sagulum, -i, n. sagulum (L. a small military cloak)

salivarius, -a, -um, salivary (fr. L. saliva, spittle, saliva)

salivatorius,  -a, -um, salivatory (fr. L. saliva, spittle, saliva) 

salpingopalatinus, -a, -um, salpingopalatine (fr. Gr. salpinx, trumpet, tube, *Fallopian or Eustachian tube + fr. L. palatum, the roof of the mouth)

salpingopharyngeus, -a, -um, salpingopharyngeal (fr. Gr. salpinx, trumpet, tube, *Fallopian or Eustachian tube + fr. Gr. pharynx, throat, pharynx)

salpinx, salpingis, f. salpinx (fr. Gr. salpinx, trumpet, tube, *Fallopian or Eustachian tube)

sanguineus, -a, -um, blood (fr. L. sanguis, blood) 

sanguis, sanguinis, m. blood (L. blood)

saphenus, -a, -um, saphenous (fr. Gr. saphenes, clear, manifest)

sartorius, -a, -um, sartorius (fr. L. sartor, tailor)

scala, -ae, f. scala (fr. L. scalae, ladder, staircase)

scalenus, -a, -um, scalene (fr. Gr. skalenos, uneven, triangle with unequal side)

scapha, -ae, f. scapha (fr. Gr. skaphe, something hollowed out, bowl; one of the carpal or tarsal bones)

scaphoideus, -a, -um, scaphoid (fr. Gr. skaphe, something hollowed out, bowl; one of the carpal or tarsal bones + fr. Gr. eidos, form, shape))

scapula, -ae, f. scapula (L. shoulder, shoulder-blade)

scapularis, -e, scapular (fr. scapula, shoulder, shoulder-blade)

schindylesis, schindylesis, f. schindylesis (Gr. schindylesis, a splitting)

sclera, -ae, f. sclera (fr. Gr. skleros, hard)

scleralis, -e, scleral (fr. Gr. skleros, hard)

scoliosis, scoliosis, f. scoliosis (fr. Gr. skolios, curved, twisted, crooked)

scrotalis, -e, scrotal (fr. L. scrotum, bag)

scrotum, -i, n. scrotum (L. bag)

sebaceus, -a, -um, sebaceous (fr. L. sebum, grease, fatty secretion)

secundarius, -a, -um, secondary (L. second-rate)

secundus, -a, -um, second (L. following)

segmentalis, -e, segmental (fr. L. segmentum, a zone, a piece cut off)

segmentatio, segmentationis, f. segmentation (fr. L. segmentum, a zone, a piece cut off)

segmentum, -i, segment (L. a zone, a piece cut off)

sella, -ae, f. sella, saddle (L. a seat, chair, stool)

sellaris, -e, sellar, saddle (fr. L. sella, a seat, chair, stool)

semicanalis, -e, semicanal (fr. L. semi– half + L. canalis, a waterpipe, channel, canal)

semicircularis, -e, semicircular (fr. L. semi– half + fr. L. circulus, a circle)

semilunaris, -e, semilunar (fr. L. semi– half + fr. L. luna, moon)

semimembranosus, -a, -um, semimembranous (fr. L. semi– half + fr. L. membrana, a thin skin, film)

seminalis, -e, seminal (fr. L. semen, a seed)

seminifer, -a, -um, seminferous (fr. L. semen, a seed + fr. L. ferre, to bear, carry)

semipennatus, -a, -um, semipennate (fr. L. semi– half + fr. L. pennatus, feathered, winged)

semispinalis, -e, semispinal (fr. L. semi– half + fr. L. spina, a thorn, spine)

semitendinosus, -a, -um, semitendinous (fr. L. semi– half + fr. L. tendo, tendinis, tendon fr. tendere, to stretch)

sensorius, -a, -um, sensory (fr. L. sensus, a sense, sensation)

sensus, -us, m. sense (L. a sense, sensation)

separans, separating  (fr. L. separare, to disjoin, sever, separate)

septalis, -e, septal (fr. L. septum, a barrier, wall)

septofimbrialis, -e, septofimbrial (fr. L. septum, a barrier, wall + fr. L. fimbria, a border, edge, fringe)

septomarginalis, -e, septomarginal (fr. L. septum, a barrier, wall + fr. L. margo, a border, edge)

septulum, -i, n. septum (diminutive fr. L. septum, a barrier, wall)

septum, -i, n. septum (L. a barrier, wall)

serosalis, -e, serosal (fr. L. serosus, serous fr. L. serum, whey, the liquid part of curdled milk)

serosus, -a, -um, serous (fr. L. serum, whey, the liquid part of curdled milk)

serotinus, -a, -um, wisdom (tooth) (L. of the late season, autumnal)

serotoninergicus, -a, -um, serotoninergic (serotonin fr. L. serum, whey, the liquid part of curdled milk + L. tonus, a stretching + -in chemical suffix + fr. Gr. ergon, work) 

serratus, -a, -um, serratus (L. toothed like a saw)

sesamoideus, -a, -um, sesamoid (fr. L. sesamum, sesame +fr. Gr. eidos, form, shape)

sigmoideus, -a, -um, sigmoid (fr. Gr. sigma, a Greek letter “s” + Gr. eidos, form, shape, appearance –oid)

simplex, -icis, simple (L. single, simple, unmixed)

sinciput, sincipitis, n. sinciput (L. half a head; front of the carnium)

singularis, -e, singular (fr. L. singulus, single, separate)

sinister, sinistra, sinistrum, left (L. left)

sinuatrialis, -e, sinuatrial (fr. L. sinus, a curve, fold + fr. L. atrium, a foreroom in a Roman house)

sinus, -us, m. sinus (L. a curve, fold)

sinusoideus, -a, -um, sinusoid (fr. L. sinus, a curve, fold + Gr. eidos, form, shape, appearance –oid)

siphon, siphonis, m. siphon (fr. Gr. siphon, tube, pipe)

skeletalis, -e, skeletal (fr. Gr. skeletos, dried, dried body; skeleton)

skeleton, -i, n. skeleton (fr. Gr. skeletos, dried, dried body; skeleton)

solealis, -e, soleal (fr. L. solea, slipper, sandal)

soleus, -a, -um, soleus (fr. L. solea, slipper, sandal)

solitariospinalis, -e, solitariospinal (fr. L. solitarius, alone, solitary + fr. L. spina, thorn, spine)

solitarius, -a, -um, solitary (L.  alone, solitary)

somaticus, -a, -um, somatic (fr. Gr. soma, somatos, body)

spatium, -i, n. space (L. space)

spermaticus, -a, -um, spermatic (fr. Gr. sperma, spermatos, seed; sperm)

sphenoethmoidalis, -e, sphenoethmoidal (fr. Gr. sphen, sphenos, a wedge, wedge-shaped object + fr. Gr. ethmos, sieve, strainer + fr. Gr. eidos, shape, form)

sphenofrontalis, -e, sphenofrontal (fr. Gr. sphen, sphenos, a wedge, wedge-shaped object + fr. L. frons, a forehead)

sphenoidalis, -e, sphenoidal (fr. Gr. sphen, sphenos, a wedge, wedge-shaped object + fr. Gr. eidos, shape, form)

sphenomandibularis, -e, sphenomandibular (fr. Gr. sphen, sphenos, a wedge, wedge-shaped object + fr. L. mandibula, jaw, bone of the lower jaw)

sphenomaxillaris, -e, sphenomaxillar (fr. Gr. sphen, sphenos, a wedge, wedge-shaped object + fr. L. maxilla, the jaw-bone)

sphenooccipitalis, -e, spheno-occipital (fr. Gr. sphen, sphenos, a wedge, wedge-shaped object + fr. L. occiput, back of the head)

sphenopalatinus, -a, -um, sphenopalatine (fr. Gr. sphen, sphenos, a wedge, wedge-shaped object + fr. L. palatum, roof of the mouth)

sphenoparietalis, -e, sphenoparietal (fr. Gr. sphen, sphenos, a wedge, wedge-shaped object + fr. L. paries, wall)

sphenopetrosus, -a, -um,  sphenopetrosal (fr. Gr. sphen, sphenos, a wedge, wedge-shaped object + fr. Gr. petros, a stone)

sphenosquamosus, -a, -um, sphenosquamous (fr. Gr. sphen, sphenos, a wedge, wedge-shaped object + fr. L. squama, scale, flake, thin plate)

sphenovomeralis, -e, sphenovomeral (fr. Gr. sphen, sphenos, a wedge, wedge-shaped object + fr. L. vomer, plowshare) 

sphenozygomaticus, -a, -um, sphenozygomatic (fr. Gr. sphen, sphenos, a wedge, wedge-shaped object + fr. Gr. zygoma, zygomatos, a yoking, yoke)

sphericus, -a, -um, spherical (fr. Gr. sphaira, a sphere, ball, globe)

spheroideus, -a, -um, spheroidal (fr. Gr. sphaira, a sphere, ball, globe +  fr. Gr. eidos, shape, form)

sphincter, sphincteris, m. sphincter (fr. Gr. sphinkter, the which binds; ring-like muscle)

sphinctericus, -a, -um, sphincteric (fr. Gr. sphinkter, the which binds; ring-like muscle)

spina, -ae, f. spine (fr. L. spina, thorn, spine)

spinalis, -e, spinal (fr. L. spina, thorn, spine)

 spinatus, -a, -um, spinous  (fr. L. spina, thorn, spine)

spinobulbaris, -e, spinobulbar (fr. L. spina, thorn, spine + fr. L. bulbus, a onion, a bulb)

spinocerebellaris, -e, spinocerebellar (fr. L. spina, thorn, spine + fr. L. cerebellum, the little brain; cerebellum)

spinocerebellum, -i, n. spinocerebellum (fr. L. spina, thorn, spine + fr. L. cerebellum, the little brain; cerebellum)

spinocervicalis, -e, spinocervical (fr. L. spina, thorn, spine + fr. L. cervix, neck)

spinocuneatus, -a, -um, spinocuneate (fr. L. spina, thorn, spine + fr. L. cuneus, a wedge, wedge-shaped object)

spinogracilis, -e, spinogracile (fr. L. spina, thorn, spine + L. gracilis, slender, thin)

spinohypothalamicus, -a, -um, spinohypothalamic (fr. L. spina, thorn, spine + fr. Gr. hypo-, under, beneath + fr. Gr. thalamos, an inner room, chamber) 

spinomesencephalicus, -a, -um, spinomesencephalic (fr. L. spina, thorn, spine + fr. Gr. mesos– middle + fr. Gr. enkephalos, brain)

spinoolivaris, -e, spino-olivary (fr. L. spina, thorn, spine + fr. L. olivaris, of a olive, olive-like)

spinoperiaqueductalis, -e, spinoperiaqueductal (fr. L. spina, thorn, spine + fr. Gr. peri-, around + fr. L. aquaeductus, a structure to convey water, aqueduct)

spinoreticularis, -e, spinoreticular (fr. L. spina, thorn, spine + fr. L. reticulum, a little net, network)

spinosus, -a, -um, spinous (fr. L. full thorns, spiny) 

spinotectalis, -e, spinotectal (fr. L. spina, thorn, spine + fr. L. tectum, roof, ceiling)

spinothalamicus,  -a, -um, spinothalamic (fr. L. spina, thorn, spine + fr. Gr. thalamos, an inner room, chamber) 

spinotransversalis, -e, spinotransveral  (fr. L. spina, thorn, spine + fr. L. transversus, oblique, transverse)

spinovestibularis, -e, spinovestibular (fr. L. spina, thorn, spine + fr. L. vestibulum, an entrace court, court-yard)

spiralis, -e, spiral  (fr. L. spira, anything coiled, wreathed)

splanchnicus, -a, -um, splanchnic (fr. Gr. splanchnon, a viscus, entrail)

splen, splenis, m.  spleen (fr. Gr. splen, splenos, the spleen)

splenicus, -a, -um, splenic (fr. Gr. splen, splenos, the spleen)

splenium, -i, n. splenium (fr. Gr. splenion, a bandage)

splenius, -a, -um, splenius (fr. Gr. splenion, a bandage)

splenocolicus, -a, -um, splenocolic (fr. Gr. splen, splenos, the spleen + fr. Gr. kolon, large intestine)

splenorenalis, -e, splenorenal (fr. Gr. splen, splenos, the spleen + fr. L. renes, the kidneys)

spongiosus, -a, -um, spongy (fr. Gr. spongos, a sponge)

spurius, -a, -um, false (fr. L. illegitimate, false)

squama, -ae, f. squama (fr. Gr. squama, a scale, flake, thin plate)

squamomastoideus, -a, -um, squamomastoid (fr. Gr. squama, a scale, flake, thin plate + + Gr. mastoeides, mastoid process fr. Gr. mastos, breast  + eidos, form, shape)

squamosus, -a, -um, squamous (fr. Gr. squama, a scale, flake, thin plate)

stapedialis, -e, stapedial (fr. L. stapes, a stirrup; innermost ossicle of the ear)

stapedius, -a, -um, stapedial (fr. L. stapes, a stirrup; innermost ossicle of the ear)

stapes, stapedis, f. stapes, stirrup (fr. L. a stirrup; innermost ossicle of the ear)

statoconium, -i, n. otolith (fr. Gr. statos, placed, standing + fr. Gr. konos, dust)

stellatus, -a, -um, stellate (fr. L. stella, a star)

sternalis, -e, sternal (fr. L. sternum, breast bone, fr. L. sternere, to spread out)

sternoclavicularis, -e, sternoclavicular (fr. L. sternum, breast bone, fr. L. sternere, to spread out + fr. clavicula,  little key, clavicle, fr. L. clavis, a key)

sternocleidomastoideus, -a, -um, sternocleidomastoid (fr. L. sternum, breast bone, fr. L. sternere, to spread out + fr. Gr. kleis, kleidos, a key; clavicle + Gr. mastoeides, mastoid process fr. Gr. mastos, breast  + eidos, form, shape)

sternocostalis, -e, sternocostal (fr. L. sternum, breast bone, fr. L. sternere, to spread out + fr. L. costa, a rib)

sternohyoideus, -a, -um, sternohyoid (fr. L. sternum, breast bone, fr. L. sternere, to spread out + fr. Gr. hyoeides, like a upsilon, U-shaped)

sternopericardiacus, -a, -um, sternopericardiac (fr. L. sternum, breast bone, fr. L. sternere, to spread out + Gr. peri– around + fr. Gr. kardia, heart)

sternothyroideus, -a, -um, sternothyroid (fr. L. sternum, breast bone, fr. L. sternere, to spread out + fr. Gr. thyreoeides, oblong shield-shaped; thyroid)

sternum, -i, n. sternum (L. breast bone, fr. L. sternere, to spread out)

stimulans, stimulant, stimulating (fr. L. stimulare, to goad, stir up, incite)

stratificatus, -a, -um, stratified (fr. L. stratum, a covering fr. L. sternere, stratum, to spread out)

stratum, -i, n. layer (L. a covering, fr. L. sternere, stratum, to spread out)

stria, -ae, f.   groove (L. a furrow, groove)

striatum, -i, n. striatum (fr. L. striatus, grooved, streak)

striatus, -a, -um, striate (L. grooved, streak)

striola, -ae, f. striola (dimunitive fr. L. stria, a furrow, groove)

stroma, stromatis, (pl. stromata) n. stroma (fr. Gr. stroma, stromatos, something spread over, cover; framework of connective tissue)

structura, -ae, f. structure (L. a building, erecting, constructing)

styloglossus, -a, -um, styloglossus (fr. Gr. stylos, pillar, peg + fr. Gr. glotta, tongue)

stylohyoideus, -a, -um, stylohyoid (fr. Gr. stylos, pillar, peg + fr. Gr. hyoeides, like a upsilon, U-shaped)

styloideus, -a, -um, styloid (fr. Gr. stylos, pillar, peg + eidos, form, shape)

stylomandibularis, -e, stylomandibular (fr. Gr. stylos, pillar, peg + fr. L. mandibula, jaw, bone of the lower jaw)

stylomastoideus, -a, -um, stylomastoid (fr. Gr. stylos, pillar, peg + Gr. mastoeides, mastoid process fr. Gr. mastos, breast  + eidos, form, shape)

stylopharyngeus, -a, -um, stylopharygeal (fr. Gr. stylos, pillar, peg + fr. Gr. pharynx, throat, pharynx)

subacromialis, -e, subacromial (fr. L. sub-, under + Gr. akromion, top of shoulder, acromion process)

subaorticus, -a, -um, subaortic (fr. L. sub-, under + fr. Gr. aorta, something hung, aorta artery of the heart)

subarachnoidalis, -e, subarachnoid (fr. L. sub-, under + fr. Gr. arachnoeides, resembling a spider, web-like)

subarachnoideus, -a, -um, subarachnoid (fr. L. sub-, under + fr. Gr. arachnoeides, resembling a spider, web-like)

subarcuatus, -a, -um, subarcuate (fr. L. sub-, under + fr. L. arcuatus, arched, bow-shaped)

subbrachialis, -e, subbrachial (fr. L. sub-, under + fr. L.  brachium, upper arm)

subcaeruleus, -a, -um, subcaerulean (fr. L. sub-, under + fr. L. caeruleus, blue)

subcallosus, -a, -um, subcallosal  (fr. L. sub-, under + fr. L. callosus, hard-skinned, hard, solid)

subclavius, -a, -um, subclavian  (fr. L. sub-, under + fr. clavicula,  little key, clavicle, fr. L. clavis, a key)

subcommissuralis, -e, subcommissural (fr. L. sub-, under + fr. L. commissura, a joining together, connection, knot)

subcostalis, -e, subcostal (fr. L. sub-, under + fr. L. costa, rib)

subcuneiformis, -e, subcuneiform (fr. L. sub-, under + fr. L. cuneus, a wedge, wedge-shaped object + L. forma, shape, form)

subcutaneus, -a, -um, subcutaneous (fr. L. sub-, under + L. cutis, skin)

subdeltoideus, -a, -um, subdeltoid (fr. L. sub-, under + fr. Gr. the letter delta + fr. Gr. eidos, form, shape)

subduralis, -e, subdural (fr. L. sub-, under + fr. L. dura mater, fr. L. durus, hard + mater, matris, mother)

subendocardialis, -e, subendocardial (fr. L. sub-, under + fr. Gr. endo-, within + fr. Gr. kardia, heart)

subfascialis, -e, subfascial (fr. L. sub-, under + fr. L. fascia, a band, bandage)

subfornicalis, -e, subfornical (fr. L. sub-, under + fr. L. fornix, arch, vault)

subhepaticus, -a, -um, subhepatic (fr. L. sub-, under + fr. Gr. hepar, hepatos, liver)

subhypoglossalis, -e, subhypoglossal (fr. L. sub-, under + fr. Gr. hypo-, under, beneath + fr. Gr. glotta, tongue)

subiculum, -i, n. subiculum (L. a support)

sublenticularis, -e, sublenticular (fr. L. sub-, under + fr. L. lens, a lentil)

sublentiformis, -e, sublentiform (fr. L. sub-, under + fr. L. lens, a lentil + L. forma, shape, form)

sublingualis, -e, sublingual (fr. L. sub-, under + fr. L. lingua, a tongue)

submandibularis, -e, submandibular (fr. L. sub-, under + fr. L. mandibula, jaw, bone of the lower jaw)

submedialis, -e, submedial (fr. L. sub-, under + fr. L. medialis, of the middle)

submentalis, -e, submental (fr. L. sub-, under + fr. L. mentum, chin)

submucosus, -a, -um, submucous (fr. L. sub-, under + fr. L. mucus, mucous matter from the nose)

submuscularis, -e, submuscular (fr. L. sub-, under + L. musculus, muscle, mouse)

subnucleus,  -i, m. subnucleus (fr. L. sub-, under + L. nucleus, little nut, kernel, fr. L. nux, nucis, nut)

suboccipitalis, -e, suboccipital (fr. L. sub-, under + fr. L. occiput, back of the head)

subparabrachialis, -e, subparabrachial (fr. L. sub-, under + fr. Gr. para-, alongside, near + L. brachium, upper arm)

subparietalis, -e, subparietal (fr. L. sub-, under + fr. L. paries, wall)

subphrenicus, -a, -um, subphrenic (fr. L. sub-, under + fr. Gr. phrev, midriff, mind, diaphragm)

subpopliteus, -a, -um, subpopliteal (fr. L. sub-, under + fr. poples, the knee; posterior part of the knee)

subpubicus, -a, -um, subpubic (fr. L. sub-, under + fr. L. pubes, adult; pubic bone)

subpyloricus, -a, -um, subpyloric (fr. L. sub-, under + fr. Gr. pyloros, gatekeeper; distal aperature of the stomach)

subscapularis, -e, subscapular (fr. L. sub-, under + fr. L. scapula, shoulder, shoulder-blade)

subserosus, -a, -um, subserous (fr. L. sub-, under + fr. L. serosus, serous fr. L. serum, whey, the liquid part of curdled milk)

substantia, -ae, f. substance (L. substance, essence) 

subtalaris, -e, subtalar (fr. L. sub-, under + fr. L. talaris, pertaining to the ankles)

subtendineus, -a, -um,  subtendinous (fr. L. sub-, under + fr. L. tendo, tendinis, tendon fr. tendere, to stretch)

subthalamicus, -a, -um, subthalamic (fr. L. sub-, under + fr. Gr. thalamos, an inner room, chamber)

subthalamus, -i, m. subthalamus  (fr. L. sub-, under + fr. Gr. thalamos, an inner room, chamber)

subtrigeminalis, -e, subtrigeminal  (fr. L. sub-, under + L. tres, tria, three, + L. geminus, a twin)

sudorifer, -a, -um, sweat (fr. L. sudor, sweat perspiration + fr. L. fero, ferre, to bear, bring forth)

sulcalis, -e sulcal (fr. L. sulcus, a furrow, groove)

sulcomarginalis, -e, sulcomarginal (fr. L. sulcus, a furrow, groove + fr. L. margo, a border, edge)

sulcus, -i, m. sulcus (L. a furrow, groove)

superciliaris, -e, superciliary (L. supercilium, an eyebrow)

supercilium, -i, n. eyebrow (L. an eyebrow)

superficialis, -e, superficial  (fr. L. superficies, the top, the surface)

superior, ius, superior (L. more above)

superodexter, -tra, -trum, superodextral (fr. L. superior, more above + L. dexter, right) )

superolateralis, -e, superolateral (fr. L. superior, more above + fr. L. latus, the side, flank)

superomedialis, -e, superomedial (fr. L. superior, more above + fr. L. medialis, of the middle)

supinatio, supinationis, f. supination (fr. L. supinare, to put face upwards)

supinator, supinatoris, m. supinator (fr. L. supinare, to put face upwards)

supraacetabularis, -e, supracetabular (fr. L. supra, above + fr. L. acetabulum, a saucer for vinegar)

suprachiasmaticus, -a, -um, suprachiasmatic  (fr. L. supra, above + Gr. chiasma, a crossing, fr. Gr. letter chi, χ)

suprachoroideus, -a, -um, suprachoroid (fr. L. supra, above + fr. Gr. chorioeides, resembling the fetal membrane; choroid of the eye)

supraclavicularis, -e, supraclavicular (fr. L. supra, above + fr. L. clavicula, a twig, small key; collar bone fr. clavis, a key)

supracollicularis, -e, supracollicular (fr. L. supra, above + L. collis, a hill)

supracondylaris, -e, supracondylar (fr. L. supra, above + fr. Gr. kondylos, a knuckle; a condyle)

supracristalis, -e, supracristalis (fr. L. supra, above + fr. L. crista, a crest on the head of a beast or bird)

supraduodenalis, -e, supraduodenal (fr. L. supra, above + fr. L. duodenum digitorum, twelve fingers in length; duodenum intestine)

supraepicondylaris, -e, supraepicondylar (fr. L. supra, above + fr. Gr. epi- upon + fr. Gr. kondylos, knuckle)

suprageniculatus, -a, -um, suprageniculate (fr. L. supra, above + fr. L. geniculum, little knee, a knot in a plant)

supraglenoidalis, -e, supraglenoidal (fr. L. supra, above + fr. Gr. glene, pupil of the eye, eyeball + fr. Gr. eidos, a shape, form)

suprahyoideus, -a, -um, suprahyoid (fr. L. supra, above + fr. Gr. hyoeides, like a upsilon, U-shaped)

supralemniscalis, -e, supralemniscal (fr. L. supra, above + fr. Gr. lemniskos, a fillet or ribbon)

supramammillaris, -e, supramammillary (fr. L. supra, above + fr. L. mam(m)illa, a breast, nipple)

supramarginalis, -e, supramarginal (fr. L. supra, above + L. margo, border, edge)

supramastoideus, -a, -um, supramastoid (fr. L. supra, above + Gr. mastoeides, mastoid process fr. Gr. mastos, breast  + eidos, form, shape)

suprameatalis, -e, suprameatal (fr. L. supra, above + fr. L. meatus, a path, a going)

suprameaticus, -a, -um, suprameatal (fr. L. supra, above +  fr. L. meatus, a path, a going)

supraopticohypophysialis, -e, supraopticohypophysial (fr. L. supra, above + fr. Gr. optikos, pertaining to vision or the eye + Gr. hypo, beneath + fr. Gr. physis, growth, nature)

supraopticus, -a, -um, supraoptic (fr. L. supra, above + fr. Gr. optikos, pertaining to vision or the eye) 

supraorbitalis, -e, supraorbital (fr. L. supra, above + fr. L. orbita, a wheel rut, mark of a wheel)

suprapalpebralis, -e, suprapalpebral (fr. L. supra, above + fr. L. palpebra, eyelid)

suprapatellaris, -e, suprapatellar (fr. L. supra, above + fr. L. patella, a dish, platter *kneecap bone)

suprapinealis, -e, suprapineal (fr. L. supra, above + fr. L. pinealis, pert. to a pine cone)

suprapleuralis, -e, suprapleural  (fr. L. supra, above + fr. Gr. pleura, a rib, side)

suprapyloricus, -a, -um, suprapyloric (fr. L. supra, above + fr. Gr. pyloros, gatekeeper; distal aperature of the stomach)

suprarenalis, -e, suprarenal (fr. L. supra, above + fr. L. renalis, pertaining to the kidney)

suprascapularis, -e, suprascapular (fr. L. supra, above + fr. L. scapula, shoulder, shoulder-blade)

supraspinalis, -e, supraspinal (fr. L. supra, above + fr. L. spina, thorn, spine)

supraspinatus, -a, -um, supraspinatus (fr. L. supra, above + fr. L. spina, thorn, spine)

suprasternalis, -e, suprasternal (fr. L. supra, above + fr. L. sternum, breast bone, fr. L. sternere, to spread out)

suprastyloideus,  -a, -um, suprastyloid (fr. L. supra, above + fr. Gr. stylos, pillar, peg + eidos, form, shape)

supratonsillaris, -e, supratonsillar (fr. L. supra, above + fr. L. tonsilla, tonsil)

supratragicus, -a, -um, supratragic (fr. L. supra, above + Gr. tragos, goat; a prominence in front of the opening of the external ear)

supratrochlearis, -e, supratrochlear (fr. L. supra, above + fr. Gr. trochilia, pulley, roller of a windlass)

supravaginalis, -e, supravaginal (fr. L. supra, above + fr. L. vagina, a sheeth, a sheeth-like structure)

supravalvularis, -e, supravalvular (fr. L. supra, above + L. valvula, a small valve)

supraventricularis, -e, supraventricular (fr. L. supra, above + fr. new Latin ventriculus, ventricle fr. L. venter, ventris, a belly, cavity)

supravesicalis, -e, supravesical (fr. L. supra, above + fr. L. vesica, a bladder)

supremus, -a, -um, supreme (L. highest, superlative fr. L. superus, upper)

sura, -ae, f. calf (L. a calf)

suralis, -e, sural (fr. L. sura, a calf)

suspensorius, -a, -um, suspensory (fr. L. suspendere, to hang, depend on)

sustentaculum, -i, n. sustentaculum (L. a prop, support)

sutura, -ae, f. suture (L. a seam, suture)

suturalis, -e, sutural (fr. L. sutura, a seam, suture)

sympathicus, -a, -um, sympathetic (fr. Gr. sympatheia, feeling or suffering together)

symphysialis, -e, symphysial (fr. Gr. syn– together + fr. Gr. physis, growth, nature)

symphysis, -is, f. symphysis (fr. Gr. syn– together + fr. Gr. physis, growth, nature)

synapsis, -is, f. synapse (fr. Gr. synaptein, to bind together)

synarthrosis, -is, f. synarthrosis (fr. Gr. syn– together + Gr. arthrosis, articulation of a joint)

synchondrosis, -is, f. synchondronsis (fr. Gr. syn– together + fr. Gr. chondros, cartilage)

syndesmosis, -is, f. syndesmosis (fr. Gr. syn– together + fr. fr. Gr. desmos, ligature; ligament)

synostosis, -is, f. synostosis (fr. Gr. syn– together + fr. Gr. osteon, bone)

synovia, -ae, f. synovia (new L. synovia, albuminous fluid)

synovialis, -e, synovial (new L. synovia, albuminous fluid)

systema, systematis, n. system (fr. Gr. systema, a whole compounded from parts)



tactilis, -e, tactile (L. that can be touched)

taenia, -ae, f. taenia (L. a fillet, head-band)

taenialis, -e, taenial  (fr. L. taenia,  a fillet, head-band)

talaris, -e, talar (fr. L. talus, the ankle, ankle-bone)

talocalcaneonavicularis, -e, talocalcaneonavicular (fr. L. talus, the ankle, ankle-bone + fr. L. calcaneum, heel + fr. L. navicula, a little ship)

talocalcaneus, -a, -um, talocalcaneal (fr. L. talus, the ankle, ankle-bone + fr. L. calcaneum, heel)

talocruralis, -e, talocrural (fr. L. talus, the ankle, ankle-bone + fr. L. crus, cruris, a leg of a man or beast)

talofibularis, -e, talofibular (fr. L. talus, the ankle, ankle-bone + fr. L. fibula, a brooch, clasp)

talonavicularis, -e, talonavicular (fr. L. talus, the ankle, ankle-bone + fr. L. navicula, a little ship)

talus, -i, m. talus (L. the ankle, ankle-bone)

tangentialis, -e, tangential (fr. L. tangere, to touch)

tapetum, -i, n. tapetum (L. covering, carpet)

tarsalis, -e, tarsal (fr. Gr. tarsos, frame of wicker-work, flat of foot; framework of tissue for eyelid)

tarsometatarsalis, -e, tarsometatarsal fr. Gr. tarsos, frame of wicker-work, flat of foot; framework of tissue for eyelid + + fr. Gr. meta– among, in the middle + fr. Gr. tarsos, flat of the foot)

tarsus, -i, m. ankle (fr. Gr. tarsos, frame of wicker-work, flat of foot; framework of tissue for eyelid)

tectalis, -e, tectal (fr. L. tegere, tectum, to cover)

tectobulbaris, -e, tectobulbar (fr. L. tegere, tectum, to cover + fr. L. bulbus, a onion, a bulb)

tectoolivaris, -e, tectoolivary (fr. L. tegere, tectum, to cover + fr. L. olivaris, of a olive, olive-like)

tectopontinus, -a, -um, tectopontine (fr. L. tegere, tectum, to cover + fr. L. pons, bridge)

tectoreticularis, -e, tectoreticular (fr. L. tegere, tectum, to cover + fr. L. reticulum, a little net, network 

tectorius, -a, -um, tectorial (fr. L. tegere, tectum, to cover)

tectospinalis, -e, tectospinal (fr. L. tegere, tectum, to cover + fr. L. spina, thorn, spine)

tectum, -i, n. tectum (fr. L. tegere, tectum, to cover)

tectus, -a, -um, covered (fr. L. tegere, tectum, to cover)

tegmen, tegminis, n. roof (L. a cover, covering)

tegmentalis, -e, tegmental (fr. L. tegmentum, a covering)

tegmentum, -i, n. tegmentum (L. a covering)

tela, -ae, f. tissue (L. that which is woven)

telencephalon, -i, n. telencephalon (fr. Gr. telos, end, fulfillment + fr. Gr. enkephalon, in the head, brain)

tempora, temporum, n. temple (fr. L. tempus, temporis, a division, section)

temporalis, -e, temporal (fr. L. tempus, temporis, a division, section)

temporomandibularis, -e, temporomandibular (fr. L. tempus, temporis, a division, section + fr. L. mandibula, jaw, bone of the lower jaw)

temporooccipitalis, -e, temporooccipital (fr. L. tempus, temporis, a division, section + fr. L. occiput, back of the head) 

temporoparietalis, -e, temporoparietal (fr. L. tempus, temporis, a division, section + fr. L. paries, wall)

temporopontinus, -a, -um, temporopontine (fr. L. tempus, temporis, a division, section + fr. L. pons, bridge)

temporozygomaticus, -a, -um, temporozygomatic (fr. L. tempus, temporis, a division, section + fr. Gr. zygoma, zygomatos, a yoking, yoke)

tendineum, -i, n. tendon (fr. L. tendo, tendinis, tendon fr. L. tendere, to stretch)

tendineus, -a, -um, tendinous (fr. L. tendo, tendinis, tendon fr. L. tendere, to stretch)

tendinosus, -a, -um, tendinosus (fr. L. tendo, tendinis, tendon fr. L. tendere, to stretch)

tendo, tendinis, m. tendon (L. tendon fr. L. tendere, to stretch)

tensor, tensoris, m. tensor (L. a stretcher fr. L. tendere, to stretch)

tensus, -a, -um, tensus (fr. L. tendere, to stretch)

tentorium, -i, n. tentorium (L. a tent)

tentorius, -a, -um, tentorial (fr. L. tentorium, a tent)

tenuis, -e, small (L. thin)

teres, teretis *adj. teres (L. rounded, smooth)

terminalis, -e, terminal (fr. L. terminus, boundary, limit) 

terminatio, terminationis, f. termination, terminal (L. a limiting, bounding) 

tertius, -a, -um, third (L. third)

testicularis, -e, testicular (fr. L. testis, witness, testicle)

testis, -is, m. testicle (L. witness, testicle)

textus, -us, m. tissue (L. a web)

thalamicus, -a, -um, thalamic (fr. Gr. thalamos, inner room, chamber; thalamus of the brain)

thalamogeniculatus, -a, -um, thalamogeniculate (fr. Gr. thalamos, inner room, chamber; thalamus of the brain + fr. L. geniculum, little knee, a knot in a plant)

thalamoparietalis, -e, thalamoparietal (fr. Gr. thalamos, inner room, chamber; thalamus of the brain + fr. L. paries, wall)

thalamostriatus, -a, -um, thalamostriate  (fr. Gr. thalamos, inner room, chamber; thalamus of the brain + fr. L. striatus, grooved, streak)

thalamotuberalis, -e, thalamotuberal (fr. Gr. thalamos, inner room, chamber; thalamus of the brain + fr. L. tuber, a swelling)

thalamus, -i, m. thalamus (fr. Gr. thalamos, inner room, chamber; thalamus of the brain)

thenar, thenaris, n. thenar (fr. Gr. thenar, palm of the hand)

thoracalis, -e, thoracic (fr. Gr. thorax, breastplate; thorax)

thoracicus, -a, -um, thoracic (fr. Gr. thorax, breastplate; thorax)

thoracoacromialis, -e, thoracoacromial (fr. Gr. thorax, breastplate; thorax + fr. Gr. akromion = akros, top + omos, shoulder)

thoracodorsalis, -e, thoracodorsal (fr. Gr. thorax, breastplate; thorax + L. dorsalis, pertaining to the back)

thoracoepigastricus, -a, -um, thoracoepigastric (fr. Gr. thorax, breastplate; thorax + fr. Gr. epi- upon +  fr. Gr. gaster, gastros, belly, stomach)

thoracolumbalis, -e, thoracolumbar (fr. Gr. thorax, breastplate; thorax + fr. L. lumbus, the loin)

thorax, thoracis, m. thorax (fr. Gr. thorax, breastplate; thorax)

thymicus, -a, -um, thymic (fr. Gr. thymos, a warty excrescence)

thymus, -i, m. thymus (fr. Gr. thymos, a warty excrescence)

thyroarytenoideus, -a, -um, thyro-arytenoid (fr. Gr. thyreoeides, oblong shield-shaped; thyroid + arytenoid fr. Gr. arytaivoeides, shaped like a cup or ladle)

thyrocervicalis, -e, thyrocervical (fr. Gr. thyreoeides, oblong shield-shaped; thyroid + fr. L. cervix, cervicis, neck)

thyroepiglotticus, -a, -um, thyroepiglottic (fr. Gr. thyreoeides, oblong shield-shaped; thyroid + fr. Gr. epiglottis, fr. Gr. epi- upon + fr. Gr. glotta, tongue)

thyroglossalis, -e, thyroglossal (fr. Gr. thyreoeides, oblong shield-shaped; thyroid + fr. Gr. glotta, tongue)

thyrohyoideus, -a, -um, thyrohyoid (fr. Gr. thyreoeides, oblong shield-shaped; thyroid +  fr. Gr. hyoeides, U-shaped)

thyroideus, -a, -um, thyroid (fr. Gr. thyreoeides, oblong shield-shaped; thyroid)

thyropharyngeus, -a, -um, thyropharyngeal (fr. Gr. thyreoeides, oblong shield-shaped; thyroid + fr. Gr. pharynx, pharyngos, the throat, pharynx)

tibia, -ae, f. tibia (L. pipe, shin-bone)

tibialis, -e, tibial (fr. L. tibia, pipe, shin-bone)

tibiocalcaneus, -a, -um, tibiocalcaneal (fr. L. tibia, pipe, shin-bone + fr. L. calcaneum, heel)

tibiofibularis, -e, tibiofibular (fr. L. tibia, pipe, shin-bone + fr. L. fibula, brooch, clasp)

tibionavicularis, -e, tibionavicular (fr. L. tibia, pipe, shin-bone + fr. L. navicula, little ship, boat)

tibiotalaris, -e, tibiotalar  (fr. L. tibia, pipe, shin-bone + fr. L. talus, the ankle, ankle-bone)

tonsilla, -ae, f. tonsil (L. an almond, tonsil in throat) 

tonsillaris, -e, tonsillar (fr. L. tonsilla, an almond, tonsil in throat) 

torulus, -i, m. elevation (L. a tuft)

torus, -i, m. torus (L. any round swelling)

trabecula, -ae, f. trabecula (fr. L. trabs, trabis, a beam of wood)

trabecularis, -e, trabecular (fr. L. trabs, trabis, a beam of wood)

trachea, -ae, f. trachea (fr. Gr.  (arteria) tracheia, rough (windpipe); trachea)

trachealis, -e, tracheal (fr. Gr.  (arteria) tracheia, rough (windpipe); trachea)

tracheobronchialis, -e, tracheobronchial (fr. Gr.  (arteria) tracheia, rough (windpipe); trachea + fr. Gr. bronchos, windpipe, trachea)

tractus, -us, m. tract (L. a dragging)

tragicus, -a, -um, tragicus (fr. Gr. tragos, he-goat; a tuft of hair; prominence of the external ear) 

tragohelicinus, -a, -um, tragohelicinus (fr. Gr. tragos, he-goat; a tuft of hair; prominence of the external ear + helicus something spiral-shaped) 

tragus, -i, m. tragus (fr. Gr. tragos, he-goat; a tuft of hair; prominence of the external ear) 

transitio, transitionis, f. transition (L.  a going across, passing over)

transitionalis, -e, transitional (fr. L.  transitio, a going across, passing over)

transpyloricus, -a, -um, transpyloric (fr. L. trans- across + fr. Gr. pyloros, gatekeeper; distal aperature of the stomach)

transversalis, -e, transverse (fr. L. transversus, oblique, transverse)

transversarius, -a, -um, transverse (fr. L. transversus, oblique, transverse)

transversospinalis, -e, transversospinal (fr. L. transversus, oblique, transverse + fr. L. spina, thorn, spine)

transversus, -a, -um, transverse (fr. L. transversus, oblique, transverse)

trapezius, -a, -um, trapezius (fr. Gr. trapezeus, of a table)

trapezoideus, -a, -um, trapezoid (fr. Gr. trapezoeides, table-shaped)

triangularis, -e, triangular (fr. L. triangulus, three-cornered, triangular)

triceps, tricipitis, triceps (L. three-headed)

tricipitalis, -e, tricipital (fr. L. triceps, three-headed)

tricuspidalis, -e, tricuspid (fr. L. tri- three + L. cuspsis, a point)

trigeminalis, -e, trigeminal (fr. L. trigeminus, three born at a birth, threefold)

trigeminospinalis, -e, trigeminospinal (fr. L. trigeminus, three born at a birth, threefold + fr. L. spina, thorn, spine)

trigeminothalamicus, -a, -um, trigeminothalamic (fr. L. trigeminus, three born at a birth, threefold + fr. Gr. thalamos, inner room, chamber; thalamus of the brain)

trigeminus, -a, -um, trigeminal (L. three born at a birth, threefold)

trigonum, -i, n. trigone (fr Gr. trigonos, three-cornered, triangle)

trigonus, -a, -um, trigone (fr Gr. trigonos, three-cornered, triangle)

triquetrus, -a, -um, triquetral, triquetrum (L. triquetrus, triangular)

triticeus, -a, -um, triticeal (L. of wheat)

trochanter,  trochanteris, m. trochanter (fr. Gr. trochos, a wheel, pulley, a course; a bondy projection)

trochantericus, -a, -um, trochanteric (fr. Gr. trochos, a wheel, pulley, a course; a bondy projection)

trochlea, -ae, f. trochlea (L. a set of blocks and pulleys for raising weights)

trochlearis, -e, trochlear (fr. L. trochlea, a set of blocks and pulleys for raising weights)

trochoideus, -a, -um, trochoid (fr. Gr. trokhos, a wheel, + Gr. eidos, form, shape)

truncus, -i, m. trunk (L. stem, stock, bole, trunk)

tuba, -ae, f. tube (L. a straight war trumpet; a tube)

tubarius, -a, -um, tubal (fr. L. tuba, a straight war trumpet; a tube)

tuber, tuberis, n. tuber, tuberosity (L. a swelling, protuberance)

tuberalis, -e, tuberous (fr. L. tuber, a swelling, protuberance)

tubercularis, -e, tubercular (fr. L. tuberculum, a little swelling)

tuberculum, -i, n. tubercle (L. a little swelling)

tuberomammillaris, -e, tuberomammillary (fr. L. tuber, a swelling, protuberance + fr. L. mam(m)illa, a breast, nipple)

tuberositas, tuberositatis, f. tuberosity (fr. L. tuber, a swelling, protuberance)

tubulus, -i, m. tubule (L. a small tube, fr. L. fr. L. tuba, a straight war trumpet; a tube)

tunica, -ae, f. tunica, membrane (L. a sleeved garment worn in Rome, jacket, coating)

turcicus, -a, -um, turcicus (New Latin for a Turkish saddle)

tympanicus, -a, -um, tympanic (fr. L. tympanum, a tambourine, kettle drum)

tympanomastoideus, -a, -um, tympanomastoid (fr. L. tympanum, a tambourine, kettle drum + fr. Gr. mastoeides, mastoid process fr. Gr. mastos, breast  + eidos, form, shape)

tympanosquamosus, -a, -um, tympanosquamous (fr. L. tympanum, a tambourine, kettle drum + fr. L. squama, a scale, thin plate)

tympanostapedialis, -e, tympanostapedial (fr. L. tympanum, a tambourine, kettle drum + + fr. L. stapes, a stirrup; stirrup bone of the middle ear)

tympanum, -i, n. tympanum (L. a tambourine, kettle drum)

typus, -i, m. type (L. a figure on a wall)



ulna, ae, f. ulna (L. a forearm; bone of the forearm)

ulnaris, -e, ulnar (fr. L. ulna, a forearm; bone of the forearm)

ulnocarpalis, -e, ulnocarpal (fr. L. ulna, a forearm; bone of the forearm + Gr. karpos, wrist)

umbilicalis, -e, umbilical (fr. L. umbilicus, navel, umbilical cord, center)

umbilicus, -i, m. navel, umbilicus (L. navel, umbilical cord, center)

umbo, umbonis, m. umbo (L. umbo, boss of a shield)

uncalis, -e, uncal (fr. L. uncus, hook, barb)

uncinatus,  -a, -um, uncinate (fr. L. uncus, hook, barb)

uncus, -i, m. uncus (fr. L. hook, barb)

unguis, -is, m. nail (L. nail, claw, hoof)

unipennatus, -a, -um, unipennate (fr. L. unus, one + fr. pennatus, feathered, winged)

ureter, ureteris, m. ureter (fr. Gr. oureter, one ducts carrying urine from the kidneys)

uretericus, -a, -um, ureteric (fr. Gr. oureter, one ducts carrying urine from the kidneys)

urethra, -ae, f. urethra (fr. Gr. ourethra, duct from bladder to outside body)

urethralis, -e, urethral (fr. Gr. ourethra, duct from bladder to outside body)

urethrovaginalis, -e, urethrovaginal (fr. Gr. ourethra, duct from bladder to outside body + fr. L. vagina, a sheeth, a sheeth-like structure)

urinarius, -a, -um, urinary (fr. Gr. ouron, urine)

urogenitalis, -e, urogenital (fr. Gr. ouron, urine + L. genitalis, belonging to birth 

uterinius, -a, -um, uterine (fr. L. uterus, womb)

uterinus, -a, -um, uterine (fr. L. uterus, womb) 

uteroovaricus, -a, -um, uterovaricus (fr. L. uterus, womb + fr. L. ovarium, a place for ova, ovary)

uterovaginalis,-e, uterovaginal  (fr. L. uterus, womb + fr. L. vagina, a sheeth, a sheeth-like structure)

uterus, -i, m. uterus (L. womb)

utricularis, -e, utricular (fr. L. utriculus, small bag fr. uter, a bag)

utriculoampullaris, -e, utriculoampullar (fr. L. utriculus, small bag fr. uter, a bag + fr. L. ampulla, flask, bottle)

utriculosaccularis, -e, utriculosaccular (fr. L. utriculus, small bag fr. uter, a bag + fr. L. sacculus, small sac, bag fr. saccus, sac, bag)

utriculus, -i, m. utricle (L. small bag fr. uter, a bag)

uvealis, -e, uveal (L. uva, uvea, grape, bunch of grapes)

uvula, -ae, f. (L. little grape, small lobe hanging from the palate fr. L. uva, uvea, grape, bunch of grapes)



vagalis, -e, vagal (fr. L. vagus, wandering)

vagina, -ae, f. vagina (L. a sheeth, a sheeth-like structure)

vaginalis, -e, vaginal (fr. L. vagina, a sheeth, a sheeth-like structure) 

vagoauricularis, -e, vagoauricular (fr. L. vagus, wandering + fr. L. auricula, lobe of the ear)

vagomeningeus, -a, -um, vagomeningeal (fr. L. vagus, wandering + fr. Gr. meninx, membrane)

vagus, -a, -um, vagus (L. wandering)

vallatus, -a, -um, vallate (fr. L. vallum, a wall, rampart)

vallecula, -ae, f. vallecula (L.  little valley, depression fr. L. vallis, valley, depression)

vallum, -i, n. wall (L. a wall, rampart)

valva, -ae, f. valve (L. a leaf of a door; valve)

valvula, -ae, f. valvule (L. a small valve fr. L. valva, a leaf of a door; valve)

valvularis, -e, valvular (fr. L. valvula, a small valve fr. L. valva, a leaf of a door; valve)

vas, vasis, n. vessel (L. vessel)

vascularis, -e, vascular (fr. L. vasculum, a small vessel fr. L. vas, vessel)

vasculosus, -a, -um, vascular (fr. L. vasculum, a small vessel fr. L. vas, vessel)

vastoadductorius, -a, -um, vastoadductor (fr. L. vastus, enormous, empty + fr. L. adducere, to lead toward) 

vastus, -a, -um, vastus (L. enormous, empty)

velum, -i, n. velum (L. a covering, curtain)

vena, -ae, f. vein (L. a blood vessel, vein)

venosus, -a, -um, venous (fr. L.  vena, blood vessel, vein)

venter, ventris, m. belly (L. belly)

ventralis, -e, ventral (fr. L. venter, belly)

ventricularis, -e, ventricular (fr. L. ventriculus, little belly; ventricle fr. L. venter, belly)

ventriculohypophysialis, -e, ventriculohypophysial (fr. L. ventriculus, little belly; ventricle fr. L. venter, belly + fr. Gr.  hypo, beneath + fr. Gr. physis, growth, nature)

ventriculus, -i, m. ventricle (fr. L. little belly; ventricle fr. L. venter, belly)

ventrobasalis, -e, ventrobasal (fr. L. venter, belly + fr. L. basis, pedestal, base)

ventrolateralis, -e, ventrolateral (fr. L. venter, belly + fr. L. latus, lateris, side)

ventromedialis, -e, ventromedial (fr. L. venter, belly + L. medialis, of the middle)

ventroposterior, -ius, ventroposterior (fr. L. venter, belly + fr. L.  posterior, later, following after)

venula, -ae, f. venule (L. little vein fr. L. vena, blood vessel, vein)

venularis, -e, venular (fr. L. venula, little vein fr. L. vena, blood vessel, vein)

vermiformis, -e, vermiform (fr. L. vermis, worm + fr. L. forma, shape, form)

vermis, -is, m. vermis (L. a worm)

vertebra, -ae, f. vertebra (L. a joint; a bone of the back)

vertebralis, -e, vertebral (fr. L. vertebra, a joint; a bone of the back)

vertebromediastinalis, -e, vertebromediastinal (fr. L. vertebra, a joint; a bone of the back + fr. L. mediastinus,  a lowly servant, a drudge; literally that which stands in the middle)

vertex, verticis, m. vertex (L. a summit, top of the head)

verticalis, -e, vertical (fr. L. vertex, a summit, top of the head)

verus, -a, -um, true (L. true)

vesica, -ae, f. bladder (L. the bladder)

vesicalis, -e, vesical (fr. L. vesica, the bladder)

vesicoprostaticus, -a, -um, vesicoprostatic (fr. L. vesica, the bladder + fr. L. prostata fr. L. prostare, to stand before)

vesicouterinus, -a, -um, vesicouterine (fr. L. vesica, the bladder + fr. L. uterus, the womb)

vesicovaginalis, -e, vesicovaginal (fr. L. vesica, the bladder + fr. L. vagina, a sheath; sheeth-like structure)

vesicula, -ae, f. vesicle (L. small bladder fr. L. vesica, the bladder)

vesiculosus, -a, -um, vesicular (fr. L. vesicula, small bladder fr. L. vesica, the bladder)

vestibularis, -e, vestibular (fr. L. vestibulum, an entrace-court)

vestibulocerebellum, -i, n. vesitbulocerebellum (fr. L. vestibulum, an entrace-court + L. cerebellum, little brain, cerebellum)

vestibulocochlearis, -e, vestibulocochlear (fr. L. vestibulum, an entrace-court + fr. Gr. kochlias, a snail with a spiral shell; cochlea)

vestibulospinalis, -e, vestibulospinal (fr. L. vestibulum, an entrace-court + fr. L. spina, thorn, spine)

vestibulum, -i, n. vestibule (L. an entrace-court)

vestigialis, -e, vestigial (fr. L. vestigium, a foot-step, trace)

vestigium, -i, n. vestige (L. a foot-step, trace)

vibrissa, -ae, f. vibrissa (L. that which shakes fr. L. vibrare to vibrate, shake)

villosus, -a, -um, villous (fr. L. villus, shaggy hair)

villus, -i, m. villus (L. shaggy hair)

vinculum, -i, n. vinculum (L. a band, cord, chain)

visceralis, -e, visceral (fr. L. viscera, innards, internal organs)

viscerocranium, -i, n. viscerocranium (fr. L. viscera, innards, internal organs + fr. L. cranium, skull)

vita, -ae, f. vita (L. life)

vitreus, -a, -um, vitreous (L. made of glass)

vocalis,  -e, vocal  (L. uttering sounds)

vola, -ae, f. palm (L. hollow of the hand, palm (of the hand); sole (of the foot)

volaris, -e, volar (fr. L. vola, hollow of the hand, palm (of the hand); sole (of the foot)

vomer, vomeris, m. vomer (L. a ploughshare)

vomeralis, -e, vomeral (fr. L. vomer, a ploughshare)

vomeronasalis, -e, vomeronasal (fr. L. vomer, a ploughshare + fr. L. nasus, nose)

vomerorostralis, -e, vomerorostral (fr. L. vomer, a ploughshare + fr. L. rostrum, the beak, snout)

vomerovaginalis, -e, vomerovaginal (fr. L. vomer, a ploughshare + fr. L. vagina, a sheeth, a sheeth-like structure)

vortex, vorticis, m. vortex (L. vortex, vertex, whirlpool, whirlwind)

vorticosus, -a, -um, vorticose (L. vortex, vertex, whirlpool, whirlwind)

vulva, -ae, f. vulva (L. a covering)


xiphoideus, -a, -um, xiphoid (fr. Gr. xiphos, sword + fr. Gr. eidos, form, shape)

xiphosternalis, -e, xiphisternal (fr. Gr. xiphos, sword + fr. L. sternum, sternum fr. L. sternere, to spread out)


zona, -ae, f. zone (fr. Gr. zone, a girdle, belt)

zonalis, -e, zonal (fr. Gr. zone, a girdle, belt)

zonula, -ae, f. zonule (L. little girdle fr. Gr. zone, a girdle, belt)

zonularis, -e, zonular (fr. L. zonula, little girdle fr. Gr. zone, a girdle, belt)

zygapophysialis, -e, zygapophysial (fr. Gr. zygon, yoke + fr. Gr. apophysis, a process of bone fr. Gr. apo– apart from + Gr. physis, growth, nature, growth plate)

zygapophysis, -is, f. zygapophysis (fr. Gr. zygon, yoke + fr. Gr. apophysis, a process of bone fr. Gr. apo– apart from + Gr. physis, growth, nature, growth plate)

zygomaticofacialis, -e, zygomaticofacial (fr. Gr. zygoma, zygomatos, a yoking, yoke; cheek bone + fr. L. facies, face, surface)

zygomaticomaxillaris, -e, zygomaticomaxillary (fr. Gr. zygoma, zygomatos, a yoking, yoke; cheek bone + fr. L. maxilla, the jaw-bone)

zygomaticoorbitalis, -e, zygomaticoorbital (fr. Gr. zygoma, zygomatos, a yoking, yoke; cheek bone + fr. L. orbis, circle, wheel)

zygomaticotemporalis, -e, zygomaticotemporal (fr. Gr. zygoma, zygomatos, a yoking, yoke; cheek bone + fr. L. tempus, temple of the head)

zygomaticus, -a, -um, zygomatic (fr. Gr. zygoma, zygomatos, a yoking, yoke; cheek bone)